Quotes About Being Ignored By Someone You Love
/Do you need the best of quotes about being ignored by someone you love? Read through this list of creative ones and you’ll find them.
Have you been ignored by someone you love? Have you found yourself trying to reach out to your partner but hitting a brick wall because she’s avoiding you? Or have you had your lover act as if you don’t exist?
I have, and it hurts to hell. Even though to some, this is a time to take a little break from their regular love activities and have a little time for themselves; a good number of us would still feel hurt and look forward to when we will get attention again.
Whether you’re being ignored by the one you love right now, or you want to say something about it, if you need quotes about it, then you’ve found the right page. The quotes were creatively written from different point of views, so you should find something that is alright for you.
If you like any but it isn’t exactly what you want, feel free to edit them.
Are you ready to read hot and amazing quotes about being ignored by someone you love? Then go through the journey this post presents to you.
Table of Contents
Quotes About Being Ignored By Someone You Love

1. I love you and I’ve given you my time and attention. But you’re ignoring me and it’s killing me. I really wish you could do better.
2. I can’t wait to see you change. I care about you a lot but you keep ignoring me. I know you will change soon. I’m just waiting.
3. When I see you daily, there’s a lot I want to tell you. I want to tell you how much I love you and how sorry I am, but you’re ignoring me and I can’t say what’s on my mind to you.
4. You know I really care about you. You know I love you. Why do you keep acting like I don’t exist? Don’t you know it’s messing me up?
5. I’ve said all I can say to you, but you keep ignoring me. What else do you want me to say, because I don’t think I have anymore to say?
6. I will never ignore you, no matter what happens. That’s why I feel really bad when you ignore me. Are there no other ways to go about this thing?
7. If you can tell me what I did wrong, I will apologise and we’ll be good again. But you’re ignoring me. How are we supposed to work this out then?
8. One of the things I hate most is being ignored by someone I care about, by someone I love. And right now, I don’t deserve to be ignored because you’re the one that hurt me.
9. Right now, I want to shower you with sweet words, but you’re ignoring me. I care about you, babe, and you’re making me feel like I’m wasting my time.
10. You know I love you. I won’t ignore you, no matter how long you ignore me. But I hope you stop ignoring me soon enough because I need you fully involved in my life.
11. Not a lot of people know how to deal with being ignored by someone they love and I’m one of them. I don’t like being in such a place, and I’ll give a lot to not be there.
12. If you’re thinking that ignoring me will make me feel different about you, you’re thinking wrongly. However, I beg you to stop ignoring me, my love.
13. Do you know how to deal with being ignored by someone you love? Well, I don’t, so please give me some attention and let’s talk this thing.
14. I’m hoping you’ll stop ignoring me soon. We can’t enjoy the best of our love if you keep ignoring me. Remember that I love you and that won’t ever change.
15. When someone I love ignores me, I feel so bad that I want to ignore the person in return, but the love I have for them won’t let me.
Also Check: I Need Someone Who Can Understand Me Quotes
Quotes about being ignored by Him or Her
There are more quotes about being ignored by someone you care about (Boyfriend/Girlfriend) and love on this page. I hope you’ve enjoyed the ones above. I trust you’ll enjoy the ones below.

16. No matter how someone I truly love ignores me, I’ll still be there for her. When I love, I love in all conditions. But that doesn’t mean I won’t be hurt.
17. There is one place I hate being because it eats me deeply and because I don’t know how to deal with it. That place is being ignored by someone I love.
18. All I want for now is your attention, my lover. Just listen to what I have to tell you. Every other thing can come later.
19. Anyone can ignore me and I’ll walk away, but not the one I love. If I walk away, it’s to go and cry. I can never ignore the one I love and care about.
20. When someone you love ignores you, don’t also ignore them. Be the one who tries to make things right. Life is not always about trying to prove a point.
21. When you said you loved me, I never thought a day will come when you will ignore me. Well, I guess we love differently, but please don’t ignore me anymore.
22. You don’t talk when you’re hurt. You just ignore me instead. Can you change, because that won’t help us and our love so much?
23. I don’t know what I did wrong or what I can do to make amends because you’re ignoring me. Plus, it’s making me feel really bad. I love you, babe, and I expect better from us.
24. I feel locked out of you. You’re like a house where I find rest and all good things, and ignoring me is like locking me out. Can you stop this because of your love for me?
25. Maybe we have to realize that ignoring someone who loves us is harmful to them. I’ve been ignored by someone I loved madly and I can tell you how horrible it feels.
Related Post: If You Ignore Me I Will Ignore You Quotes
Quotes about being ignored by the one you love
Have you found a quote about being ignored by the one you love and/or care about that you love yet? Then you have to keep reading.

26. The day you learn how to cope with being ignored by someone you love, that’s the day I’ll begin to call you a superhuman, because I don’t think I can ever cope with it.
27. Thank God I’ve never been ignored by the one I love. I can imagine how it will be if it happens and I don’t see a very bright picture.
28. You know how to deal with being ignored by someone you love? I don’t. Now, you know there’s someone that want to be like you.
29. Have you ever been ignored by someone you love so much? Why do you now talk as if it’s a small deal? I’ve been ignored too and I know how much it hurts.
30. Nothing hurts as much as being ignored by the one you love. Maybe only hell and childbirth and being burnt alive hurts more.
31. I know relationships have issues but ignoring someone you love is not something couples should embrace. Personally, I won’t ignore the one I love and I expect the same treatment from my partner.
32. Whenever I see couples that ignore themselves, I see couples that are about to become singles. Doesn’t always turn out that way, but why ignore someone who loves you.
33. Outside, I act like all is fine, but inside, I’m hurt deeply because the one I an being ignored by the one I love with everything I am and have.
34. One place you shouldn’t be is being ignored by someone you love so much. I’ve been there and I don’t wish that for even my enemy.
35. When I love people, I get addicted to them. So addicted that I feel very hurt when they ignore me. And I’m sure I’m not the only one like this.
36. There’s a lot of things I avoid right now, and that’s doing things that will make my partner ignore me. If you’ve experienced it, I think you’ll avoid it too.
37. Ignore me and I’ll cry, but I’ll never ignore you. That’s one way I love. I really feel hurt when someone I love ignores me, so I can’t do it to him.
I aimed to give you the best quotes about and around being ignored by someone you love and care about, and I believe I have given you that. I also hope I gave you what you were looking for.
If you want to thank me, I have the perfect suggestion. I want this list to be read by so many people, so kindly share with as many as possible. Plus, by doing it, you may be helping someone that have been looking for quotes about being ignored by the one he/she loves.