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Thanks To Everyone Who Checked On Me Quotes

Thanks To Everyone Who Checked On Me Quotes

Thanks to everyone who checked on me quotes. Don’t forget to share today’s top list with others for more thanks to everyone who checked on me quotes.

Thanks To Everyone Who Checked On Me Quotes

  1. Everyone checked on me. I was doing fine but the concern was heartwarming. Thank you for taking the time to reach out to me.
  2. I appreciate all of you who have checked on me and asked how I was doing. It meant a lot to me. Thank you.
  3. I’m doing fine. I wasn’t expecting any of my friends to check up on me and I’m very happy you all did. Sometimes when people go through something they feel like they are being forgotten, so I appreciate your kindness.
  4. Thank you so much for checking on me and asking me how I was doing. It meant a lot to me.
  5. Thank you for calling to check on me after I was sick. It really helped. Also for bringing me my favorite soup. You are the best!
  6. I must say, everyone was so nice and caring to me. I appreciate all of the flowers and visits. It really meant a lot to me. I’m overwhelmed by all the love people sent my way. I really hope you are doing well!
  7. Thank you for checking on me. It’s very hard being back home in this place, with this family and these memories. Thank you for helping me remember there is a real world out there.
  8. Thank you for checking up on me. It is nice to know that people care.
  9. Thank you so much for sending me your well wishes. I am doing much better. It meant alot to know that I have such wonderful people in my life. You are all amazing!
  10. Thanks so much for checking up on me. I was feeling pretty down and overwhelmed by everything, but you really lifted my thoughts. I will be sure to remember your kind words the next time that I become discouraged like that.
  11. Thank you so much for your messages and texts. They mean a lot to me and it means a lot that you sent something.
  12. Thank you for letting me know I was on your mind.
  13. Thanks to everyone who checked on me after my car accident. I am fine, but it was nice that you were concerned.
  14. Thank you to everyone who checked on me. I’m sorry if I have seemed distant because I was dealing with a lot of things going on in my life, so thank you for being there and being concerned about me.
  15. Thanks to everyone. But I was fine. It’s probably my own fault for not paying attention to where the exit signs are. And it would have been nice if someone had pulled me back up, but I guess I landed in a good place and thanks to everyone who checked on me.
  16. Thank you to everyone who checked up on me. This weekend has been difficult not having my son here but most of you were very concerned in a very nice, sometimes funny manner. Check out my thank you post on Instagram, I’m back on my feet.
  17. Thank you to everyone who has called the store to check in and see how I was doing. Your calls really meant a lot to me. I’ve tried to call everyone back, but please know that it was thoughtful of you to call.
  18. I am feeling a lot better. Thank you for being concerned about my health and for checking up on me. You are such wonderful friends!
  19. Thanks everyone for checking up on me. I am doing well now and ready to get back to my regular routine.
  20. Thank you for checking on me. I am doing much better now. I am sure that the antibiotics were the best choice for me.
  21. I really appreciate all of you checking in on me. I’m feeling much better and ready to get back to work on my various writing projects. Thank you again for your concern.
  22. Thank you for all the voicemails, texts, and emails. I really appreciate it and I’m sorry I haven’t been able to respond to everyone yet. I am still in bed but leaving for the hospital shortly where they will evaluate me further. I’ll let you know what’s going on as soon as possible.
  23. Thank you for the support and encouragement. I really appreciate your concern for me. It certainly is overwhelming to lose a friend and family members at such a young age. I’m glad to know that there are so many of you that care about me, even if we aren’t very close or haven’t seen each other for years.
  24. Thank you so much for all of the messages. My spirit has been lifted, and I feel like myself again!
  25. Thanks to everyone who checked on me. I was in the hospital for a few days, but I am home now and doing much better. I am slowly recovering from the surgery. I am going to be back to work this week, slowly. I will be working from home for a few weeks, so don’t worry about me coming into the office.
  26. Thank you so much for checking on me. It meant a lot to me. I was thinking about my gratitude journal and how to keep up my good momentum and when I checked my phone, there were all of these messages from friends checking on me.
  27. Thanks to everyone for checking on me when I was sick. I am feeling better now and hope you are all well. Let’s get together soon!
  28. Thank you for checking on me and calling me to see how I was. I appreciated your kind words and concern after the move. It’s nice to know I have friends who look out for me!
