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Special Quotes For Special Person

Special Quotes For Special Person

If you love quotes and want to share with someone very dear and special to you, then this might be an article for you.Dive in!

Special Quotes For Special Person

  1. I think I have fallen in love with you. You are so wonderful and thoughtful. You always make me feel so special.
  2. I hope you have a very Happy Patriots Day. You are one of a kind and so special to me. I will love and miss you every day after this. With Love Always, (your nickname for the person).
  3. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. There are no words to describe the love I have for you and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, My special lady.
  4. I think you’re really special. You have a lot of love to give, and you make my heart smile. I love that you can always be honest with me. Your honesty makes me feel safe and loved. I know that we’ll get through anything together because we have each other.
  5. I know all the secrets in the world don’t compare, but I wish you were mine. You bring such serenity into my life and I want to share that with you. I hope you remember this on valentines day – happy valentines day.
  6. Hey my love! I couldn’t sleep, and while watching the stars I saw one that is shining brighter than most. It’s you! I just thought you should know how much I love you and how everything that we share together counts more than anything in the world.
  7. You make me smile every day. You’re the most honest person I know and you are always there when I need you. With every passing day I fall in even more love with you. Your joy will be my joy and our lives will be a dream come true.
  8. You may have forgotten what sent you here, but I haven’t. You are my best friend and the love of my life. I am very happy that you came into my life. You are my everything!
  9. Thinking about you gets me very excited. I’m glad to know that my presence makes an impact on you. You make me smile and that makes me happy!
  10. Meet Sam. He is my best friend, my partner in crime, and the sweetest person you will ever meet. He is so smart and really cares about everyone around him. If he were a drug, it would be Ecstasy. He is an amazing guy and I cannot wait for us to grow old together (in a couple of years). I love you now Sam, and I will love you forever!
  11. I’m not even sure if I can write a special message for you. You mean so much to me and I don’t know what I could possibly say to express how much love you mean to me. You’re the greatest person in the world, and I wish everyone could be as lucky to have you in their lives as I am. The day I meet you will be the day I stop living…..just kidding! Anyway, happy Valentine’s, love ya babe!
  12. I want to make your day and any special occasions, so I am giving you a heartfelt greeting. I hope you smiled and that this will lift up your mood on an important day.
  13. You are a bright and shining star in the sky. I hope your life is filled with happiness, love, and joy. You are beautiful inside and out. I love you!
  14. All I know is that you mean the world to me. You brighten my day and my life. You have made me so very happy! I hope you feel the same way about me!
  15. I could never love another person as much as I love you. You are my hero, sidekick and best friend. Always getting me through tough days and always making me smile. I love you so much.
  16. You have always been there when I needed you. Through the good and bad times, you have always been there with a smile and a kind word. You are truly one of a kind. I am so lucky to have you as part of my life.
  17. You are really special. Any day I wake up, before my day has even begun, is a good day for me. You brighten my world and make it worthwhile to put on yet another smile. When you aren’t there, I miss you more than I imagined I would. The thought of our life together is perfect. Everyone has the special person they are meant to be with. I wouldn’t trade mine for anything.
  18. You are my best friend, the most amazing person in my life. We are very close and I can’t imagine my life without you. I am so lucky to have met you and I enjoy every day more with you by my side.
  19. You make me smile. Just having you in my life makes me happy. You have been a wonderful friend, and I love spending time with you. I can’t imagine life without you in it.
  20. I like to say you’re brilliant, because everything I know about you is that, but here’s the sad part: I don’t know a lot. What I do know is that you are kind and sweet and it makes my heart so happy! You make me smile and laugh and think of the best things in life. You make me smile and laugh and think of the best things in life. You are the most amazing person I know and you’re my best friend!! 
  21. I just want to say thank you for being such a great friend. We have so much fun together and you are always happy to help me take care of things. Right now I need some help with my homework, but when we get home tonight I am going to give you a special treat that you deserve!
  22. Thanks for putting up with me! You’re the best friend I could have ever asked for. For each and every random thing you do for me! I’m pretty sure I wear your love out but it’s a fun ride so just play along!
