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Thank God for New Born Baby Quotes

Thank God for New Born Baby Quotes

Thank God for new born baby quotes: If you are glad your baby is here then thank God and know that you shouldn’t have to think of doing anything else.

Since you have your baby in front of you don’t take the time for granted, cherish every moment you can and if you want happy moments then don’t forget to thank God.

There are certain occasions when the right words can give you the power to make a great comment that will be remembered for long.

New born baby is one of these occasions. Knowing how to express your feelings as you welcome the new addition to your family can be quite tricky.

I have given below some nice Collections of Thank God for new born baby quotes to help you.

Thank God for New Born Baby Quotes

  1. Thank God for your new born baby! I’m so happy for you and your baby!
  2. God, I love this new baby. Thank you so much for her. You have blessed me beyond belief. I know that she will be loved by us and all the relatives for as long as she is on this earth. Thank you dear God, for new born baby.
  3. Thank you for my sweet and wonderful baby. I’m so proud that you came to me. You are definitely a gift from above. I love you very much.
  4. Thank you for this new little girl and the joy she brings into our family. We can’t wait for everything that’s to come as we watch her grow and develop. Thank you for giving my wife so much hope for the future. I know this new chapter in our lives is just starting, but we are so looking forward to all of it with her in our lives. Thank you for surprising us.
  5. Thank you for my little miracles. I know I’m not always the best mother, but you deserve the best from me. I promise to give it to you. Thank God for giving us this gift of love.
  6. Thank you for giving me this amazing new baby girl. I’m already in love with her and can’t wait to watch her grow into a beautiful and successful woman. Thank you for allowing me to be a mom.
  7. Thank you for giving me this beautiful baby girl. I love your tiny fingers and toes. I love the top of your head and the back of your neck. I love how you smell – like your father – and how you are always warm. Thank you for gifting her to us, we are thankful every day.
  8. Thank you God for new born baby. My wife and I were lucky enough to be able to experience the birth of our first son. We are thankful for the health of both mother and child.
  9. Finally, parents, always keep in mind what an amazing gift your baby is. And thank God for that gift each day because your baby is truly a blessing from heaven.
  10. Thank God the baby was just born good and healthy. The pregnancy was something I was really nervous about, and I wasn’t sure how it would all work out or how I would feel once the baby arrived. Now that you are here, it is totally worth it. So healthy, cute and beautiful.
  11. Thank you for our new baby. We prayed for a baby for a long time, and eventually it happened. Thank you for making this happen. You are so sweet to us. I love you.
  12. Thank you for my new baby. I know that God did not give him to me out of obligation, but because he wants me to care for him and learn from him and teach him the truth about who he is. I will surely obey.
  13. Thank you for blessing us with a beautiful baby. We’ve been waiting to meet you for so long now and I can’t even begin to describe the love we have for you already!
  14. I’m so thankful for my daughter. She’s beautiful and brings joy to everyone who comes in contact with her. Thank God for making her and thanking God for the baby.
  15. Thank you for blessing me with a beautiful baby girl. I will always remember what it was like to have her. I am so happy I get to be her mother.
  16. Thank you for my beautiful baby! I love him so much. He brings so much joy and happiness to my life.
  17. Thank you for another day. Thank you for a healthy baby. Thank you for allowing me to experience this amazing miracle again.
  18. Thank you for giving my baby such an adorable little face. I know she’s going to face many challenges in life, but I will do my best to keep her happy and smiling. Thank you for blessing me with her.
  19. Thank you for giving me a new born baby daughter. She has brightened my life and made me love my wife so much more than I already did. I love being a father more than anything else in the world.
  20. Thank you, God, for blessing me with this wonderful little man who is now in my life. The quiet time we spend together in the evenings reminds me how blessed I am and teaches me that you will always be there for me and will never forsake me no matter how hard things seem.
  21. Thank you for blessing me with the beautiful baby. It was truly hard in the beginning and I wasn’t quite sure if it was for me, but now I have a wonderful little girl and couldn’t be happier. May she always be healthy and happy and blessed by your guidance.
  22. Thank you God for the gift of this magnificent child. Thank you for bringing me to her and I promise that I will be worthy to have this child.
  23. Thank you for the new baby that I will be holding soon. You are amazing.
  24. God, I am really thankful to you for my baby. I didn’t think I would be such a cool mom, but when I look at him, he makes me feel so good. I’m glad he is part of the family. You are amazing.
  25. Thank you God for giving me my baby boy right when I needed him. He is growing bigger before my eyes and he makes me laugh every day. Thank you for this little gift of love.
  26. Thank you for giving us a beautiful new baby. After all the complications of my previous pregnancy and birth, it is a miracle I was able to carry this child to term with no complications. Thank you for blessing us.
  27. My dear friend; My dearest husband, I thank God for blessing us with this gift. Deep in my heart I know the countless joys and blessings that will be bestowed upon us through this child. I think of the many happy times that we will share with our little one.
  28. Thank you for giving me a healthy baby. I know that my entire family is appreciative of this blessing you have given us.
  29. Thank you for the lovely new born baby. You have given us a reason to be happy every day of our lives. We are so thankful for you.
  30. Thank you God for my new baby boy! He is so tiny and cute, and he looks a lot like me. I can’t believe how lucky we are to have him in our lives. He makes us so happy, and I know you have all of your angels around him now to help take care of him. Thank you for this precious gift from you.
  31. Thank you God for bringing me this gift. It is a miracle — a tiny, brand new human being and I am so blessed to be a part of this miracle. The moment the baby was born, I knew that everything I’d been through during my pregnancy was worth it.’
  32. Thank you, God, for welcoming our first baby with open arms yesterday. She came so quickly, we didn’t expect it to happen so soon. We’re really excited to have her in our family and look forward to the adventure ahead.
  33. Thank you for my baby. I thank you for giving me the strength to get through the last nine months of pregnancy. I really appreciate your choice to let this child be born and not take her away during delivery. She is perfect in every way, and is so happy.
  34. Thank you for the chance to be part of this miracle of bringing a new life into this world. I love this job and being able to spend my days helping you grow. I am looking forward to all the adventures that we will have together and watching you grow up.
  35. We just wanted to say thank you for blessing us with this beautiful baby girl. She is so precious and sweet and it feels like a miracle that we have her. Thank God for allowing us to be the parents of this child, she is a true blessing from you.
  36. Thank you God for giving me my child and thank you for sending her to be my daughter. I didn’t know what this world was like before she came into it. You have blessed us and bless us every day with her. She is an amazing baby that just fills our lives with joy. Thank you so much and may your light shine upon us all.
  37. Thank you for blessing me with a healthy baby. I can’t express how excited I am to be a mom. I love my little nugget so much.
  38. Thank you for the gift of a new baby in our family. I have really loved being pregnant, it has been wonderful to feel your baby growing inside of me. I have really enjoyed watching
  39. Thank you for blessing me with a beautiful baby boy. He is the most amazing thing I’ve ever created. I am so thankful that we are all healthy and that he has come to our family. I can’t wait to see what the next few years bring. God bless you, little man!
  40. There is nothing like the feeling of holding a new baby. His tiny fingers wrapped around my finger and his soft breath on my face. I know everything will be okay now. I can’t believe he didn’t come with a manual but so far, I think I’m doing okay.

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