Love quotes
You Don’t Love Me Quotes for Him or Her
I love you but you don’t love me quotes.
It can be very heartbreaking when you discover that someone you love so much doesn’t love you in return. It can be very disappointing to find out that someone that claims to be in a relationship with you doesn’t even love you.
Sometimes, you will have reasons to say that someone doesn’t love you from a place of sadness. Other times, you’ll want to say it from a place of a decision to live with it.
I understand that it can be said from different places for different reasons. I don’t know what’s on your mind, so I came up with these quotes trying to capture as many possible scenarios as I could, and I’m sure that perfect quote for you is right here, and the only way you can prove me right is to read through them.
You can use these quotes as text messages or social media posts. You can use them for anything you can use quotes for.
Do you really need beautiful and creative quotes to say “you don’t love me”? Then go on and read these provided below.

1. I won’t need a prophet to tell me if you love me, (insert name.) It’s obvious that you don’t love me and it’s up to you to decide if you will or won’t.
2. I can’t force you to love me and I know you don’t love me, so let’s stop pretending like we do and I’ll find something to do with the love I have or once had for you.
3. We can’t always make ourselves to love who we don’t love and maybe it’s just for the best that you don’t love me. I don’t know if I love you anymore. I hope it all ends well.
4. You don’t love me, man, and it’s clear for even the blind to see. It’s just ironical that I love you and can’t get over it. But just do you, man. We’ll all be fine, I pray.
5. It’s alright that you don’t love me. Don’t force yourself to. Let’s just let what will happen to happen. But I know we can be good friends still. Am I right?
6. You’ve been an amazing friend and person, and I’m glad you came into my life. I really wish we could have something between us, but you don’t love me. I pray you find someone you love and enjoy him.
7. You don’t love me and I know that. I also don’t think that will ever change, so I’m moving on to find happiness elsewhere.
8. Do you think I don’t know that you don’t love me? Stop trying to please me and save yourself all the stress of the pretense. I don’t have love for you too.
9. You’re a good friend, and we don’t have to be something different from what we are to ourselves. You don’t love me and it’s fine. Let’s just be friends.
10. It’s disappointing to know that you don’t love me. You’d have told me before you let me go ahead and pour my love on you after I told you that I love you. I’m not pleased at all.
Read Post: Do You Love Me Quotes for Him or Her
11. When did you stop loving me? Because it’s clear that you don’t love me anymore. Let’s move on and find love elsewhere because I can’t bear loving without being loved.
12. I felt so brand new with you and felt there were many things we could be and do together. I guess I’ll have to abandon all those feelings and thoughts, because now I know, because you told me, that you don’t love me.
13. I spent my money, my time, my everything only to discover that you don’t love me. I’m so hurt right now. I just pray I heal.
14. Where is the love you claimed you have for me? Or am I the one that can’t read the love in the things you do for me. Honestly, I believe that you don’t love me.
15. I’m crying now, baby, because I thought I’ll spend forever with you and it has now been taken away from me. You don’t love me anymore and there’s nothing I can do about it.

16. You really don’t love me anymore, honey, or it’s just something you feel, a feeling that will pass soon? Please, think about this, honey. I don’t want to lose you.
17. I hope you got all you wanted because you never loved me. I’ve learnt my lesson. It’s just sad I had to learn it this way.
18. You don’t love me. You never did. But I won’t let what you’ve done to me make me give up on love. Nothing will. And one day, I’ll find someone that really loves me.
19. You do not have to lie to me for me to believe you. I’d have given you all you asked for even if I you told me that you did not love me. You don’t love me, girl.
20. No thanks to you. You’re leaving me heartbroken. You don’t love me. Why did you ever have to lie to me? You’re still trying to lie to me. I expect better from you.
21. Turns out you don’t love me, after I’ve told my family and friends a lot about you, after I’ve drafted you into my plans. I’m mad, but I forgive you. Now, just get out of my life and never return.
22. A lot has changed about you, maybe it’s the money that caused it, or maybe it’s the fame, but a lot has changed and one them is that you no longer love me anymore.
23. I don’t know what goes on in your head, but from what I can see, or what I think you’re showing me, you don’t love me. Just tell me to my face and let me know for sure.
24. I thought you were mine all this while and you don’t even love me one bit. I really can’t be your girl again. I’m sad, but glad I found out.
25. I’m telling everyone around me how I feel right now, and you won’t escape this one. I know you don’t love me. I just want you to confess that and stop pretending.
The best quotes on “you don’t love me” are here and you’ve read some. Read on to find more of them.
26. Thank God I finally discovered that you don’t love me. Now, I won’t be running a race that will end in sad tears. But it’s all good though. God still loves me just the way I want.
27. I want you to know that you don’t love me. Go ahead and argue all you want, but I know that. I am beginning to not love you too.
28. I can say so many things about you right now and be unsure of them, but I can say that you don’t love me with all sureness.
29. You know you can tell me anything, right? So tell me if you don’t love me anymore. And please don’t try to lie to me again because I won’t find it funny.
30. The best thing I can do now is to come to terms with the fact that you don’t love me and see how I can move on with my life. Anything outside that may just be harmful to me.
31. Love is not a game. It’s a very serious business. You wouldn’t have told me that you love me when you did not. I won’t plan any revenge, but don’t ever do this again with anyone.
32. If you don’t love me, you can always tell me. Don’t keep telling me you’re not sure and keeping me waiting and hanging. Not cool at all.
33. You have thought me a new trick, but I won’t use it on anyone. Rather, I’ll learn from it and save myself from going far again with someone like you. You don’t love me. Now I know for sure.
34. For a while now, I’ve had doubts about you. And today, you just proved my doubts right. You don’t love me. Just say it.
35. Why do you even try to make me feel like you love me? You don’t, and you don’t have to. It’s okay to not love me. Just love me as a friend and that’s okay.

Among these really beautiful quotes creatively crafted to say “you don’t love me” in different ways, I’m sure you found the one that’s perfect for you. I’m also sure you’ll use them.
Also Check: I Don’t Love you Quotes for Him or Her
Do you want to contribute a quote to my list of quotes? Kindly drop it on the comments. I would really love to read something from you.
Finally, you know that sharing is caring, right? Your friends may need some of the quotes (and some may not even know it). Show that you care for them by sharing this list with as many of them as possible.
And forget the title of the article. I know you love me. And I love you too.