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Thank You Breakup Messages

Thank You Breakup Messages

Everyone has heard that there is no good break up messages. And some break ups are so bad that there is no farewell. If you have ever been poor with words and writing a breakup message is hard for you. Here we have gathered the best Thank You Breakup Messages for you to share. So let dive in.

Thank You Break Up Messages

  1. I hope this was not a mistake, but thank you for being honest with me and breaking up. I would rather know than let it drag on and be unhappy. I want to wish you the best and hope we can stay as friends.
  2. Thank you for loving me. I know you tried very hard to make it work, but in the end we both have to move on. No matter what happens, know that I will always care about you and hope someday you will find happiness.
  3. Thank you for being such a great friend and a terrific boyfriend. I enjoyed our time together, but I’m not ready to get married yet and settle down. I hope we can stay friends.
  4. Thank you for the time that we had together. I really do like you and appreciate all of the fun that we had.
  5. Thank you for being such a great friend and making me happy in so many ways. I’m hanging on to the memories of our friendship as long as I can. Thank you for the laughs, love and support. You’re truly wonderful, and I wish you all the best in your life.
  6. Thank you so much for being with me the last year. While it was not a perfect relationship, I have to say that it definitely beats being single. I am grateful for all the laughs we had and I will continue to cherish them.
  7. Thank you for not giving up on me. You should know by now that I will never give up on you and I am grateful to have a partner like you. You are so important to me.
  8. Thank you for all of our memories. We had a really nice time together, and I’m grateful that things lasted as long as they did.
  9. Thank you for being the nicest guy I can remember. There is no hard feelings, we have just lost our best. Let’s do lunch!”
  10. Thank you for all the years of friendship. I hope we’ll remain close and in contact even though things won’t be the same. I will miss you dearly.
  11. Thank you for being my boyfriend for a couple of months. The memories we have will last forever and I will always be grateful for the time I had with you.
  12. Thank you for being part of my life. I appreciate everything that we’ve done together, especially our friendship. However, I must let you know that I have met someone else and we are starting a new relationship together.
  13. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you. Sadly, we can’t be together anymore but I am grateful for the time we have had together and all the fun times. I wish you all of the best, I hope we’ll be friends again someday.
  14. Thank you for being in my life. It was a happy time, and I appreciate the time we were able to spend together.
  15. Thank you for making me happy and being my friend, even though we are going in different directions. I will always cherish our memories together.
  16. Thank you for the wonderful time that we had together; it was pleasant. I am grateful that I met you, but I would like to end this relationship if possible. I won’t hold a grudge against you, and I hope that we can still be friends.
  17. Thank you for being a great person to me, someone who I could always rely on. Even though our personalities were different and we clashed a little sometimes, overall, I am glad we were a couple.
  18. Thank you for all the good times we spent together. I especially enjoyed your sense of humor and the way you always showed up with a gift when I needed cheering up.
  19. Thank you for being there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. I know that was very uncomfortable for you, and I appreciate it. I know we will stay friends no matter what happens because we have supported each other ever since we started dating, so you not being around would be very awkward.
  20. Thank you for the many good times we had together. Memories of summers spent together and travel abroad will always be cherished in my mind.
  21. Thank you for the beautiful gift you gave me when we broke up. It’s one of my most cherished gifts now. Up until recently, I didn’t realize how much I would miss you and how amazing you were to me. Thank you for being such a great friend to me first and foremost.
  22. Thank you for being the best friend I have ever had. You were there for me when I was feeling really down and helped me through a really hard time. Thank you so much.
  23. Thank you for the wonderful time we had together. Thank you for the laughs and thank you for loving me. Thank you for understanding that my feelings just weren’t there anymore and we never should have dated in the first place.
  24. Thank you for all of the wonderful nights and days that we had together. I’m grateful to have met you and thankful that I got the chance to explore what a relationship is like with you.
  25. Thank you for being such a great girlfriend while I chose to finish school and pursue my passion in music. You were understanding of my goals, but I feel that we are at different places in our lives right now. Please find someone new who will love you with as much fervor as I did.
  26. Thank you for the great time you gave me and for being my best friend for five years. I wish all of the happiness in the world for you, but at this moment I have to take a step back from our relationship. I know we will always be cool with each other as friends – and even if things don’t work out with us romantically, I’ll still count on you as one of my best friends in life.
  27. Thank you for your kindness. Even though things did not work out, you were always caring and attentive towards me and I appreciate it.
  28. Thank you for being in my life, and being so great when we were together. I will never forget the memories we have made together. I wish you all the best in the future.
  29. Thank you for being honest the first time we met, thank you for supporting me while going through hard times, and thank you for being fun to hang out with. You are too good to be true. Hope you will find someone as cool as you.
  30. Thank you for being my first love. I will never forget our moments together and especially how you were there for me when I needed you the most.
  31. Thank you so much for being my first boyfriend. Thank you for our break up dinners and break up walks. Thank you for the times we stayed up late talking. Thank you for everything.
  32. Thank you for believing in me. I appreciate everything you have done for me and hope we can remain friends after this break up.
  33. Thank you so much. It was a pleasure to be your boyfriend and I am honored that you shared that with me. You are an awesome person and I wish you the best of luck in life.
  34. Thank you for being a great friend. You always did your best to make me happy and laugh. You will always have my support no matter where you are going in life.
  35. Thank you for being such a great friend. I really enjoyed our time together and got a lot of emotional support from you.
  36. Thank you for being my first boyfriend. We really did have fun together, but unfortunately, I felt like we were growing apart these last few months. I wish you the best of luck in finding happiness.
  37. Thank you for being there for me. Although, I wish we could have made things work, I appreciate all of your support and all the beautiful memories that we created together.
  38. Thank you for being a great partner in the last year. It was fun and a roller coaster ride. I’ll never forget our time together. Hope this doesn’t affect our friendship.
  39. Thank you for always remembering my birthday. I love the meal we always go out to celebrate it, so thank you for making me a part of your life and making this day extra special.
  40. Thank you for being there for me today when I needed someone to listen. We are friends, and friends care about each other. You are always there for me when I need you, and I appreciate that greatly.
  41. Thank you for the great times we had together. I will never forget you and the good memories we shared. Good luck with all your future endeavors.
  42. Thank you for always being there when I was down, and for listening to my problems when I called you in the middle of the night. I will miss our lazy Sundays watching Netflix, but if it’s meant to be we will find our way back together again.
  43. Thank you for being so accepting of our break up. It was hard to tell you my decision, but I think it was best for both of us. I appreciate your friendship and the good times we had together
  44. Thank you for taking me out on a date. While it was fun and nice, I do not think I want to date you. Thank you for your friendship and understanding. We will always be friends, no matter what happens between us going forward.
  45. Thank you for being my boyfriend. I had a great time, and I hope you continue to find happiness in your life as well.
  46. Thank you for the good time we had. It was fun to spend time with you and be close to you. However, I feel like we were missing some spark. I still want us to be friends and hope that we can keep it that way.
  47. Thank you for being a great friend, at least I thought you were a great friend. You are always there whenever I needed to talk and it was nice knowing you. It’s too bad that we had to go our separate ways so soon.
  48. Thank you for being a great friend. There are not many people I can talk to about some problems, but you supported me and cared about me.
  49. Thank you for being a good friend, even though we don’t see each other as much as I’d like. I’m really lucky to have someone as awesome as you in my life.
  50. Thank you for being my boyfriend. I’m going to miss snuggling with you, holding hands with you and most of all, your kisses. Good luck with everything.

Also See: I Love You But We Can’t Be Together Quotes

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