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Thank You For Your Care And Concern Messages

Thank You For Your Care And Concern Messages

Thank you for your care and concern quotes can be used by hospitals, medical professionals and to say thank you after someone goes out of their way to help you a job well done. You will find the right quote to express yourself here.

Thank You For Your Care And Concern Messages

  1. Thank you for your care and concern messages. Although I don’t always have time to respond, I appreciate all that you have done. I wish the best for you and your family as you celebrate Thanksgiving.
  2. Thank you for your caring and concern messages. When I’m worried, it means a lot that there are people who send me reassuring words to make things back to normal.
  3. Thank you for your messages and concerns these past few months. Everything is going well now, and I’m very happy to be back home with my family.
  4. Thank you for your text message yesterday. It was greatly appreciated, especially after the way my day was going. I needed to hear that message.
  5. Thank you for the messages of concern when my dad passed away. It means a lot to me. I appreciate all of your help in planning and organizing the memorial service.
  6. Thank you for your friendly and encouraging messages. As stressful as things get, it’s nice to know someone out there cares about what I do.
  7. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the support you have given me in recent weeks and months. People like you are good for a person’s soul and I am so grateful you are in my life.
  8. Thank you for your support and the many ways you have shown me that you care. I know it’s hard sometimes to know how to show people that you love them or that you care about them and sometimes I think people don’t know what to say. I feel very blessed to have your friendship.
  9. Thank you for being so thoughtful. I really appreciate hearing from you.
  10. Thank you for all of your kind words. I’m happy we work together, because it’s always good to know that someone is there to lend a hand if I need it.
  11. Much appreciated. Glad all is well and your future is looking up.
  12. Thank you for your care and concern messages. I had a stressful day, but when I checked my phone, I saw your messages and was immediately calmed down. Thank you for being there for me.
  13. You’re amazing. I was having a rough day, but when I checked my phone and saw your messages, I immediately felt better. Thank you for always being there for me.
  14. Rough day, but your messages made me smile. Thanks for always being there when I need you!
  15. Thank you so much for sending me such thoughtful messages. You helped make today’s stress manageable, and I can’t thank you enough for that.
  16. Of all the messages I receive, yours are my favorite to open. They make me feel less stress and worry about the world. Thank you for being my comfort in times of worry.
  17. Thanks so much for keeping in touch about your day. I’m sorry you had a stressful day, put a smile back on your face. I hope to hear more from you soon.
  18. Thank you so much for your messages and support. You have helped me get through this stressful day.
  19. Thank you for checking in. It really put me in a better mood.
  20. Thank you for your care and concern messages. I haven’t been in contact with you in a while but when I see your messages I know that you have been worrying about me. You are a good friend!
  21. Thank you for your care and concern messages. I’m happy to know someone out there cares! I’m feeling a lot better now.
  22. Thank you for the care and concern messages. It is good to know that you are around when I need you. Thanks for being a good friend.
  23. Thank you for reading my thank you notes and showing concern when I mention that I am stressed. It may seem like a little thing, but it means the world to me and gives me a little more confidence to do whatever I need to do in life.
  24. Thank you for your kind messages and texts as I was dealing with a family emergency. They meant alot to me, because I needed my friends by my side. Thank you all.
  25. Thank you for being so nice to me. I know that when I talk to you about various things and you listen, it helps me feel better. I have been very stressed out as of late and your caring messages have helped me feel better.
  26. Thank you for your care. I know it can be hard for you to not be able to physically be there in my time of need, but even your messages help me make it through the day.
  27. Thank you for your messages. I’m glad to hear from you and it’s nice to know that you are thinking of me even though we are both busy. I will be there for your big day and can’t wait!
  28. Thank you for all the kind messages of support. I’m going to be okay. I will get through this with the help of all my friends.
  29. Thank you for caring about me so much. I’m not the easiest person to be friends with, but you always make time for me and you are there for me whenever I need you.
  30. I thank you for your kind words and thoughts. They meant so much to me in my time of need. I’m feeling a lot better. I hope you are, too!
  31. Thank you for your care and concern messages. In this hectic life I am so glad to have you on my side. I hope all is well with you. These messages always brighten up my day.
