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Thank You For Caring About Me Quotes

Thank You For Caring About Me Quotes

Do you know someone that cares so much about you? If yes, then you need to use these thank you for caring about me quotes and messages to say thanks to the people who surely care about you.

Thank You For Caring About Me Quotes

  1. Thank you for caring about me. I hope you know that I really appreciate all your help.
  2. Thank you for considering the feelings I have and being very caring towards me.
  3. I want you to know that I really appreciate all the nice things you have done for me. Thank you for being a friend.
  4. Thank you for caring about me. You knew I wasn’t feeling well since that morning, but you still came to see me. I really appreciate that and it made me feel special. Thank you for making sure I was alright and not stressed at all.
  5. You know I care about you because I always think of you first. Thank you for making time for me yesterday afternoon.
  6. Thank you for being there for me. You are one of the most loyal friends I have ever had, and that means a lot to me. Thank you for always having my back.
  7. Thank you for caring about me. I have always felt that friends care enough about each other to help them out when they are not feeling very well. When I felt depressed recently, you helped get me through it. Thank you for being a good friend.
  8. Thank you for caring about me and for showing me that I am important to you. You make me smile, laugh out loud and feel cared about. I can’t imagine life without you. Thank you for being the best friend ever.
  9. Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me even when I don’t think it’s possible to do something. Thank you for being my friend. You are always there for me.
  10. Thank you for always caring about me. I can always count on you for a listening ear and good advice. Thank you best friend for all that you do for me.
  11. Thank you for caring about me. I feel so bad sometimes because I have been very busy at work, and I haven’t been able to pay as much attention to you as I should have. I really appreciated the time we spent together.
  12. Thank you for being my friend. You have always made me feel welcome at your home and gave me a place to rest when I was lost. I love how polite and gentle you are with everyone.
  13. Thank you for taking the time to read this note. You are a really good friend and I appreciate it very much! So, thank you for caring about me!
  14. Thank you for caring about me, and helping me. I know that’s not always easy to do. Thanks for caring. I’m happy to have you.
  15. Thank you for caring about me. I know that as a coworker, we don’t always have to be friends outside of the office, but it really means a lot when you help me out. Thank you for thinking of me as a friend.
  16. Thank you for taking the time to get away from your busy schedule just to come check up on me. I feel that it really means a lot. Your sincere concern makes me feel like we’ve been friends for a long time.
  17. Thank you for caring about me. After you broke up with me I was depressed. Thank goodness you cared for my well-being after we parted ways and made sure I was okay. I’m glad we’re still friends.
  18. Thank you for caring at times when I needed it. You have been there for me through the good and the bad, listening to my problems until I feel better. Thank you for protecting me with your seemingly magical hugs and kisses.
  19. Thank you for just being you. You don’t have to be a movie star or the perfect housewife to impress everybody. People care about you because you are different from everybody else. Thank you for caring about me and being a great friend. I appreciate it so much!
  20. Thank you for being there when I had a crisis. Your genuine interest in my feelings and situation were very helpful. I know you have a busy schedule, but you still made time to listen, and I am grateful for it.
  21. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most. You provided the support I need to feel safe and loved. When I am with you, I feel like nothing bad can happen to me.
  22. Thank you for sending the flowers. They were really beautiful. Sometimes, I get worried because I am starting my own business and not everything is perfect. It is reassuring to know that you are there for me and support me no matter what.
  23. Thank you for being there when I need someone to talk to. I feel bad sometimes for doing this, but I know you don’t mind. No matter what is going on in your life, you always have time to hear about mine. Thank you for caring. I’m happy we met.
  24. I’m writing this message to say thank you for all the help you have given me. You’ve always been there for me and gave me great advice when I needed it. I feel like you’re a good person. I’m glad we met, and I appreciate your friendship.
  25. Thank you for caring about me. Just because we were not meant to be doesn’t mean you’re not a good person. Thank you for being a great man and wishing the very best for me.
  26. Thank you for caring about me. I know relationships are built on more than that, but it’s nice to have someone who always has your back.
  27. Thank you for caring about me. Even though we have not known each other that many years, you have made me feel so special — and not only because of your gifts. It is just you, as a person, who makes me feel so good.
