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When I Look In Your Eyes Quotes

When I Look In Your Eyes Quotes

If you want to say those three little words, when I look in your eyes and the day is done, here are some quotes that will help!

When I Look In Your Eyes Quotes

  1. When I look into your eyes I see a reflection of my love for you. My heart soars. You are truly the best thing that’s ever happened to me and nothing could make me happier than I am right now. I love you with all of my heart.
  2. When I look in your eyes nothing else matters, words can’t describe how much I love you. There are so many things I want to tell you; day by day I fall more and more in love.
  3. When I look in your eyes, I see a warm smile and happiness. When I look in your eyes, I see a soulmate who loves me fully. When I look in your eyes, I see the most beautiful shade of brown. When I look in your eyes, I see my whole life and future.
  4. When I look in your eyes I see nothing but love. When I kiss your lips, that’s all I can taste. All the world around us fades away when you hold me in your arms. Your love is my shelter from the storm and for that I am forever grateful.
  5. When I look in your eyes, I see completeness and joy. When we embrace, I feel whole. Your face, your voice, they draw me closer. Like a moth to a flame, you draw me in like no one else. You are my best friend, my lover and my heart. I love you so much!
  6. When I look in your eyes I see a reflection of passion and love. When I kiss your lips I taste the sweet softness of our touch. Your hugs cool me when I’m hot and warm me when I’m cold. You are my best friend, lover, and confidant. When we lay down at night and close our eyes you are the last thing on my mind before drifting off to dreamland.
  7. Some people say that the eyes are windows to the soul. I think this is true, because when I look at you I can see your beautiful soul. You have the most beautiful eyes and they always shine with an inner beauty that I cannot help but adore. They tell me your feelings and show me your love for me and it makes my heart melt. Although you are not perfect, and you have made mistakes in the past, your eyes tell me that you are sorry and that you will try to do better. I love you so much baby!
  8. When I look in your eyes, I see a reflection of myself and how happy I am with you. I love every last bit of you and never want us to be apart. You are my number one priority and the most important person in my life. No matter what, I will always love you. 
  9. I love looking into your eyes and see the love you have for me. No matter how hard life gets or how busy we become, don’t ever stop loving me. I’m so lucky to have someone like you in my life. You hold my whole world.
  10. When I look in your eyes, I see a reflection of myself. I see the beauty of all that life has to offer. The most amazing things are the ones we don’t see coming. And no matter what happens, I’ll always be happy because somewhere in my heart, there will alwas be a warm place for you. You make me happy even when I am sad and my posts of sadness will be outnumbered by the posts about how much I love you with enough to spare!
  11. The way you look at me makes me feel like I am the only man in the world. Something so special comes over me and it overwhelms my heart with a tingly sensation. When we are together I just cannot get my eyes off of you, and you are so gorgeous that you take my breath away.
  12. There is a place where I feel that you belong. It’s somewhere deep inside of me, and it guides my actions. If you ever get lost, just follow your heart. When I look in your eyes I see the stars in the sky and their dazzling beauty is a testament to the fact that I am truly blessed to have you as mine!
  13. You are a gift from God, and I thank him every day for bringing you into my life. I never want to leave your side. You are very special to me in every way. Every minute I spend with you is my favorite moment in time. You are the most amazing person I have ever met and it makes me so happy that we get to share our lives together. I love you so much!
  14. You always know what to say and how to treat me. I’m living proof that there is good in this world. I love the way our friendship works, the way you are always there for me no matter what. I am grateful for you and I appreciate every moment we have together. You could never know just how much.
  15. When I look into your eyes, I see our lives ahead. I see the two of us with kids, maybe a dog, and happiness. I also see a big screen TV and the RedZone channel. You are my very everything. You are my shining light in the midst of darkness. I love you more than anything.
  16. I feel so lucky that I found you! I love you with all my heart. When we are together, time stops and disappears. You make me so happy! The next time you feel down in the dumps: Remember…When we look into each other’s eyes; it’s a kiss, when we touch…it’s butterflies; when I’m wrapped in your arms, I feel safe and protected; and when I hear your voice I hear two loves: mine and yours.
