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Missing That One Special Person Quotes

Missing That One Special Person Quotes

Missing Someone? Find some quotes here. Anyone can be inspired by missing someone quotes, take a look:

Missing That One Special Person Quotes

  1. I think about our memories and wish you were here. I hope you are doing ok and I hope that you are happy where you are. I love you dearly and miss you so much.
  2. I miss you more than I can say. When I have trouble sleeping, I count your kisses, before I go to dreams.
  3. I feel so loved when you hold me. I feel so safe with you. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you, no matter how long that may be. I love you so much and I miss you more then ever!
  4. I miss you so much! I think about you almost everyday and long for the day when we will be reunited. I have a little corner of my heart reserved just for you which is exactly why there is so much room in my heart these days, because that little corner is constantly full of you.
  5. We may be far from each other right now, but my love for you won’t fade like the sun and moon. I want you to know that I will always love you and that I am always here for you no matter what.
  6. I can never explain the feeling I get when I see you. It’s just something I have to feel in order to understand. My heart beats faster, my smile is bigger, you take my breath away. You are so perfect and when I’m with you everything is perfect! You mean so much to me and I don’t know where I would be without you.
  7. I miss you like crazy. I know we promised to spend every day together, but I don’t understand why you aren’t here right now. Hopefully we can see each other soon. I need you right next to me!
  8. I wish you were here. I can smell your skin and taste your kisses. Every day has been a struggle without you by my side. When I look up at the stars and see your face, I realize that you were once mine. And now that I see it, I can’t stop thinking!
  9. I still miss you and think of you everyday. Having you in my arms and waking up every morning to see your beautiful face is a dream come true. I want to spend every waking moment with you and give you all the love in my heart. I can’t wait to be back in your arms and show you…
  10. I hope this reaches you and awakens the memories of us together as friends. I am always thinking of you and will always remember all the wonderful times we spent together. Life is so much better with you in it. You are a dear friend and I wish nothing but the best for you!
  11. My love for you is so strong that my heart is always missing you. It’s more than I can put into words. I miss you so much that sometimes it hurts. Love is a feeling that can’t be described, but desire is a word that describes our love for one another.
  12. I love you more than I can say. The time we have together makes life worth living. I miss you so much that it hurts my heart to be apart from you. I’m thinking about the happiness we share, and the laughter and tears that we have cried together.
  13. I just want to say that I miss you and think of you every day. I wish that you were here with me now to share this lovely evening with me. I love you so much, goodnight my sweet!
  14. I miss you and wish you were here to cuddle with. I wish you would call or text me to say hi just to see how I’m doing. I want your arms around me holding me tight at night. I miss your laugh, your smile and the way you kiss me.
  15. I saw you, and you took my breath away. I haven’t been able to think of anything since then. I want to be with you right now. I hope that wherever you are, you will always remember me and smile!And remember, no matter what or how long it will take, I will wait for you forever. That’s how much I love you!
  16. I miss you! I know we talk every day, but I wish you were here, so we could hold each other and just fall asleep together. I’m counting the days until you come home.
  17. I miss you! Miss your goofy laugh, mischievous grin, and the feeling of safety you give me when we’re together. I’ll get there soon enough. Once I give this presentation tomorrow, I’ll be back in your arms soon enough. The week can’t go by fast enough. In the meantime, I think about you all the time, dream about our next kiss, and feel safe knowing that we love one another.
  18. It’s amazing how quickly you have come into my life and changed it. All my friends tell me that I’ve never been happier. They can see it in my eyes. You are everything that I ever wanted and so much more. I really do love you and I really do mean forever.
  19. I am not lonely; for I have known the symphony of the woods, and the wild creatures, and the silent fields that lie just beyond my window.
  20. I feel like I have been hurt. You are like a best friend to me, you help me with everything i cannot do on my own. Thanks for saving me from myself, you should be rewarded with something special, I think I should give you something just as special. Maybe an award?
  21. I know you’re out there somewhere. I can feel your heart and the warmth of your love. I want to tell you how much I miss you, how sorry I am that I hurt you. And that I love you more than anything in this world.
