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Quotes About Betrayal By Loved Ones

Quotes About Betrayal By Loved Ones

At some point in our lives we have felt betrayed by someone important to us. Betrayal can come from a friend, family member, significant other or even a loved one. It is when we feel hurt, angry and deeply saddened by the word or deed of someone we trust and love. If you are among those who have been betrayed at some point you know how painful this experience can be. See below Quotes about Betrayal by loved ones we have put together for you.

Quotes About Betrayal By Loved Ones

  1. I cry myself to sleep each night thinking about you and how you made me feel. You put so much trust in me, only for me to stab you in the back, over and over again. I just can’t forgive myself and I never will. I hurt you more than anyone else could ever hurt you, even though you have done nothing but be kind to me.
  2. I messed up. You put so much trust in me, and I let you down again and again. I’m sorry for the pain I have caused you. You deserve better from me, but I promise to try my best to be a better friend to you in the future. Never lose faith in people, I will never lose faith in you again!
  3. I just want to make things right. I am sorry for lying to you and not being honest with you. You have done nothing but be kind to me and support me through everything. It hurts me so much to think of all the pain that I caused you because I wasn’t brave enough to tell the truth about my feelings for you.
  4. I know I hurt you and I know that what I did was wrong but I want to make things right. Please, forgive me.
  5. I’m really sorry for hurting you, you’re such a good person and I don’t know why I did what I did. You deserve better. I’ll never forgive myself for letting you down.
  6. I’m so sorry for what I did to you. I know that the things I did were horrible, and that I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I was only worried about myself and my own feelings, and I never meant to hurt you like this, but I still did. Without your friendship, I would feel lost in this world. Please forgive me and let me back into your life.
  7. You’re too good for me. I was terrible and I’ll never forgive myself for hurting a good person like you. It’s so hard to be without you. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I miss you so much.”
  8. I’m sorry for what I’ve done. I hurt you by lying to you. Please forgive me.
  9. I hope you’re having a great day. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate how thoughtful you are. Thank you for being there for me when no one else was. You deserve so much better than what I put you through, and I want you to know that I’m sorry for the pain I caused.
  10. You broke my heart. I used to feel loved and appreciated before you hurt me, but now I must learn to live with the shame and guilt that you have left me with.
  11. I know I can never trust you again and our lives will never be the same. I have learned from this and I won’t make the same mistake twice. I am so sorry for everything. After all, you were my best friend for a long time, until you betrayed me.
  12. I know I can never trust you again, so I am sorry for everything, but I have learned from this and I won’t make the same mistake twice.
  13. I now know how a real friend should act and behave. I promise we will never go back to where we were before. I am so sorry for everything that happened. After all, you used to be my best friend for a long time, until you betrayed my trust in you.
  14. I know things will never be the same between us, but I want you to know that I’m sorry. I’ve learned from this and won’t make the same mistake twice.
  15. I know I can never trust you again, but the one thing I took from this is an appreciation for our friendship. It taught me a lot about myself, about who I am and who I am not. I think in the future we’ll have a much stronger friendship based on mutual trust and respect.
  16. I don’t blame you for my mistakes, but I do hope we can be friends again someday. You’re the one who helped me learn from this experience, and I have learned a lot because of you. Thank you for being my best friend for so long.
  17. I know things will be different. I’ll still think fondly of you and all the good times that we shared together. Although, I won’t be calling you anymore to hang out because you hurt me pretty bad. I will be there for you if you need me.
  18. I know I can trust you and that things will go back to normal again. I have learned to always be careful in choosing friends.
  19. I am completely devastated by the loss of our friendship. I know our relationship will never be the same, but I hope for your understanding and forgiveness.
  20. I’m sorry. I hurt you in ways I didn’t know I could. You were my best friend, and your betrayal hurts more than I can say. Please let me make it up to you.
  21. I’ve missed you. I want to work things out. This hurts me too much. I’m sorry I caused you pain and won’t do it again. Let’s talk?
  22. My dearest darling, I miss you so much and I can’t stop thinking about the day we met. We had such an amazing time together and our relationship was perfect. I wish there was a way for us to go back in time because I would have never said or done some of the stuff that ended up breaking our relationship. If we had another chance we could be really happy together. Please call me or write to me or something, I need to know why it didn’t work out and what else I could do for you.
