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Birthday Wishes For First Child Of The Family

Birthday Wishes For First Child Of The Family

Are you looking for amazing Birthday Wishes For First Child Of The Family? Then look no further! Below is a handful that you can choose from:

Birthday Wishes For First Child Of The Family

  1. You have brought so much joy into my life. You are such a good kid! I love you so much. Happy Birthday!
  2. Happy birthday to my first born. I had always imagined you would be the first, but never did I think it would be so great. You have made me a mother and a wife.
  3. You are a child of love. Your parents have always shown unconditional love to one another and now you are here to show it back to them. You will be a great parent when the time comes. I want to tell you how much I love you already and I’ll be here with you every step of the way.
  4. My favorite thing about you is your smile. It’s the sweetest most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. I wish you a day full of joy, filled with lots of love and laughter. Happy birthday!
  5. Happy Birthday with many more to come. You are a blessing and you make our life complete! We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished at such a young age. Always remember to stay focused on your goals and that you can do anything you put your mind to. Love, Mom & Dad.
  6. I never thought I could love another human being as much as I love you, but then again I never really knew a child until I held you. Everything about you is perfect. The quiet moments when you play alone, the way you giggle with your friends, the precious way you sleep as if no one else was alive, but most of all the new love and appreciation for life that has swept over my heart. You are the greatest gift God could have ever given us. Happy birthday!
  7. Being a parent was not an easy thing to do. We were so worried that we wouldn’t be able to handle it, but we did it because you were worth it. You brought joy to our lives in many ways and we love every bit of it. Happy birthday!
  8. You are the most awesome niece in the history of the world! There is no one else like you, and there never will be. You were born with a whole lot of talent, and I couldn’t be more proud to be your aunt. Happy Birthday!!!
  9. Every year we get older, but I am so lucky to be growing with you. I can’t wait to see what this next year brings and all the new experiences and memories we can make. You are the best daughter and light up every room you walk in. You bring us happiness that we could have never imagined possible back when you came into this world and we will always love you so much.
  10. I can’t wait for our son or daughter to get here and see what the fuss is all about. I know this is going to be a fun time and I just know they will love you as much as you love them. I am so ready to start this new adventure, in my mind I have already started painting the nursery.
  11. I remember when you were in preschool and you wrote a play. You were the king, queen and princess. You wore a pink crown, I made it out of construction paper. You wore a red dress and I made it with my sewing machine. I wish you knew how proud I am of you. Happy Birthday Sis!
  12. To the little bundle of joy. May you have many more birthdays to come.
  13. Every day I love you more, every day I care for you more. Every day I see what a gift you are to us, and I can’t help but love you. Happy birthday!
  14. Happy birthday [First Name]. Each year that passes makes you more and more beautiful. How can anyone be so perfect? I love to see you grow and mature and understand how the world works. I love you!
  15. Happy Birthday! I can’t believe you are finally one! Your mom and dad love you so much and we are proud that you are a part of our family. There is nothing in the world like having your first child, it’s such an incredible blessing. We hope there will be many more birthdays to come.
  16. Happy birthday to the sweetest daughter in the world. You are growing up so fast and have grown into such a beautiful lady. I cant thank you enough for being my precious little girl and I hope that you have the very best day today!
  17. I know you’re too big to read this anymore, but no matter how old you are, I always think of you as my little girl; the first child born into our family. I hope today we can all get together and celebrate your day and have some special family fun! I love you baby!
  18. Everyday I am so thankful to be your parent, and everyday I call you my hero. I know life is always going to be tough, but when we are together nothing in the world can stop us from having a good time. Happy Birthday to our first baby!
  19. Happy birthday to my sweet boy! You bring me so much joy! I can’t wait to see you grow up! You are an amazing baby, and you make everyone around you smile. You are going to grow up to be an amazing man and I am so proud of you already. I love you!!
  20. I remember when you were just a little thing, now you are turning 10! It’s so hard to believe, but time sure does fly. I love you more and more every day and hope that this will be the best year yet. Happy 10th birthday sweetheart! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HUGS AND KISSES, MOMMY
