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You Are My Best Choice Quotes

You Are My Best Choice Quotes

You are my best choice quotes will bring you a lot of inspiration, hope and powerful energy to make your day. Below are some of my favorite quotes about best choices.

You Are My Best Choice Quotes

  1. You are my best choice. I choose you as my partner in life because you’re the best person I ever met. And that’s not going to change.
  2. I don’t care if we’re miles apart, or if we’ve just recently met. I don’t care if we just started dating, or if we’ve been together for many years. I don’t care about how we feel about each other, or how perfect you make me feel when we are together. This is what I know; this is what I believe. You are my best choice.
  3. I want to remind you that you are my best choice. My choice to love, to be with, to support and to hold on to forever. You’re one in a million, and I love that about you.
  4. When I look at you I get butterflies in my stomach and tingles down my spine. You are so smart and funny, a perfect mix. Thank you for being my number one choice.
  5. In this world there are many choices, but you are the best one. The moment we met was the luckiest of my life. No one else could take your place, and I want you to know how much I appreciate you in my life.
  6. I choose to be your boyfriend because of your passion, your drive, and your determination. You are one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever met and I am so in love with you.
  7. Thank you for being always by my side. I love you so much, and I always miss you when we are apart. Please call me, e-mail me or write to me more often. Your letters always inspire and surprise me..
  8. More than you know, I am so glad we chose each other. Your life has been enriched by me and mine has been enhanced by being with you!
  9. Happiness is you. Love is you. I am glad we are together and that we found each other. I love you!
  10. You are my best choice. As the sun shines upon you, You light up my life with your beauty and grace. You always bring a smile to my face whenever I see you. You are like the radiance of the morning Sun. And I am always proud to call you mine. My love for you is forever strong!
  11. My darling, the reason you are my best choice is because you make me so happy. You’re the lights that shines down on me in the dark times and your a sunbeam when I’m having a bad day. You are my ray of sunshine that thaws out my frozen heart and warms me up from the inside out. I love you with all my heart and more than words could ever express. I cherish every moment I get to spend with you and wouldn’t change a thing.
  12. I love you for all the things you are. You’re loyal, smart, kind and I’m so glad we found each other. I want our love to last forever and know you will always be the one I choose in life.
  13. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, my true love. You awaken joy and laughter in my heart. You make me feel special every day. I love you so much and don’t spend another day without telling you! I gaze in your eyes and see a beautiful man that makes me forget about all of my troubles. You are my best friend, my lover and the one I want to share my life with!
  14. There is no one I’d rather spend every moment of my life with. My heart beats for you and yours alone. You are my best friend, my lover, my confidant, my everything. Thank you for always being there for me and cherishing our love.
  15. I love you because you are as beautiful as a summer’s day, as sweet as cane or honey and as warm and caring as the sun. You bring so much pleasure into my life that I can’t begin to describe the excitement I feel knowing that you will always be there for me. I love you with all my heart, soul and mind because no man could ever mean more to me then you do.
  16. I will never love another because no one could ever compare to you. You shine so bright that you light the darkest corners of my soul with the light of your love. I am yours and you are mine, together forever!
  17. I cherish our friendship and I am so glad we became friends again. I always want you in my life and to make you happy. I want to be by your side through thick and thin, good times and bad. You are one of the most amazing people that I know and I am so lucky to have you in my life.
  18. As I look back on our 4 years together, I can’t help but smile. You make me happy in a way that I never would’ve thought possible before you. I love your personality, your quirks, and how much fun you always seem to be having. Everyone should be as lucky as I am with my choice in a man.
  19. My baby is the cutest, prettiest and most amazing person I know. I am so glad to be your man!
  20. Things are not always what they seem, you are my best choice. But these words need no explanation, you alone went right to my heart. You’re the only one I want to be with, you’ve captured me completely. The love that I feel for you can’t be denied; after all these feelings run so deep.
  21. Hey girl. You’re still the only one. You are my best choice and I’m glad we found each other. There is no one that can compare to you and I won’t settle for less. I love you!
