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You Are My Rock Quotes For Him

You Are My Rock Quotes For Him

As the title states, you are my rock quotes for him. These quotes will show how much you love your boyfriend. I’ve been around this block before and these words below will resonate with you. Use with caution.

You Are My Rock Quotes For Him

  1. I love you with all my heart, and I know no matter what happens in life, we will always make it through together. You are my rock and my everything. I am so lucky to have you in my life!
  2. I could almost fill this whole page with how much I love you. You are my strength and my lifeline to this world. Without you I am nothing, but with you everything is possible. I will always need you, love you, and support you. You are my life, my love, and my rock!
  3. Everything I’ve accomplished in life is thanks to you. You are the best part of who I am and I appreciate every moment we share. Thank you for loving me when no one else ever did and for sticking with me through every obstacle in our path. You are my rock and I love you!
  4. You are my rock and I love you! You are the one for me. I don’t care if I’ve said it a thousand times before, but I am shouting it to the world now “I love you!” You bring me so much happiness that I can’t stop smiling. You are adorable, funny, smart, kind, sweet, sexy and just all round perfect in every way. But most of all you are mine and mine alone for ever and ever!
  5. I hold you in a special place in my heart. You are so much more than just my boyfriend you are my rock. You have helped me make it through everything that I have faced. You are always there for me and I love that about you. I love how romantic and passionate you can be but most of all I love your smile!
  6. You are my rock, someone I can count on in this crazy world. I love waking up next to you every morning. You always know how to make me smile. I am so lucky to have you in my life!
  7. There are times when I walk along our path and find rocks. They are my favorite because they are yours. With you, I am strong and I can do anything. You are always there for me and I have never been happier in my life!
  8. I want to tell you how happy you make me. I count my blessings daily that I have a man as awesome as you in my life. I love the way you smile at me and hold me when we cuddle up together. So remember, no matter how rough things get, I’m here because while others may come and go, my love for you is here to stay.
  9. One of the reasons I love you so much is because you are always there for me. You’ve been by my side for as long as I can remember, helping me through the tough times and always lifting me up when I’m down. I believe that you are truly the best person I know, and I hope to spend every day of my life with you by my side.
  10. I don’t need any fancy cars, huge house or big fancy rings. I have you and that is all I will ever need. You are the only thing on this earth that makes me truly happy, and I love you with everything I have.
  11. Baby, you are the rock that I lean on when things get tough. You are my everything. If I tell you once, I will tell you again…I love you and you are the rock in my life.
  12. You are my rock. I lean on you for everything, and all you ever do is strengthen me and make me better. Because of you I am the happiest I’ve ever been, and I don’t think that will ever change. Thank you for being there no matter what. You’re my best friend, my lover, my husband. You’re my everything!
  13. You are my rock, my anchor and the greatest guy I’ve ever met. The memories we have created so far will last a lifetime. Thanks for being there for me through thick and thin! You are amazing and I love you. 
  14. You are always there when I need you. You give me your arms to fall into when I’m tired, and your words that have so much meaning. You are my rock. Thank you for being my best friend, the one I need forever. I love you so much.
  15. You’ve always been my rock, through good times and bad. The one who stood by my side, whenever I needed someone the most. Through the rough times and joyous occasions it’s you I always go to. I’d be lost without you!
  16. You have my heart, you have my soul, and I will love you forever. Your love is my beacon, your smile is my sunshine, and together our friendship gives me hope. You are the greatest friend I’ve ever had, and every day I thank God for bringing us together. I love you so much!
  17. You are my rock. You are my anchor for when times get rough. I realize now what’s important. It wasn’t the hand that held me down, it was the hand that pulled me back up. Thank you for always being there when I need support, encouragement, or just to talk to. Your love means everything to me and I can’t imagine my life without you in it!
  18. You are the foundation that helps me steady myself when life becomes to much. You have become my rock and I am forever grateful for that. You have been there for me anytime I’ve needed someone the most. We have a friendship that is unlike any other and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