  32. Thank you so much for your care and concern messages. I have been able to get through the days more easily with all of your messages. Thank you again for the support.
  33. Thank you for your care and concern messages. We are all doing fine, thanks to you and your prayers.
  34. Thanks for all of your care and concern messages. I felt your love when the doctors said my grandmother needed guardian angels.
  35. Thank you for your text messages. This year has been a very busy one for me, with many challenges and changes. I really appreciate your caring heart and am so grateful we have each other.
  36. Thank you for all the messages of concern and care. I’m so upset I missed your party, especially since it was my birthday. I really enjoyed working with you at
  37. Thank you for all the messages. It made me feel better knowing that my family is looking out for me. It also helps to know a lot of people care about your personal safety and well-being. After receiving all your messages, I realized I do have a lot of people in my life who care about me and want me around.
  38. Thank you for all of the thank you notes you have been sending me. I really appreciate all of your thoughts and worries. I hope I can continue to prove that I’m okay and that it is not worth worrying about things when they will be fine in no time.
  39. Thank you so much for your messages. I really appreciate it. Have a great weekend and don’t work too hard.
  40. Thank you for thinking of me and sending all those amazing messages on Facebook and text. I really appreciate it and it helps calm my nerves.
  41. Thank you for thinking of me and taking time to send me a thoughtful message. I appreciate it so much!
  42. Thank you for your care and concern messages. I really appreciate it when people reach out to me, especially you. Thank you for being there even if I am not able to get back to you immediately.
  43. Thank you for your care and concern messages. I’m sorry I didn’t reply to you the way I should have. I was in a very stressful time and it got the better of me. I hope we can talk soon.
  44. Thank you for your care and concern messages. I super appreciate them and find them very beneficial. I know that it takes a lot of effort, thank you for all pics and text messages!
  45. Thank you for your concern. Hopefully I can reassure you that there is nothing to worry about. Both my agent and the book author’s team assures me that everything between us will be completely professional. They share the same worry about this, but I need to speak with the author face to face, which is why I must go to New York this week.
  46. Thank you for your kind and supportive messages when I had a bad day. I was very thankful you reached out to me. I’m happy all is well again!
  47. Thank you for sending me a message of concern. I am all right. Things are hard right now, but it’s all good.
  48. Thank you for always sending such sweet text messages. It helps me think of you and relax when I have a hard time.
  49. Thank you for always giving me your time and devotion. I feel very fortunate to have you as a friend. You are the most caring, compassionate and creative person I know. Keep being an awesome friend.
  50. I don’t know what to say sometimes… thank you for being there to listen when I am in need of alcohol. Thank you for the wonderful messages and encouragement
  51. Thank you for always asking how I am doing and offering advice. I appreciate your support so much!
  52. Thank you for your care and concern messages. I was away on vacation and out of contact for a few days, but received all of your messages when I got back. It really means a lot to me that you sent me so many thoughtful texts.
  53. Thank you for your care and concern messages. It really helps to know you are there for me when I need someone to talk to. I hope everything is going well for you as well.
  54. Thank you for your care and concern messages. I really appreciate them and am so glad we have each other to lean on.
  55. Thank you for your care and concern messages. It’s nice to know that I have people who care about my ability to decipher the news stories. That is a big help to me.
  56. Thank you for all of the care and concern messages, it really makes me feel better when I am feeling down to hear from you. I appreciate it so much.
  57. Thank you for being concerned about me. You could have been that pretentious one that didn’t care, but you were not. There are not many people I can trust these days. Your support means a lot to me and I appreciate it deeply.
  58. Thank you for your care and concern messages. They made me feel better, even if I didn’t actually send them to you thinking you may also get sick like I did.
  59. Thank you for your care and concern messages. It means a lot to know that I have support even though we are not together. You are always on my mind and in my heart as one of the best friends I have.
  60. Thank you for your kind concern messages. I love knowing people are concerned about me when I am not well. Those messages helped pull me through the day.

Also See: Thank You For Being The Best Part Of My Life Quotes

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