  28. Thank you for caring about me. I know it is not always easy to care for someone who is so self-centered at times, but sometimes I get too wrapped up in my own life and I forget about whats going on with you. I really appreciate your friendship and all that you do for me.
  29. Thank you for bringing me to the hospital last week. I’m told the doctors had a hard time figuring out exactly what I needed, but you knew what they meant right away and pointed in their direction. I appreciate it a lot.
  30. Thank you for being a great friend. We have a lot of fun times together and I really enjoy your company.
  31. Thank you for caring about me, even though I treated you badly. I know it took a lot of courage to help me and be my friend when I was in a bad place. We all make mistakes, but your friendship made me want to correct my behavior.
  32. Thank you for supporting me. I know it takes its toll on you and at times you don’t want to deal with my nonsense, but you always do. I’m very lucky to have you as a friend.
  33. Thank you for taking the time to get to know my values and what I need in a relationship. Thank you for understanding when I need time to recharge. You are an amazing friend.
  34. Thank you for being a positive person that everyone in the office can talk to when there is a bad day. I really appreciate you and all that you have done to make my work life easier.
  35. Thank you for being such a caring and thoughtful person. You are the perfect example of what a friend should be, and I am lucky to have someone like you in my life.
  36. Thank you for taking the time to read the card. This note is just a short reminder of how much I appreciate you. You are very special to me and I have enjoyed our friendship since we started talking about X months ago.
  37. I know we are not dating, but I want you to know I am very grateful for all the ways you have supported me this year. You have been there for me at my job and when I had problems at home. You are a very caring friend and I appreciate everything you have done for me. Sincerely thankful!
  38. Thank you for always caring about me. Thank you for being there when I am not feeling well and telling me it will be okay. Thank you for always being there to talk to when I need someone, no matter what time of day or night it is. Thank you for caring so much and letting me know how much you do.
  39. Thank you for caring about me. I know you don’t believe me, but sometimes my problems are really rough and burdensome. It means so much that you are available to listen to my concerns, and offer your support.
  40. Thank you for always looking out for me. I know so many people who barely pay attention to my needs, but you really listen to me and are there on the spot when I need someone to talk to. I appreciate that more than you know.
  41. Thank you for being there for me. It’s not easy to find someone willing to shoulder the problems of their friends. Thanks for helping me out in the tough times.
  42. Thank you for caring about me. I know we haven’t always gotten along in the past. But I really want to get to know you better and your kids.
  43. Thank you for being such a good listener. Many of my friends don’t care to listen to me, but you have always made time for me. I hope my special friendship with you means as much to you as it does to me.
  44. Thank you for sending me flowers to the office. It made my day! And as much as I like seeing you at home, I also get a great deal of pleasure from our “date nights” at your restaurant. Thank you all for caring about me.
  45. If you are my friend then you are the best friend in the whole world. Thank you for caring about me and loving me.
  46. Thank you for being my friend. I am very thankful that God has given me such a great girl in my life. I know I love you.
  47. Thank you for always checking on me. You make me feel really happy when you ask me how I am doing and what is new in my life. You’re the best!
  48. I just wanted to thank you on this late day in November for caring so much about me during all of my college years. You made my college career complete by taking such good care of me in every aspect. I am grateful for you. Have an amazing Thanksgiving and a fantastic Christmas season!
  49. Thank you for being so caring. You always encourage me and give me strength for everything. I don’t know what I’d do without you!
  50. Thank you for caring about me so much. You are always there to listen and to give me advice. I know we are not related by blood, but I am glad we are best friends instead of strangers.
  51. Thank you for being such a great friend. Whenever I feel down, you cheer me up and make me laugh. You always listen to my problems and don’t judge me. You are the best friend anyone could have.
  52. Thank you so much for caring about me. Sometimes I feel like a lost puppy and you are the only one that has been there for me. I feel like we have been best friends for years, even when we just met a few months ago.
  53. I am writing this note in order to say thank you for making me feel special. I know that I don’t send you thank-you notes quite often enough, but I wanted to let you know how much your thoughtfulness means to me.

Also See: Love The Way You Love Me Quotes

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She. An enthusiastic goal getter, a book📚 lover, content Writer/Editor, a Virtual host and a foodie🥑😋

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