Happy Birthday
Coinciding Birthday Wishes: Happy Birthday to both of you
Happy Birthday to both of you: One thing I’m sure gets to us whenever we see or hear of it is when two or more birthdays are coinciding. It’s beautiful, trust me. Maybe you’ll relate more if you have someone close to you that shares your birthday.
Composing wishes for this situation just got easier with this heavy and rich collection of wishes, texts, paragraphs and quotes for different kinds of coinciding birthday situations.
Whether you’re reaching out to two other people to wish them a happy birthday, or you’re sharing a birthday with the person you’re wishing, whether you’re wishing them or wishing you both a happy birthday, there’s something for you on this page.
With just a copy and paste, and maybe a little editing for wishes that differ a bit from what you want, you’re set to give a beautiful wish to your friend, family member or some special person.
So hit the page and get one of the best wishes for birthdays that are coinciding!
Table of Contents
Birthday Wishes for Son From Mother:
The perfect birthday wishes from a mother to her son right here:
1. Happy birthday, boy. Giving birth to you on my birthday is the most exciting thing to me. You are my biggest birthday blessing and I bless you with all you’ll need including, progress and peace and joy!
2. I can remember your father smiling like he just won the Grammys when you were born. How baby and his baby had the same birthdays! Happy birthday to you, my sweet son. I love you plenty.
3. There’s a lot of things I can’t forget about you, and one of them is your birthday! Of course you know it’s because that day is also mine. Happy birthday, my son. Keep being the greatest in whatever you do! Mummy loves you.
4. To the one who taught me how to use Facebook and made me understand emojis, I say happy birthday. Lol. May you never get outdated. And may your growth be only in the right lane. More joy to your life.
5. Baby boy, you’ll always be my baby. Tell everyone who cares to listen that mommy loves you and that it’s also her birthday! Happy birthday to the best birthday mate ever! Enjoy your day!
Birthday Wishes For Daughter From Father:
The perfect birthday wishes from a father to his daughter right here:
1. It’s a thing of joy and pride that I share the birthday of the most beautiful girl on earth. My daughter, you’ll live through life enjoying more than I ever did! Happy birthday to you!
2. For the many reasons you give me to smile, I’ll celebrate you with this text without drawing attention to my birthday. Happy birthday to the best daughter ever. I love you, girl.
3. Raising you is a journey every father should want to try out. You’re growing to be everything I consider perfect! Happy birthday to you, and can I also wish myself one too?
4. A prayer for you: may you grow in strength, sleep sweetly and walk in favour! Happy birthday to you, dots! From pops, with mad love.
5. God has the very best for us. Don’t ever forget that today is the best day ever, and we just had to be born in it! Happy birthday to you and me, girl. I love you.
Funny Same Day Birthday Quotes:
Some funny quotes to use for birthday mate wishes: Happy Birthday to both of you
1. Many years ago, in two hospitals far away from themselves, two beautiful boys were born, and today they are more than brothers. Isn’t that just beautiful? Happy birthday to you!
2. Who would have thought that God would have time to play games on us, games where two people born on the same day would be so close to themselves? Happy birthday to you!
3. Born on same day, but different heights, weights and features! Isn’t life just a beautiful pot of beans? Happy birthday to you, and to me too!
4. Happy birthday to this beautiful friend of mine. Many years gone and I’m wondering how we’ll cope when you’re no longer in town and have to host our parties separately. Ouch!
5. Out of all the people born the day we were born, we’re still the cutest, yeah? Let’s keep it up, buddy. Happy birthday to us. And beyond being cute, let’s go on and change the world for the best. Love, from me.
Mother and Son Same Birthday Quotes:
Some quotes for mother and son same birthday wishes: Happy Birthday to both of you
1. I love parties, so I get confused when it’s today. Should I be happy that it’s a double party, or sad that one day of party is missing because you were born the same day? Lol. Happy birthday to my mother and the best brother ever!
2. My wife and my son, happy birthday to the both of you today! It’s rare to find birthday mates in the same family, so it’s something I love to flaunt, and…erm…that I’m proud to have in my family. I wish you both the very best!
3. Happy birthday to this super pair. You both are doing really great and amazing things. I guess this boy is taking after his mother. May greatness not cease in your family. And, by the way, why does it feel like it’s whole family’s birthday?
4. Hey, sweet people. I’m sending my warmest regards to the family and wishing you both a happy birthday! May your bond never break and may you both enjoy life!
