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Quotes About Caring For Someone Special

Quotes About Caring For Someone Special

If you love someone special, cherish and care for them as much as you possibly can. Here is a collection of sweet Quotes About Caring For Someone Special that you will love.

Quotes About Caring For Someone Special

  1. When you care for someone, you do not seek to replace them. You simply wish to give them the best loving, sharing and attention that you can. 
  2. I care about you and always will. Your happiness is my goal and the best gifts to me are all the things I can do for you. I want your love to grow more every day, so I can continue showering you with kindness and affection.
  3. I care for you so much that I can’t keep my eyes off of you. I want to watch over you and make sure you’re okay. I always want to give you a hug. I care about your feelings every time you smile, every time we laugh and don’t listen to our problems. You are the most important person in the world!
  4. I love you and pick you every day. I take care of you when you’re sick, and as much as I want to spend my love only on you, I am a better person because of all the things others have given me. You are always in my thoughts and in my heart and nothing can fill that void until you return home. Until then, I will count the days until we meet again.
  5. You are my heart, you are my soul and a part of me that I will never be able to live without. You have changed my life in every way possible and touched the hearts of everyone who has ever met you. Being around you is like taking a breath of fresh air because your fragrance is just so captivating and uplifting!
  6. Yes, I am with you because you have been there for me so many years. I am thankful that I got to know you. I will love you for the rest of my life.
  7. I can’t sleep knowing you are hurt and on your own. I wouldn’t trade our love for anything in the world.
  8. If I’m lucky you’ll realize how much you mean to me and how much I care about you. And if I’m unlucky you’ll ignore my love and my friendship. But either way, I’ll still know that I’m here for you!
  9. You know that you can always depend on me. Whether in good times or bad, you can count on me to be by your side no matter what happens.
  10. Sometimes we cherish the ones that matter most and sometimes we know our true love is the one who comforts us when we are down… maybe even when we’re up. I’m happy to be here for you in any way I can, so if you ever need someone to hang out with, or even just have a friend to listen to all of your feelings with, I promise you that I’d be happy to help.
  11. I will always be here for you no matter what. If you’re having a bad day I will be there to hug you. If you need someone to talk to, I’ll be there for you. I care for you so much that I would even do your chores for you if it helped! You are the most special person in the world and I will spend the rest of my days trying to show you as much love as I possibly can. I’ve made a promise that I would love you forever!
  12. Being with your loved ones is always the best. You have given love, care, and understanding to all of us. In return we naturally care for you and strive to make you happy. We’ve learned from our mistakes and grow from knowing how it feels to have those closest to us feel hurt or upset. We can learn from others who have fallen in love like we once did. The key is being able to express your love correctly. Just a thought.
  13. There are way too many people who do not pay sufficient attention to those who truly matter. So, if you hold someone dear to your heart – treasure that person. Treasure their happiness above all else. When the day comes that you need them most, take your love for granted!
  14. I don’t know what I would do without you. You are my best friend, support system and the one constant in an ever changing world. Thank you for being such a good person. There is no comparison to our relationship because we have so much love and respect for each other. I wouldn’t trade you for anyone or anything.
  15. You’re special, and you mean the world to me. I’ll do anything for you.
  16. I care about you more than I have words to express. You make me the happiest I’ve ever been in my entire life. You are the man I want to grow old with, and continue to love with all my heart. Love you always!
  17. Like you, I felt a great sense of love and duty when I was told that we were adopted. You have to be forever special to me. I will always take good care of you and I’ll love you from my heart forever. 
  18. I care for you very deeply and want to be there for you in every way. We have so much fun together it’s hard to stop smiling when we are together. The thought of you being gone hurts me so much that I just can’t stand it!
  19. Caring for someone special can be stressful; I don’t always have to worry about “what if’s” and being there when she needs me. It’s nice to be needed and appreciated in return, but let’s face it, coddling can be a drag. I’m not always going to be the person who makes you feel special. But having the ability to make someone else feel special is one of life’s great joys.