  29. I appreciate all of the people who have checked in on me. I feel so much better now! I haven’t gotten this much love from all of you at once in quite some time. This weekend was a blast, despite the last 24 hours. I am ready for next weekend already.
  30. Thank you for checking up on me. I know you all must have been worried. I am feeling much better, but still weak. I’ll be back to my normal self soon enough.
  31. Thanks for checking on me and making sure I was alright. I’m glad your medication is working!
  32. Thank you for checking in on me, since I haven’t been outside of my apartment in about three weeks. Your calls and texts are very encouraging and a huge help!
  33. Thank you so much to all of the people who have contacted me over the past two weeks. It’s wonderful to know that the emails I send go out to a lot of people and are enjoyed by many. I hope you all have great times celebrating with friends and family over this holiday weekend. I will be taking some time for my fiancée and our families at large. But more updates on what is going on eventually!
  34. Thank you for checking in. Your kindness has meant a lot. I appreciate it.
  35. Thanks to everyone who sent me well wishes over the last couple of days, it really meant a lot. I’m feeling better and just about ready to return to my studies.
  36. Thanks for checking in with me. I’m doing great, feeling good and getting better every day.
  37. Thank you to everyone who checked on me. I know it might be a bit silly of an experiment, but having people think about me helps me feel better and improve my mood.
  38. Thank you, everyone, for checking on me when I went quiet. I was just going through a hard time and needed to get myself together. Everyone’s support helped me get through it.
  39. Thanks for checking on me. I’m doing a lot better, and it’s crazy that the month is almost over. I can’t believe how fast time has passed! I’ve been doing better because of all my friends who have checked up on me, so thank you all!
  40. Thank you all for checking on me. I just got back from the doctor and everything is fine. I’m going to go home after this class and relax for a bit.
  41. Please do not be worried. I am doing very well now. People were texting me, e-mailing me, and social networking me to check on me. It really made me feel better when I read such sweet notes.
  42. Thank you for checking on me. I appreciate everyone’s support and concern. I’m doing much better now, and there is nothing to worry about.
  43. Thank you so much for all of your concern. I feel very lucky to have so many friends and family who care about my well-being and looked out for me, even though I was hidden behind the computer screen.
  44. Thank you for checking on me. While I was sick, it was nice to hear from you and get a few laughs.
  45. Everyone was so worried about me when I didn’t turn in that project. I’m really okay and just forgot to do it. Sorry for worrying everyone.
  46. Thank you for checking in on me. I enjoy talking to you and hearing about your day, but it was nice after the date to not have to do that. It meant a lot.
  47. Thanks to everyone who checked on me during my time of need. It really lifted my spirits to be reminded that I’m a valued member of the community. I am glad that you have all have my back and support me so much!
  48. I really appreciate everyone coming by to check in on me and make sure I am getting better. Knowing you all care is really helpful. Thank you so much.
  49. Hey everyone, I appreciate everyone checking in on me and being so considerate. I am doing much better now. I apologize for worrying people, at first I didn’t know what was wrong with me, the docs gave me a bunch of tests and couldn’t find anything wrong. Thank you to everyone who came to visit me on my stay at the hospital, it really meant a lot to me.
  50. Thank you for checking on me, especially when i didn’t check. I’m doing well, but will see you guys soon.
  51. Thank you so much for checking in on me and making sure I’m doing okay. Things have been rough,but knowing what is going on at home makes my day better.
  52. Thank you for checking on me after the breakup. I’ve been having a hard time, but you have all been very supportive and kind.
  53. Thank you so much for checking on me after I didn’t pick up the phone when you called. You really helped calm my nerves when the lights dimmed and I felt like a fool. Thank you for helping me not feel so depressed during that time in my life.
  54. Thank you for checking up on me. I’m doing fine. Feeling a little better this week so all is well.
  55. Thanks for checking in on me. Sorry I have been MIA from all social media but I am trying to stay focused on getting well so that I can get back to normal.
  56. Thanks for checking in to make sure I am doing okay. I am doing better, but I’m still sad. How are you?
  57. Thank you for thinking of me when I was too shy to write. Your messages meant a lot to me. I’ll do my best to get better!

Also see: Thank You For Your Concern About My Health

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