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Special Message For Someone Special

Special Message For Someone Special

If there’s one thing I know people love, it’s a message to someone special…whether it be handwritten, typed or texted. They will remember the thoughtfulness of your hand written words even days later and cherish them as much as you do. There’s no better way to show someone you care than with this thoughtful and romantic message for her.

Special Message For Someone Special

  1. Dear love of my life, It’s amazing how a man can fall in love for the first time, and I think that’s how I felt. You are the kindest and heart of gold that I will treasure and treasure forever. I love you and will always be here for you.
  2. As the years go on, I always love and cherish you more and more. I know you are my soulmate, and that I can always count on you to be right there by my side. I love you so much, and tonight, your smile makes me just a little bit special.
  3. I would like to wish you a Happy Birthday. You have so many special qualities and positive attributes about you. May your birthday be filled with lots of love, happiness, and joy!
  4. I know that we aren’t very good at communicating with each other, but please know that I love you and I care about what you do every day. I am thinking of you today and try to send you my deepest thoughts and positive wishes.
  5. Thanks for being my friend. I want you to know how much I care about you and that I want you to be happy every day of your life! You are an amazing person and a great friend!
  6. I would give my entire life to spend with you. I would be the best husband you could ever have, and if the world ever had different plans for me, we would work around them to make our marriage work. Hope you liked the gift!
  7. Ever since I met you, I’ve felt like I’ve known you. It’s like I recognize your wonderful smile and your cute little laugh. You always keep me smiling! So thank you for being my friend.
  8. I know that I haven’t been in your life very long, but you have made such an impression on me that I wanted to send you a special message. I don’t write too many notes, but in this case I felt it was important to tell you how much I love you. You mean so much to me and I hope that the love we share is mutual. You’re the one person who gets me in so many ways…
  9. I love and miss you. Happy Valentine’s Day and never stop loving me.
  10. You are the best gift and person I’ve ever met. I hope you have a wonderful day, and lots of comfort and love.
  11. You’re a special lady. I know you probably don’t believe it, but you are. You deserve so much happiness and I would be happy to share mine!
  12. Happy Birthday to my special friend. I hope you are having an amazing day. May you always stay healthy, safe, and happy!
  13. I love you so much! You make me smile when I am down and, when I am happy, I can’t help but laugh. I really think you are the best gift in the universe.
  14. I know every day that I get to spend with you is a privilege. You mean the world to me and I honestly wouldn’t want any of this life without you. Best Wishes!
  15. I just wanted to let you know that I think about you all the time and miss our conversations. I guess it’s been a while since we talked, but don’t worry it will spin back around. I really miss having someone special in my life.
  16. You are always the first thing I think about every morning, and often the last thing I think about before going to sleep at night. You make everything possible in my life, and I love you dearly for it.
  17. Welcome to the world. I raise you with love. You will miss your first steps, first smiles, and first words on your special day. I will always love you and I hope that when we are both old you look back with happiness and cherish the memories we share all of our lives.
  18. I know that we only just recently met but I’m so glad we did. As we get to know each other better I’m finding myself falling a little more in love with you. One day we will be another couple just like George and Judy, confident and secure in all our love and passion for each other. Until then, have a wonderful Valentines Day.
  19. This is just a friendly message from me to someone special. I am so glad we met, not only because you are a great person but because you are the most beautiful person I have ever known!
  20. To someone special,You are an exceptional person. You make me smile everyday. Thanks for always being so understanding and caring. Happy Birthday!
  21. Happy birthday to a very special person. You are the best guy I’ve ever known, and I always look forward to writing you. I hope you have a very special day today.
  22. I think of you every minute I am awake, and dream of you every night. You have become my reason to live and my only true happiness. Whether good or bad things happen to us, we will always have a special bond and an even better friendship. I Love You!
  23. I can’t wait to spend my life with you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, you make me so happy and I am glad our paths crossed. I love you!!
  24. You are the best friend a girl could ever ask for. Your support is outstanding and inspiring. I love you so much!
  25. You are a good friend and I love you. I can’t imagine my life without you. I hope everything goes great for you!
  26. Hey love, you’re always on my mind. I’m thinking of you and dreaming about your sweet lips, your perfect smile, the little licks you leave on my neck and the way you look at me with those adorable blue eyes. Life would not be the same without you.