  23. You are a very special person with a very special talent. You have a beautiful smile and gorgeous eyes. I love you so much and thank you for letting me be the most important person in your life!
  24. Do you know what I really love about you? It’s that you have this magical way of making me feel special, no matter what. I will always treasure our friendship.
  25. To my best friend, any day in the world would be a good day with you by my side. I love you so much!
  26. You are my best friend and the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time. I am so lucky to have you by my side. You make me smile every single day, and I love you so much.
  27. We have the best time together! I love our little outings, our playful kisses, and all the excitement and adventure you bring into my life. You are my happiness. I love you!!
  28. I love you so much! You mean everything to me and I wouldn’t change a thing. No matter what happens, we will always be friends and love one another unconditionally.
  29. I know I’m not good at this but I’m going to try my best. I hope you like the card, and that you know how much you mean to me and how much I love you.
  30. I love you so much. You never fail to make me happy and put a smile on my face every day. I miss you, but I’m glad we took some time apart to both grow and mature as individuals. If I didn’t know any better, I wouldn’t believe that you would ever be able to make me so happy again. You are amazing!!
  31. You are my bestest friend in the whole world and I couldn’t be without you. I wish there was some way that you could feel how much I really care about you. You’re the sweet and yummy icing on top of a wonderful cake!
  32. Thank you for being my friend. Life would have been so boring without your company. I wish you could be here right now. You are very important in my life, but I know we will meet again soon!
  33. My love, my treasure, you are all that matters in my world. I will always cherish our times together and always remember what is most important in my life. I love you.
  34. To the most incredible special person in my life, I simply cannot express how much you mean to me. You are one of a kind and the best thing that ever happened to me. Thank you for making me smile and being there when I feel down. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Happy birthday!
  35. Love is being with someone who make you smile more and more every day. I love being with you. Thank you for making me feel special.
  36. You are like my sunshine, a ray of sunshine that wakes up my world every day. Your smile, your laugh, your love for me are gifts from heaven. I am so lucky to have you, and it couldn’t have happened at a better time. I love you more than words can express! Keep this note with you forever.
  37. You are my best friend, and I cannot thank you enough for everything you do. You are so kind and caring, and when you say those words that were once spoken to me I melt inside. Thank you for being so wonderfully wonderful! Love you forever!
  38. You are the best friend I could have ever asked for. I can tell you things that I’ve never told anyone else, and you seem to just understand everything. You are truly one of a kind, and all my life I will be thankful to have known you.
  39. I will never stop loving you. Thanks to you I have the best wife ever, best friends, and the greatest father in the world. You don’t know how much you mean to me, so thank you!
  40. This one is especially dedicated to my best friend since first grade. I love you so much and look forward to raising our future family with you. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I will always be here whenever you need a shoulder to cry on or some good advice from your lazy best friend. Thanks for everything Nick!
  41. I never take you for granted. I know your heart is fragile, and I do my best to make you smile and laugh every day. Not only are you the greatest person I know, but you have also changed me for the better in a way that goes beyond words.
  42. I love you sir. You are the last man on earth I would ever want to see cry. You’re a wonderful person and I thank God for bringing you into my life and making me yours.
  43. I am so glad I got to know you. You’ve been so fun to be around. You have a heart of gold and always make me feel good, which is very hard to find these days.
  44. If I had to live life again, I’d do it exactly the same way. You are my best friend and nothing that has ever happened will ever change that. Being in love with you is one of the most wonderful and special things in my life. I know I am crazy about you and you can always count on me to be there for you.
  45. You make my heart beat faster with every passing day. I love you so much and I want to be with you forever. You are the best boyfriend ever!
  46. I want to say I’m so happy you are in my life. I have a wonderful life full of excitement, creativity and positivity. I love you.

Also See: You Are So Special To Me Quotes

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She. An enthusiastic goal getter, a book📚 lover, content Writer/Editor, a Virtual host and a foodie🥑😋

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