  17. Lying here in bed at night, I often think of you. Your beautiful face and your enchanting smile are the last things I think of before I drift off to sleep. Life would be so dull without you and sometimes it scares me to think about that. You make me feel so alive!
  18. I just want to tell you, I love you. A lot. You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met and I’m so glad we found each other. Your smile is such an amazing thing to see, and when you laugh it’s even better. I am truly lucky, as you are one of the very few that could bring me to this level of joy. You are my life!
  19. When I look in your eyes, there’s a light, that shines from within. When I look in your eyes, the whole world stops spinning for a second or two. When I look in your eyes, my heart feels like singing and dancing. When I look in your eyes, my life is complete and completely fulfilled to the fullest.
  20. I want to give you the world, and all that really means is wanting to give you some of my love. When I look into your eyes, I see a reflection of how I feel about you, which is why I can never say I love you enough.
  21. My arms ache to hold you, my heart yearns for you and my soul seeks you! When I look in your eyes, I see all my tomorrows. You are my life, my love, my future. I can’t remember a time before you and all I want is for us to be together forever.
  22. I look into your eyes and see what a beautiful woman you are inside and out. I see how you inspire me to be the best man I can possibly be. I see the love that you have for me and that makes me so happy and so grateful to have you in my life. Thanks for being by my side and caring for me unconditionally. You are the most amazing person I know!
  23. I just want to say that even though we’ve gone through a lot of tough times, we have an absolutely beautiful friendship and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. When I look into your eyes, I see my best friend, my confidant, my soul mate, and the love of my life. I love you with all my heart!
  24. To be near you is the only heaven for me, to hear your voice, to touch your skin, to hold you in my arms and feel our hearts beat together. The smell of your hair is pure ambrosia and gazing into your eyes lets me die penniless.
  25. When I look in your eyes, all of my troubles melt away. You seem to be able to read me better than anyone, and you say exactly what I need to hear. And your sense of humor is one of the best things about you, you always know how to make me laugh.
  26. I couldn’t imagine life without you. I am so thankful for the day we met, before you I was lonely and sad, now I am filled with happiness and love! Everyday when I look into your eyes I love you more and more.
  27. This is what I love most about you, your beautiful eyes. It makes my heart melt every time I see the gorgeous irises that make up your eyes, the color of sizzling caramel, so sweet and tender. I love you so much.
  28. Hey babe! I was thinking today, as I often do, about how much I love you. And, to be more specific, when I look into those beautiful brown eyes of yours…. Well, let’s just say that I love you a whole lot! No matter what happens in this crazy world, know that I will always be there for you and give you my shoulder to cry on and my arms to embrace you.
  29. I am my happiest when I’m with you. Everything feels right. Everything is where it should be. You are in all my dreams and fantasies; and lately that’s been enough. So when I look in your eyes I don’t see any limitations, only potential. And when I hold you in my arms, I don’t feel like an entire person, just half of one.
  30. When I look in your eyes, I see a glimpse of my future. A moment frozen in time with you. When I look in your eyes, I see a thousand mysteries unveiled and secrets untold. When I look in your eyes, it’s like seeing my soul for the first time.
  31. When I look in your eyes, I feel like there is no place else I’d rather be. My heart feels so happy when you are by my side. It’s amazing to be loved by a person so wonderful. Your kindness and love overflowing from the moment when our eyes met.
  32. When I look in your eyes, I feel as though I’m staring right into my own soul. You are the most amazing man I have ever met. Our love is something truly magical and unique. I can’t even begin to express just how much you mean to me. Each day that passes, I fall more and more head over heels for you. Words cannot describe what it feels like when you’re with me. Even just spending quiet moments with you makes me feel so incredibly at peace…Love you!
  33. I look in your eyes and see happiness, hope and beauty. I look in your eyes and see the love I have been searching my whole life for. I look in your eyes and see the man who has finally made me whole, broken heart and all.
  34. When I look into your eyes, I am home. You warm up my heart like the summer sun, and make everything seem right in the world. You are an amazing man, and you make me want to be my best self.

Also See: My Heart Is Yours Quotes

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She. An enthusiastic goal getter, a book📚 lover, content Writer/Editor, a Virtual host and a foodie🥑😋

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