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Thinking Of You Sister Quotes

Thinking Of You Sister Quotes

Thinking of you sister quotes will help you say those special words to your dear sister.

Thinking Of You Sister Quotes

  1. Tonight, I lifted a radiant smile, my soul gingerly floating into quiet magic. I pensively mind the unceasing thoughts of how lucky I am to have you. You lift me higher, carry me through tough times, you complete me and fill my heart with happiness. Thanks for the love you’ve shown me. I Miss you sister!
  2. I’m thinking of you and I wish that you were here to see all this fun stuff. I really miss you. You would really love all of this, just like the old days but better because you are here. You mean so much to me. We are sisters and we face life together, no matter what happens tomorrow will always be today!
  3. Hey sis, how are you? How are the kids? I miss you guys so much! I wanted to wish you a happy thanksgiving and to let you know I love you. You mean so much to me. And I can’t wait till we all get together again.
  4. I want to thank you for being my sister and a friend. You are so very dear to me and I know you will always be there whenever I need you. I hope this note finds you well and blessed.
  5. Sis, we haven’t seen each other in a while but I have been thinking of you lately. I wanted to wish you the happiest Valentine’s Day, and on every day. Stay happy and stay healthy, I will always love you.
  6. Doing my best to remember our special moments in life. Every time I think of you, I think of the memories we shared. Be happy as you always have been and know that I love you.
  7. sometimes I cry for no reason at all. sometimes I just want to go somewhere I’ve never been before. sometimes I think about you and everything we used to do and wonder what happened to us. I’m sorry for not being as kind or generous as I should have been, but it’s never too late to turn things around and start again. how are you doing? I hope God is treating you well. wishing you the best always.
  8. Dear Sister, we often take our sibling ties for granted; in fact, we seldom remember to appreciate them! This note is just a reminder of how much I cherish having you as my sister. You have been so supportive and understanding. I love your cheerful disposition and the way you always find solutions to problems. You’re my shining star in dark times and the one who understands there is a rainbow with every storm. I am so glad to have an amazing person like you as my sister.
  9. Sister, Girl, BFF, or Friend is an awesome title to have and although you may not be blood-related the bond between you is so strong that even blood sisters don’t compare! You may share different interests or hobbies but, in the end, you are there for one another’s triumphs and defeats and that’s what matters most. Here is a collection of my favorite quotes about sisters:
  10. I think of you every day! I often daydream about us being together or dreaming of memories from our childhood. You are forever my best friend and that will never change.
  11. I miss you sister, the distance between us seems so far. I miss your laugh, kisses and big hugs. I’ll call you soon, or better yet I will see you soon.
  12. Thinking of you on the one day out of the year set aside to recognize how important our female family and friends are. I hope your day is as special as you are.
  13. A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend for life. You both brought so much light into each of our lives. I wish I had the words to describe what you two means to me. All I can say is that I love you both with everything that I am!
  14. I know you will always be there for me, and I for you. I cherish every moment that we share, because I know firsthand that life is short. I love you so much and cherish the time we have together. You are and always will be my best friend in this world.
  15. You are an amazing sister. You have exceeded all my expectations. I am so glad God gave you to me, you really mean a lot to me. If there was anything in the entire world I could do for you, count on me! Love you more!
  16. Thank you for being my sister, for there is no one else I would rather share this life with. You are a blessing to me every day, and I couldn’t ask for a better sister! I love you!
  17. The last time I remembered your birthday was when you were twelve and we had just moved to Ohio. Seems like a long time ago, doesn’t it? But I remember being so sad that my baby sister was growing up so fast. You were growing up on me. I felt like a mother watching a baby bird fly off, free as a bird, out of the nest.
  18. I love you my dear sister. I think about your life a lot and I want to ask you to tell me your joys, sorrows, hopes, desires. If you feel like it – please do write to me from time to time. I would really like that our family was together, there is one of us in every corner of the world.
  19. I don’t tell you how much I appreciate you enough so I figured a card would work. I love you very much. Thank you for always being there for me and especially thanks for your support during the break up. You are such a great sister, friend and confidante.