5. May the beauty that runs in your family never run out of it and may you and your mum keep having a relationship that will be a model to parents and children all over the world. Happy birthday to the both of you.
Mother and Daughter Same Birthday Quotes:
Some quotes for mother and daughter same birthday wishes: Happy Birthday to both of you
1. Happy birthday to the prettiest mother and daughter I ever saw. Together, you are adorable! May the light that shine in your lives never go off!
2. Happy days are ahead of you and you both, and, I must confess, I’m awed to see coinciding birthdays among people that are close to themselves. Happy birthday to the both of you.
3. If I did not know better, I’ll say the reason you bond so well is because you were born on the same day. Lol. I’m excited to have you both as a part of my life and I’m wishing you both a happy birthday!
4. I wish you both a happy birthday, a mother that has been a major source of strength to her children and a daughter that has been a source of support to her parents. May you both enjoy the fruits of your labour.
5. My happy birthday mate wishes for this great birthday mates are that life will treat them well and they’ll be more than lucky. I pray for long life and prosperity for you both. Happy birthday to you, mom and dots.
Father and Son Same Birthday Quotes:
These wishes are perfect for father and son birthday on same day quotes. Happy Birthday to both of you.
1. The men of the house are celebrating today! When kings come together, there is more celebration. Happy birthday to this two great men. Your greatness will bring you more greatness. Amen.
2. To a strong man and his strong son, as they celebrate one new year each, may horror and terror run away from you, avoid you! Happy birthday to you both. Much love from my family to yours!
3. Shouldn’t today just be men’s day already? My two favourite men are celebrating birth today! Happy men’s day, sorry, I mean happy birthday to you both. Lol.
4. Every year, I look forward to this day in the year when my dad and little bro are celebrating together and I wish I could take the time back and be born on this day! Happy birthday to you, pops and bro!
5. Good God! I finally meet a father and son born on the same. I don’t even know what to say. I’m blown away! Happy birthday to two men of worth! I love you both.
Father and Daughter Same Birthday Quotes:
These wishes are perfect for father and daughter birthday on same day quotes. Happy Birthday to both of you.
1. Happy birthday to you both. More of every good and beautiful thing you have. Amen. Enjoy the day more than you can!
2. When I think of beauty, you both pop into my eyes. And, today, this two standards for beauty are being celebrated. What’s great day it is! Happy birthday to you!
3. I couldn’t hear national prayers being said for the both of you this morning and I fell bad, but then I remembered that we don’t need national celebration to validate the good that we are. I’m wishing you both a happy birthday.
4. To the family that pleases me, I wish your father and beautiful daughter a happy birthday. Meanwhile, I have so much for you on this occasion of a coinciding birthday. Happy birthday to you, beautiful people.
5. I wish you both a happy birthday, you who leads his family right and you who spices up the family in madly gorgeous ways! May this new year bring double blessings!
Mom and Dad Birthday On Same Day Wishes:
These wishes are perfect for father and mother birthday on same day quotes. Happy Birthday to both of you.
1. Happy birthday mom and dad, hope you have a very special day today. I love you very much and hope you have many more birthdays like this.
2. Mom and dad, you are the best. I am so glad to have such parents who have always given me all the love and support in the world. We live in a one-parent family, and you two have done a great job raising me. I am very proud to have you as my parents. You both deserve lots of wishes and blessings on this special day. Happy Birthday sweet parent.
3. When it comes to parents, you will always find some difference between them. But when it comes to love, there is no difference at all! I am so lucky and fortunate that both of you loved me with same intensity. Thanks mom and dad! Both of you have taught me how to live my life and how to be a parent in future. Thanks for bringing so many great changes in my life! Have a great birthday!
4. Today, I am at a loss for words. My parents have turned a year older, even though in my mind they haven’t changed or aged one bit. Happy birthday mom and dad! I love you so much.
5. You taught me how to live, but also how to live happily. You are the best things that have happened in my life and I am thankful for having parents like you. I wish you a wonderful birthday filled with joy and happiness!
6. You’re not just my parents but my best friends. I will always love you and cherish all the wonderful memories we’ve shared. I wish you a very happy birthday!
7. Today is you special day. You have won my love the moment I was born into this world. All that you have done for me is beyond words, and I feel helpless most of the time… I want to give you a thousand hugs and million kisses for all that you have done for me. Happy birthday mom and dad!
8. It’s good to have a mom and dad on the same day! I can’t imagine celebrating this occasion with anyone else.
9. This is not just mother’s day, or father’s day, but a celebration of the most beautiful people on earth. May you have a great day. I love you mom and dad!