  27. I love you so much. You mean the world to me and I am so glad that we have found each other. Everything about you is awesome including your taste in music, movies and even your friends. You make me smile and laugh everyday and these are the reasons I can’t stop loving you. When life gets dirty or tough I know we will always be there for each other.
  28. I wish you a very happy birthday, and I hope today is your best day. I’m thinking of you and looking forward to spending some time with you. Good luck on your birthday and I hope it’s everything you have dreamed of!
  29. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I feel blessed to have you in this world. You are the reason I get up everyday and continue on with the things that bring me happiness. You make everything better, happy days brighter, and bad days less painful. I know we will be able to keep each other laughing for the rest of our lives! Happy Anniversary!!!
  30. Last year was our first Valentine’s Day together and I really wanted to do something special. That is why this year, I am writing you a love letter. You are very special to me and I would be proud to have you as my boyfriend/girlfriend if you would like to be. Thank you for everything that we have shared!!
  31. I know you have a special someone in your life, but I was hoping you would like a little help in finding him! I’d be happy if you’d give this to them and see what happens. I’ll send their way again soon, don’t worry.
  32. Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to the man I love. You are a wonderful friend and a very special person in my life. I know he loves me more than anything else in the world, and I definately love him too!
  33. Hello, this is Phil. I thought I’d send a note to let you know that you’re a great person. Take care, and be well!
  34. Happy Valentines Day! I hope you have a great day with lots of love, laughs, and laughter.
  35. You might not love me, but I love you. I want you to know that I am here for you no matter what. I want you to know that when you feel down, or blue, or lonely, or even when you’re happy but sad all at the same time, I want you to know we are friends in all these states. My heart is your’s and as long as there is breath in my body yours is also. 
  36. It’s your Birthday! I thought I would let you know…It’s not every day that a person can say they love someone as much as you do. You are the only person who matters to me. I love you so much and I wouldn’t trade you for the world. You were hard to find, but worth it! Happy birthday my love…I hope you have an amazing day.
  37. You matter. You are worth more than happiness. Your worth is deeper than anything I know. If they tell you to love one more time, love that person even a single moment longer!
  38. I would like to say I’m sorry for being such a jerk! I didn’t mean to freeze you out. Please forgive me? You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I want us to be better together. Can you please talk with me? I want a second chance.
  39. I hope that wishing you a Happy Valentines Day will make you feel special. After all, you mean so much to me and I can’t imagine myself without you by my side. I love you baby.
  40. You are the love of my life, the most amazing person I know. You have been the greatest gift in my life and I won’t quit looking for you. Hope you’re up there!
  41. I want to let you know how much I love you, and just how much I appreciate you in my life. You are a great friend, family member, and someone to always count on. I cherish our time together (both past and future) so very much and always look forward to being with you. Have a wonderful day and you deserve the best!
  42. This is for my girlfriend who means everything to me. I hope the year that we spend together brings us closer together. Whatever happens, you will always be my best friend!
  43. Just wanted to say ‘ Happy Birthday’ in a way that would make sure you knew how much I loved you. I don’t know what I would do without you and I thank God for bringing us together. Who knows where life would have taken us, but he knew exactly what he was doing when he placed you in my path.
  44. It’s not everyday you find the man of your dreams, but it’s even less likely that he will be my true love. You are absolutely perfect, and you are the most incredible person in my life. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives with you. Together we can be a force to reckon with!
  45. I want you to know that even though I wake up and start day, I miss you. Whether it is something small or something big. It doesn’t matter. I want you to know that no matter what happens to us in life, be it bad or good, I will always be here for you.
  46. Boy, I’m sorry this is so late. When we first met I knew we were meant to meet. You are such a great friend, and you make me smile everyday. I love living life with you! Oh, and Happy Birthday!
  47. You’re beautiful inside and out. I’m so happy to be your friend, and it makes me smile to know that you like me too. Your kindness is wonderful. I hope we can be friends forever.

Also See: Someone Special Quotes For Her

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She. An enthusiastic goal getter, a book📚 lover, content Writer/Editor, a Virtual host and a foodie🥑😋

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