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Thank God for Surviving the Accident Quotes

Thank God for Surviving the Accident Quotes

Thank God for Surviving the Accident Quotes: Have you been through some of the worst moments in your life? When all hope is lost, there’s a reason why people should be thankful for surviving the accident.

It might be a minor accident or an accident that will last for a lifetime. But you should thank God for surviving the accident.

Thank God I survived my accident is a common phrase used by people who are very grateful they have survived the ill-effects or accident that has befallen them.

Here are thank God for surviving the accident quotes and sayings

Thank God for Surviving the Accident Quotes

1. Thank God for surviving the accident. I don’t know how to say thank you enough.

2. Thank God for surviving the accident. Thank God for having faith in me. If not for Him, I would be dead right now.

3. Thank you for surviving the accident, Mom. I really love you.

4. Thank you God for bringing me through my accident. I am very lucky to have survived. It was a lot of work to get through it, but I am so glad I did. What seems like a bad thing happened, but it brought you and me closer and I’m so thankful for that.

5. I am thankful that God allowed me to survive the accident. I am so glad to be alive and I enjoy every day of my life to its fullest. 

6. Thank you for taking care of me in the accident, I know my family and friends were worried when they couldn’t reach me. Thank you for sending help to come get me right away instead of letting me wait. Thank you for doctors and nurses that took great care of me as I got better.

7. Thank you for keeping me safe when the accident happened. I can’t believe that no one else was injured. The last thing I remember was a semi-truck coming right at us but you guided me through the fog and through those dangerous driving woods.

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8. Thank you for keeping me safe and sound when I was in the car accident. I’m thankful that you took care of me while I was at the hospital and kept my spirits high. Thank you for getting my life back on track and giving me everything I need to be successful.

9. Thank you for getting me out of that accident. I don’t know what in the world I would do if it was repeated. The scars will always be there but I’ll try to work through them.

10. Thank you for getting me safely home the other day. It was so scary to see the car in front of us getting crushed and you had my full attention, I didn’t want to worry about wrecking. Thank you for being so powerful and keeping me safe.

11. Thank you for giving me another chance in life. I am so blessed to be alive and have my health. I will not waste this opportunity that you have given me.

12. Thank God for surviving the accident. I know that you watched over me, helped me any way I needed and kept me safe during the time when I couldn’t see or hear anything. You are amazing and I am so grateful to have you in my life!

13. Thank God for surviving the accident. I never thought I would see another day when that car struck us. But you were there by my side, taking care of me and making sure I woke up from the coma. There is nothing more grateful than being alive.

14. Thank God for rescuing me and the other people from the accident. Otherwise I couldn’t have been this thankful for my family, friends, and dog.

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15. Although we survived that accident, it was not without cost. We remain deeply affected by your tragic and sudden loss. Although our eyes are dry and our tears have stopped flowing, our hearts continue breaking as we miss you terribly. Thank God for the beautiful memories he left us with.

16. Thank you for getting through the accident. I could not imagine life without you. I appreciate all the support from friends and family who continue to show up every month even though it has been a long time.

17. I was in an accident last week. My car flipped over and I wasn’t wearing a seat belt. I don’t remember anything past the rolling of the car, so I don’t know what happened after that. Thankfully, everyone was okay and the car made it too. I am thankful for my life and the lives of all the people on the road with me because otherwise we would not be here

18. Thank you for giving me a second chance in life. When I hit that car on the freeway and I heard the crash, I was sure this was it. Then I woke up hours later and found myself in a hospital bed. Thank you for not letting go of me for that last 10 feet.

19. Thank God for surviving the accident. I am alive for it improves our chances of survival to 50% if we are alive when we are airlifted to the hospital. I am grateful for your survival too because I would not be here without you.

20. Thank you for surviving the accident. I know it was tough, but you are still here and doing well. Thank you for your bravery.

21. While I was pretty banged up in the accident, I don’t have any permanent damage. Thank God for protecting me and healing my injuries so quickly. And thank Him that no one else got hurt.

22. Thank you for saving me from the accident. It’s been a long time now and my body healed very well given the circumstances. I would still be in the hospital otherwise, very incapacitated. Thank you for helping me find my purpose in life – to help others who are not as lucky as I was when it comes to bodies.

23. I thought I was going to die. You were driving and you went into oncoming traffic and there was a head-on collision. You should have died too, but thank God you lived.

24. Thank you for saving my life in the car accident. I will never forget it and am praying every day that my friends make it through their surgeries as well as me.

25. Thank you for pulling me out of the car and saving my life. It is with your help that I am here today. I am grateful to be alive.

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