  20. You are my sister and my friend, the one person who knew me when no one else did. I am so thankful that we grew up close together. Your best qualities are your love and tenderness. My fondest memories are lying in bed at night talking to you about everything and nothing at all; I love our sisterly bond and can’t wait to see how it grows over the years.
  21. You are the best sister anyone could ask for. You live so far away but you’re still the one I can call when I need you. You’re my best friend and I love you so much!
  22. Dearest sister, I miss you a lot. It is so good to have you out of my life for those days. Love you lots!!
  23. Wherever you are out there in the world, know that I wish / pray for your well-being. Extra warm wishes to my sister who is thinking of me too – May blessings surround you always!
  24. No matter what happens, I am always here for you. I love you as much as I can and more than words could put it into words. You are such an amazing person and you make me a better person.
  25. I may not see you or talk to you as often as I’d like, but that won’t stop me from sending my thoughts with this message. I miss you deeply, and I wish for the day when we can have tea together again. Hope life is good for you and may joy continue to follow your every step.
  26. I know we haven’t always seen eye to eye and it may be hard for you to believe, but I only want the best for you. If you are sad or lonely or having a bad day, I hope that this message can cheer you up. You have been that annoying little sister of mine for 10 years now and I still love you more than anything.
  27. I think of you every day, wishing I could have you back in my life. Sending thoughts and prayers your way, hoping and wishing you are safe! I love you sis, regardless of the troubles you’ve caused and all the things that have passed between us. You will always be my sister and nothing can change that!
  28. You’re like my right-hand girl. Whenever I think of you, I smile. I’m so glad that you are a part of my life, sister or not! You should be happy because there is no one else out there with your sense of humor or heart. Don’t ever forget that the people who matter don’t mind being number two, they want to be number one in your heart.
  29. What do I love about you? How about everything? There’s nothing I don’t like about you. You’re selfless, loving, and extremely loyal and kind. You notice how your brother looks at you and even though it sometimes concerns me, I appreciate that you are concerned and care so much to ask. Thank you for being the best sister anyone could ask for! I love you!
  30. I think of you all the time, and I know you are thinking of me. Even though we are far apart, you are still in my heart every day. I love you with all my heart and miss you more than words could ever say. I’ll see you real soon!
  31. Today I am thinking about my sister and I want to wish her a Happy Birthday. She brings joy to my life and helps me out whenever I need it. She is always there for me and has helped me when I have been at my lowest. Most importantly, though, I love you sister, because you are a true friend!
  32. I LOVE thinking about you. I keep saying it over and over again. I think about you every second of every day. You are always with me no matter where I am, no matter what I am doing. Your thoughts embrace me like a warm blanket in the dead of winter and they make me feel so safe and comforted. I will fight to protect that feeling because it is the greatest constant in my life right now, the only good thing that has been with me since the beginning.
  33. I’m so lucky to have a sister like you. We have been through so much together, since we were both young and naive. Neither of us knew what was ahead when we began our lives, but over the years we have grown close, bonded to one another. If I could turn back time, I would redo every day just to be close to you for longer. I feel so connected and safe that I love you as if you are my own soul.
  34. My dearest sister, how are you? I am sorry that I haven’t written in a while. Life has been hectic. My husband, kids and in-laws were sick so I was running back and forth to the hospital trying to take care of everyone. They are all better now and back to their normal selves. So, things should be getting back to normal around here now but with the holidays coming up, I really don’t know if we will have much time to visit.
  35. I so miss you with all my heart. I watch the sunsets and the sun rises, wishing you were here to share it all with me. Send lots of love and kisses to you sister.
  36. I can’t stop thinking about you. I haven’t seen or heard from you in so long. I know it’s been rough for both of us, but we’re still family, and I need you to know that I love you and miss you like crazy.
  37. To my darling sister, with love and support on this your birthday and always. May the years ahead be packed with happy memories and new challenges! Always know that I am here to help you through whatever comes your way.

Also See: Thinking Of You Today My Friend Quotes

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