  21. I can’t believe my baby is turning five already! You have grown so much since I first held you in the hospital. I laugh, smile and think about you constantly. Your tiny little hands, your chubby little legs, your cute little face… These are just a few of the things that make me fall even more in love with you every single day.
  22. Enjoy this day because we sure are! So glad you’re here. Our lives have become richer, our love has only grown stronger, and our memories more vivid. We will be the first to say, “High five!” I’m so proud of you and feel blessed to call you my own.
  23. Happy Birthday little guy! You are not only the first grandchild, but you are also my beautiful child. Just like your mother, you have a kind and gentle soul. I look forward to all our new and exciting adventures as I plan out more fun things for us to do together! I can’t wait to see you grow into the amazing man I know you will become!
  24. It takes a special person to make having kids seem like such a blessing. You are that special person. Plus, I love you.
  25. I am so lucky to be your dad. You are truly a special little girl. I will always admire you, teach you, and love you for the rest of my life. Your smile lights up every room you walk into and seeing that makes me so happy. I can’t wait to watch you grow up and see all of the amazing things you do! Happy Birthday Love.
  26. Hey little one, it’s your older brother here. I would like to wish you a very happy birthday! Even though right now you’re in my mommy’s tummy, you’ll be coming into a really great life soon. I can’t wait to see what kind of person you’ll grow up to be. I’ll always be here for you no matter what. Love, your big bro!
  27. My sweet adorable daughter, 1 year old today. I’m so glad we get to share this day together. We have had a lot of family moments while you were growing up, but this one will always be my favorite. No matter how old you get, I will ALWAYS remember you as my darling baby girl. It is so hard to believe that it was 3 years ago that you entered our lives and changed them forever!
  28. You have been such a joy to me and your mom. I never thought I would have a daughter. You are so much fun and always on the go. So much energy! I love every year you grow. I cannot wait to see you run around when you are all grown up.
  29. I love this little guy more than words can express. I am so happy that we have a beautiful boy to bring smiles to our faces and joy to our hearts. He is so cute, smart, and funny that I just wanna squeeze him all day. He completes the puzzle of our family that was missing a piece, Sunshine!
  30. I am so proud to be your mother. You are my first born and I love you more than words can say. You bring me the greatest joy every day and have a special place in my heart. I hope you are as excited as I am for your birthday. I wrote you a letter that I hope you will read because it is from my heart, your mother’s love.
  31. Happy birthday to the woman of my dreams.Ten years ago today two special things happened in my life. The first being that I was able to hold in my arms the most beautiful child I’d ever seen, and secondly, that I met the most amazing woman in the world. You are my best friend, the other half of my soul. I love you always and forever.
  32. I love you so much, sweetheart. Today is your day and I hope it’s full of everything you could wish for. Big things and small things, all from the bottom of my heart. You’re my favorite little girl in all the world!
  33. You are one of the most adorable things I have ever seen. You make me melt with each smile you give. You are a blessing and I just love you so much!
  34. Honey, you are my daughter, my best friend and my pride. I love you more than words could ever express and you are the reason I am so happy. I will be there for everything that life throws at us and I swear to continue to give you all the love in me.
  35. Turning a year older today is something to celebrate. I want you to know how much you mean to me and the family. You light up our lives, your brother and sister adore having an older sibling, and we love making special memories with you.
  36. Life has been great over the last year, as you have grown into a big little girl. You make us laugh everyday. You are such a precious and wonderful gift that we cherish every minute of every day, thank you for our first child of the family!
  37. First, I want to thank you for giving me the greatest gift a parent could ask for. You have taught us so much about unconditional love. We are proud of you and we will give you all the best this life has to offer.
  38. Today you are six years old. You are the light of my life, the joy of my days, and have made it all the way through kindergarten and first grade. I know that I am very lucky to have such an amazing kid like you. I look forward to watching you grow up and achieve great things in life. Keep being your awesome self, and keep making us proud!
  39. This year you really grew up and are becoming such a big girl! We love you more than anything. Happy birthday Baliey! We hope this year brings you everything you could possible dream of and more. We love you dearie!

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