Birthday Wishes for Two Friends On Same Day:
While some are birthday wishes for two friends born on same day, a couple of them are birthday wishes for two best friends. Happy Birthday to both of you.
1. Happy birthday to this fantastic pair. May your friendship grow into one without any form of pain and may you never cry but rejoice! I love you both!
2. Best friends born on the same day? The though of it had rendered my mind blown! Damn! Happy birthday to you both. The blessings that will come for you will blow the minds of those that here about it. That’s the least of my prayers for you both!
3. If today isn’t the most beautiful day, I don’t know what else is. Two of my friends born today. I’m not just rejoicing because I have double parties to attend, though. Lol. May both of you enjoy life in a far better way from now on. Amen.
4. Happy birthday to you, buddies, best buddies. Hope you know that you both make life interesting for me? May your being best friends bring more beautiful things to you both! Amen!
5. Birthday like this are rare, and so I should wish you both something rare. While thinking of a rare wish, may people bring gifts that will settle the cries of your hearts! Happy birthday, girls!
Happy Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Wishes On The Same Day:
After running into a few cases of this, I also decided to give you some for wishes for birthdays and wedding anniversaries in the same day.
1. I don’t know how to contain this excitement. I wonder how excited you are, bring the celebrant. Happy wedding anniversary and birthday to you, my darling friend!
2. So much to celebrate today! May celebration not cease in your life! Happy birthday to you and happy wedding anniversary too. Much love.
3. Happy birthday and anniversary on your wedding! I pray more blissful years for you and all your family! May your wedding to that handsome, resourceful and industrious man never bring tears! Amen.
4. So many beautiful things to say and wishes to make. You’re beauty still exceeds my comprehension and I wish you more days of smiles! Happy birthday and wedding anniversary to you, love.
5. Was this planned or it just happened? A birthday and wedding on the same day. Lemme keep some questions in m mind until we meet. Lol. Happy birthday and wedding anniversary to you, dear!
Same Month Birthday Quotes:
And if you need some for someone who shares same month with you, I got some for you! Happy Birthday to both of you
1. Kings are born in (insert month), and I’m glad that I’m reigning with you! Happy birthday to you, buddy. May this month be double of the last month and even more! I love you, bro.
2. Happy birthday to a fellow sweetheart! This month is our month, so let’s rock it like we bought it with our hard earned money. I wish you life abundant!
3. I pray that everyday comes with more blessings than I we expect and that this month is super delicious for you! Happy birthday to you, dear!
4. This month may has gone far, but you’ll achieve all you set out to do in it because this is your birth month. That’s the special thing for you this month! Happy birthday!
5. So many legends born in this month. One day, may your name be named among them. Happy birthday to you, darl.
Other Birthday Wishes For Someone With The Same Birthday As You:
Some other birthday mate wishes for you to use.
1. Sweetheart, I always tell you that we’re a one-in-a-million couple. One way I know is that our birthdays coincide! Happy birthday to you and us. I love you forever!
2. It’s comforting to know that no matter how old you get, you’ll be stuck on this birthday with me. Lol. Happy birthday to you, friend. And, by the way, your friendship is simply the best.
3. Today is such a beautiful day to send out this birthday mate wishes, because it’s the first time I’ll be doing this for you. Cheers to a great friendship. I wish you more years of joy and more days of peace. Happy birthday to you!
4. Happy birthday to us! You’d have just waited for one year so we would have been twins. Why the impatience, sister? I forgive you, though. Lol. The best is yours! Amen.
5. Happy birthday to you, fam. When we celebrate together, I know it’s going to be a bang because of the sauce you add to the party! Hope your today is coming through smoothly? Much love, bro.
6. You’re both a sowl to a lot of lives and I hear that I am too. So many birthdays in one day, and three of us are included. You’re sure the earth can stand it? Happy birthday to us all!
7. One of the biggest gifts life gave me is you. Sharing a birthday with my own boss, an even bigger gift. I guess I’ll be your assistant at the office today. Lol. Happy birthday, to you and us.
8. Happy birthday to all sweet souls born today, including ours. May we all do more than our parents, and better too! Amen.
And that’s how we’re changing the world, one wish at a time. This list was for wishes for coinciding birthdays. We have other mind blowing lists on our site for you.
So after wishing happy birthday to both of you or that special person or people, remember to come back to surf for more exciting pages over here!

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