  22. Life is hard sometimes but I love you. I miss that one special person in my life and want to be with them forever. I cry myself to sleep at night wanting another hug, kiss from that person who has changed my entire world!
  23. I’ve been looking everywhere, but I just can’t seem to find that one special person. I know that you are out there somewhere. I’m going to keep looking until I find you and we can finally be together. I’ve searched and searched, and now I am ready for love!
  24. I hope wherever you are, the sun is shining and you feel my love surrounding you. I miss you after thinking about you all day, and I look forward to spending every single day with you.
  25. I wish you were here to spend this day with me. I miss you so much and it’s times like this that I really need you. There will never come a time I don’t love you. You are the love of my life, my soul mate and my best friend.
  26. These are the words that pass my mind every time you come in to my dreams; I miss you so much! I wish there was something I could do to get rid of this pain, but all I can do is wait..and hope..maybe one day we’ll be friends again. Till then, I will remember you and all the things you did for me.
  27. I miss your voice in my ear, missing your hug when I leave, missing the times we shared, missing you is hard to do. You’ll always be on my mind, you’re never out of sight, but when I try to picture your face I look at a photograph that was taken while you stood by me.
  28. I can’t stop thinking about you. Even though we aren’t together anymore, my heart still flutters every time I hear the sweet sound of your voice. You are an amazing man, and I will love and cherish you forever.
  29. I am so thankful for you. Your friendship is one of the most precious things in my life. I love your smile, your laugh, your kindness. Even though we are far away from each other, we’ll always be close to each other’s hearts.
  30. I don’t know what I would have done this past year without you. You are so amazing and I love you with all my heart. Our laughter, tears, adventures and love is something that money can’t buy. I miss your smile, your laugh, the way you look at me and every time we crossed hands in the hallway at night when you thought no one was around. I’ll always be here for you!
  31. I will miss you every day for the rest of my life. Even when I’ve forgotten your name I will still miss you.
  32. I hold onto memories of you and just look to the future. Hoping one day that I will gaze into your beautiful blue eyes again. I think about how it felt to be in your arms, how peaceful it felt against your chest. Maybe one day we can recreate that feeling together. I love you more than you could ever know.
  33. I’ve been waiting my whole life for you. Each time I see you, my heart is filled with an overwhelming sense of peace and joy. You are mine, and no one could ever change that. There isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t think of you and all my dreams have come true because of it.
  34. Life is more fun and exciting when you are with me. Every day, I am overwhelmed with love for you.
  35. I wish we could have one more night together. I miss you so much that it feels like a part of me is missing and I can’t explain the pain. I’ll give you a call tomorrow, but until then know that I’m thinking about you.
  36. I am 399 days without you and I miss you more than ever. I still smile when I remember the fun times we had and still hope that there will be many more in our future. I love you so much and can’t wait to be with you again.
  37. You are missed my love! It’s always quiet around the house without you. I hope that you will come back soon, because this silence is just too much for me to take.
  38. Feels so good to be missing you. The times I’ve felt out of it, I just think of you. And from that point on I’m happy as a clam and I know why.
  39. The best moments of my life all have you in them. I could never imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. You make me so happy; I hope you know that. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us!
  40. Missing you always, every day. Thinking of you, that’s all I do. Darling, you know I’d give it all up just to have one more moment with you. Hoping you are well and wishing I could see you soon. You’re on my mind and in my heart always!
  41. Dear ___, how I’ve missed you. The days go by so slowly now that you’re not here. I don’t know what to do without you here next to me. You are my favorite person to talk to, my favorite thing to look at, and the best part of all my days. There are no words that I can say that will ever fully show you how much you mean to me. You are my world, and I love you with all of it. 
  42. I wish I could have one more minute to tell you how much I appreciate you, to let you know how special you are. True friends are not always easy to find, and we have been blessed with each other. I love you and will miss you always.

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She. An enthusiastic goal getter, a book📚 lover, content Writer/Editor, a Virtual host and a foodie🥑😋

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