  23. My dearest darling, I miss you so much and I can’t stop thinking about the day we met. We had such an amazing time together and our relationship was perfect. I wish there was a way for us to go back in time because I would have never said or done some of the stuff that ended up breaking our relationship. If we had another chance we could be really happy together. Please call me or write to me or something, I need to know why it didn’t work out and what else I could do for you.
  24. Hello. I really miss you and wish there was a way for us to go back in time when we met because I would have never said or done some of the stuff that ended up breaking our relationship. If we had another chance we could have been very happy together. Please write to me or call, I need to know why it didn’t work out and what else I could do for you.
  25. Hi. I miss you terribly. I’d do anything to go back in time and change it so we never broke up, but that’s not possible. If we had another chance and you were happy, I bet we could have been too. Please call me or write to me or something, I need to know why it didn’t work out and what else I could do for you.
  26. Hey. I miss you so much and I really, really miss you! It’s a pity that things couldn’t work out between us. If we had another chance we could have had a wonderful time together. Do call me or write to me, I would like to know why it didn’t work out and what else I could do for you.
  27. Hi. I miss you so much and I really miss you!! Do you ever think about where we went wrong? And how things could have been different? Let’s give the relationship another shot!
  28. Hi! It’s been a while. I really miss you, and I really wish there was a way for us to go back in time and make things right. If we could have another chance, I think we would have been very happy together. Please let me know if you hear from me soon, I’d love to meet up with you and see how it goes.”
  29. I miss you so much… I want to see you again and feel your love again. Call or email me, I need to know what happened and how to fix it. I need you!
  30. I’m so sorry! I miss you. Is there ever a chance that we could get back together? Please let me know what I could do to make things better.
  31. Hey cutie! Just thinking about you. I wish things worked out differently between us. You were the best and I hope to talk to you soon.
  32. Dear self, it’s me again. I’m going to be direct and honest with you the way I was before. Don’t treat this as an exercise, but an opportunity for us to have an open dialogue about what happened in our relationship.
  33. I love you. Even though you have betrayed my trust, I hope to one day reclaim what we had. We have a long road ahead of us, but I am willing to face it. I try not to think about the past, but the idea of us is too beautiful to ignore. Love is patient, love is kind…but unfortunately, it never forgives or forgets!
  34. I find you very attractive, and would definitely be interested in dating you. You have certainly broke my trust, however I am still willing to face the consequence if you are interested as well. Love is patient, love is kind…but unfortunately, it never forgives or forgets!
  35. I like you. When you betrayed my trust, I was hurt. I hope that someday we can rebuild that trust. We have a long road ahead of us, but we can face it together. Love is an action many of us find hard to show. But unfortunately, love is also something we never forget!
  36. I still love you. You have broken my heart, but I am willing to make things right again. Don’t give up on us just yet. We can still make this work!
  37. I appreciate that you’ve done everything you can to make things right. I will do my best to forgive and put the past behind us. I still love you, but we’re now faced with a new challenge… It’s up to us whether we will overcome it or let it destroy us.
  38. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I hurt you. Of course, I’ll forgive you. That’s what friends do, right? I hope we can still be friends again. After all, we have so many things in common!
  39. I was wrong, we were wrong. We made a mistake, I am sorry for everything we ever did together, but I forgive us all. What’s done is done and in the past. Let’s move on and get to know each other again. You are my best friend and I love you, always and forever.
  40. I was wrong and I’m sorry. We made a mistake, let’s move forward together and start over. You are my best friend and I love you.
  41. I messed up. I’m the worst friend ever and I do everything wrong. There’s no excuse for my actions, but I forgive you, even though I don’t deserve to be forgiven. Let’s just forget everything that happened in the past. Let’s put it behind us and start over. You deserve the world in every way and I want to help make sure you get it.
  42. I take full responsibility for our break up. You are the most important person in the world to me and I’m sorry that I hurt you. Please forgive me? Let’s get back together and carry on like it never happened.
  43. I’m sorry for hurting you. I know how much you mean to me, and I know how much I mean to you. Let’s not let this get in the way of us being best friends. I love you and want us to move forward with our lives together.
  44. Hey, I’m sorry. If we made a mistake, I’m sure that it was a misunderstanding. Please forgive us and let’s get to know each other again.

Also See: I Regret Loving You Quotes

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