  20. I care for you as much today as I did when we first started this journey together. I hope that in your future, you will still find sadness but will be able to turn to me again.
  21. It always takes a little time to get used to caring. It’s easy to look at someone and forget that he deserves more than regular greetings. Of course, I still love my man; but I’m starting to learn that I also need my man.
  22. You make me feel special and loved. You are there when I’m down and you never, ever let me feel small. I love you so much and I hope that one day soon we will be together forever.
  23. Words cannot express how much you mean to me. You make me laugh, smile and feel safe. I care about the things you care about, and I like things you like. I want to be there for you when you’re sad, and share your good times with you. It’s been so great getting to know you and I’m looking forward to a lifetime of being together.
  24. I am so happy that you are in my life. I love our wonderful times together; they truly make me feel happy. You always seem to be thinking of me when I need you most; I wish I could return the favor.
  25. The ones that constantly show you care and go out of their way to be there for you, love you unconditionally. And the few that treat you like a queen, special and deserve attention. When your heart is broken over a boy, these are the people who make it better… Trust me I know!
  26. If you’re feeling lonely, don’t be. You can always call my cell phone or text me. I love you!
  27. Today, tomorrow, and always I love you, I care for you, and I will stand beside you.
  28. Dear sweet darling, As the days come and go,you are always on my mind. You are such a special person in my life and I am so glad that you came into my life. Keep being who you are and I promise to continue to care for you always!
  29. You are great. You take care of me in so many ways. I am so lucky to have you in my life.
  30. You have a special place in my heart. I would do anything for you. You mean everything to me and there is not another person on this earth that I care for more.
  31. Being with you is like being with a best friend I have known for years. You always make me feel so special; there is no one else who makes me feel the way you do. When I am not feeling well or when I am sad, all it takes is a hug from you to make me feel better again. You make me smile and even though it’s hard for you sometimes, you still care enough to help whenever I need it. I love you so much!
  32. If there is something I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I am here for you, no matter what if need be. You’re always on my mind and all that matters is that I’m yours.
  33. If it weren’t for you I would have nothing. You are my best friend, my lover, my confidant. We have done so much together and experienced so many different things that the world was unable to offer us. For this, I will always love you.
  34. When I’m with you, my heart starts beating really fast. You make me so happy when you smile at me, and when you look at me. I love that I can always be there for you when you need me. I care about you so much!
  35. You are a true blessing to me. You help me feel better about myself and every day I thank God for not only giving me you, but giving you to me. You are my best friend, partner, and soulmate. You mean more to me than you might realize. your friendship means the world to me.
  36. You are special to me. I will always love you and hold you close in my heart.
  37. The person who feeds your soul with kindness, compassion, and love is the person you can rely on.
  38. I feel so lucky that I found you, and that you are special to me. You give my life so much meaning, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love you so much. Thank you for being an amazing person.
  39. You’ll always be my best friend. You’ll always be there for me when I need you. You’re like a second part of me and my life wouldn’t be complete without you. You’re the reason I got up in the morning and the reason I stayed up late.
  40. You are my best friend. I remember the first time we met, and how we’ve grown together. I feel blessed to have been able to get to know you. You make me laugh, you love me, and you are the greatest guy ever!
  41. Everything you do and everything you say to me motivates me. You have a way of making me feel important, and that’s something I have been searching for ever since I came across you. You’re my best friend, my love, my other half. With so much love flooding my heart I can’t help but feel so full of love and serenity when I am with you. I love and care so much about you.
  42. If you are ever down, just keep your chin up and look around. You’ll find someone who cares so much.
  43. You’re my best friend and I love you so much! You’re the first person I phone in the morning, to stop me from being a grump. When someone hurts you I want to throw up, but I hope you’ll take my side. When I’m sad, you try to cheer me up with your funny jokes. Whenever I hurt myself or can’t sleep, you’re the first one to rush over and help me out. 

Also See: You Are A Special Person Quotes

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