  22. You are my best choice. You are my only one. My heart is waiting for you, beating strong and true. I love you. Come live in it.
  23. My world shines more brightly just because you’re in it. Thank you for being there to always love me. You are my best choice. I adore your kissable lips, eyes like the ocean, and your sexy smile. From my head to my toes, I love every inch of you…And then some!
  24. Thank you for being my friend, my partner, my companion and most of all – my lover. We’ve made some great memories together. You are always with me when I look back, and I am honored to call you my best choice!
  25. I hope this love letter can cover everything I want to tell you. You are my best friend, the only one I can’t live without. Our love may be short and imperfect but I can promise you that it will be strong and divine. I love you!
  26. There are many days when I wonder what I did so right to deserve such a wonderful woman in my life. Wherever you walk, whatever your doing, you will always be my one and only love!
  27. I can’t imagine a day without you by my side. You bring me more joy than I have ever felt before in one lifetime. I couldn’t ask for a better person to spend the rest of my life with. You are mine and I am never letting you go. I love you baby!
  28. To my soul mate, you complete me in every possible way. I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else but you! I love you more than you’ll ever know.
  29. All I want to do is make you smile, and I hope my love will brighten every day of your life.
  30. I never met you…I never even talked to you before. You were just a number on my phone and a cute guy who sent me flowers, the best flowers I ever had in my life…well, not really, but still I was amazed by your thoughtfulness.
  31. Some say that you are strange and unusual. But I love you just the way you are, strange and unusual.
  32. You are my best choice. My most positive thought, my dearest wish. Someone who I’ve chosen to spend my life with. It is with you I can share my joys and defeats. Every single day I fall more in love with you and every night I dream about you as my own.
  33. You have become my best choice. In a life that consists of so many choices, you were the best one. I am glad to say that our friendship has evolved into something more, and I’m grateful to share my life with you. You are the only one for me, the keeper of my heart.
  34. Thank you for being my best choice. I love you so much.
  35. I am honored and glad to share my life with you. We can spend our lives growing old together. You are my best choice, the perfect man I was looking for all this time.
  36. I looked high and low for the best choice, and I found you. I am happy to have you in my life because no matter what, you will always be my best choice.
  37. Today I am thankful for you. You are my best choice.
  38. It’s nice to know that you’re my best choice, although I wouldn’t have it any other way.
  39. I’ve never been anything but in love with you. I can’t help but smile when you’re near me, and I couldn’t imagine a day without your love. All those years ago I found my best choice, and I cherish the time we spend together.
  40. You have to strengthen your relationship. It is said that relationships are based on the foundation of trust and the values that are believed in by both the partners. The saying goes beyond physical attraction because true love is all about trust, honesty, support and friendship. Whenever you look at someone who you would like to marry or be with forever, you should know if they love you or not. This is because true love manners start from friendship, fun and liveliness.
  41. Hey girlfriend, you are my best choice. You are the woman I never knew I have been searching all my life. I love you, babe. And this is the purpose why I’ll never hurt you and will always be by your side in good or bad times.
  42. You are my best choice I have ever made. I’m so glad I have you in my life. You always cheer me up when I’m sad, and we always have such a good time when we are together. You bring out the best in me. You make every moment better than it would be without you. I can’t imagine being with anyone else other than you.
  43. What if I told you that you were my best choice? Would that make you smile? Would it make you feel special? Because to me, you are. I don’t just say that because I have to. I cant even explain why without embarrassing myself, but I will try. You have this all-natural beauty about you; it’s not forced or fake or anything. It is so rare and so amazing to find. Your body is my favorite, and it’s exactly how I imagined it.
  44. I have chosen and will always choose you, I hope that you know that, You are my best choice. I am blessed to be the one you never give up on.
  45. Every moment with you is my favorite. Without you life feels empty and dark. I love your green eyes, the way your hair frames your face, and the way our bodies fit together. You are everything that I have ever wanted and more.
  46. Since the first time I saw you, I knew we were meant to be. You completed my life and gave me a reason to smile. Thank you for your love, thank you so much, darling!

Also See: You Are The Best Decision I Ever Made Quotes

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