  19. When I am down you lift me up, when I am empty you fill my soul. You do all this and more, and you don’t even know it. I love being around you because you’re fun, caring, sweet and funny. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. When we’re close the world doesn’t matter, as it slowly fades away leaving us alone in our own little world of happiness.
  20. I think I have told you on every card, in every note, and in every text since we met that I love you. However, even after all of that I feel like it will never be enough. You are on my mind constantly and the thought of not being with you breaks my heart. You mean so much to me each day seems better than the last because you are a part of it. I can’t wait for forever with you by my side!
  21. You are the love of my life. I know God has blessed me with you, I love you more than words could ever express. You are my rock, my true love, my soul mate. I’m so glad we found each other. You are the best man that any woman could ask for!
  22. Life doesn’t make sense without you by my side. You are my rock in a sea of chaos. Everything that I am or ever will be is because of you. I love you with every breath that I take and cherish you with every beat of my heart. Thanks for always making me feel better, for being the strength I can rely on during hard times and for being the one who keeps me moving forward when it all becomes to much to handle. I love you, baby!
  23. You are a rock. Whenever I need something you are there to be my support, my strength and whenever I fall it’s your arms that I land in. You are the rock that holds all things together and makes me feel safe. Thank you for being there for me, and I can only hope to return the favor until the day I die!
  24. You are the best thing to happen to me, you are what keeps me going every day. I am so happy we found each other and work so well together. You are my rock and will always keep me grounded. I love you!
  25. I am lost without you, You are the small stone I can build my life upon. You are the anchor I need to hold on in the raging sea of life. I stand by your side forever, as we weather any storm life throws at us hand in hand.
  26. You are my rock. When I need something to cling to you are there. My strength, my love, my painkiller. You help lighten the heavy load that is my life and give me something to smile about no matter what. You are the most amazing boyfriend in the world and I know you will always be there for me through thick or thin!
  27. I can’t say just how much you mean to me, but I hope these few words will express my deep love for you. I want to thank you for being there through the good and bad, and constantly reminding me that I am not alone.As long as I have you, no matter if it’s a day or a year, my life is complete and fulfilled.
  28. Until I met you, I’d never found anyone who cared for me the way you do. Thank you so much for being there whenever I need you. You are a great friend and I’m glad to have you as part of my life.
  29. You’re my rock, the love of my life, and the best thing that’s ever been mine. I just can’t imagine life without you. I am so blessed to have you in my life, and I want you to know how important you are to me.
  30. My boyfriend, my life. You are everything to me. The one I come home to, the one I dream about. My rock, my strength, my soul mate. You are home to me, you’re my safe place that brings me comfort and a love so strong nothing can break it. I love you so much!
  31. You mean so much to me, you are my rock when I am weak. You are the one who brings me happiness, because you love me as who I am. I couldn’t ask for more from a guy. You bring light into my life and even though we fight sometimes, we still manage to stay strong. Xoxo.
  32. You are my rock and without you I wouldn’t be able to make it through the tough times. I am so glad that you are always there for me. I really do love you a lot!
  33. My love, you’re my rock. If it wasn’t for you, I would have been swept into a raging river of chaos years ago. You’ve always been there to help me out of whatever holes I put myself in. Even when I do something stupid, you take the time to talk it out with me and help me fix it. I am so lucky to have you in my life, and I don’t know what I’d do without you! Love Always!
  34. You are the rock that I lean on and the person that whispers words of encouragement. You are the one who makes me feel safe. You put up with all my crazy ideas and listen to my endless rants. You are my best friend for life…my partner in crime!
  35. You are the calm at the center of my storm. You make me feel safe and secure. I can’t imagine my life without you. I wouldn’t trade one moment with you for all the riches in the world. You mean the world to me and I will always be here for you.
  36. You’re the person I want to run for. You are my rock, the foundation I stand upon. The one who gives me strength to push through my fears and face them. The person who makes sure that I don’t lose focus in this crazy world.

Also See: Thank You For Choosing Me Quotes

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She. An enthusiastic goal getter, a book📚 lover, content Writer/Editor, a Virtual host and a foodie🥑😋

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