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Prayer For Safety Of A Loved One

Prayer For Safety Of A Loved One

Prayer For Safety Of A Loved One: Reassure a friend that they’re safe with this prayer. Prayers and God’s protection are always welcome whether you’re in a time of trouble or not.

Prayer For Safety Of A Loved One

  1. God, I pray for safety of my friend Steve. Keep him from pain and danger, watch over him. He does a lot for others and never asks for anything in return. Help him stay strong and faithful. Much love to you Lord!
  2. I pray that I can see you again soon. Our family needs everyone there, especially you. The world is such a big place and I always feel safer when we are all together. I love you with all my heart and hope to see you soon.
  3. I pray that you are safe and sound tonight. I pray that you’ve made it back home as I type these words. I pray that the roads have been kind to you and that the weather has been warm and welcoming. I pray that your head is filled with thoughts of me; making your return all too easy!
  4. God, you are my Lord and Savior. You see the world in your eyes and watch over the nations. My Lord, I pray for (name) today. I pray that you keep him/her safe and protected always. Please watch out over his/her health and well-being. I ask all this in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.
  5. Holy Mother of God, please protect my closest friends. I pray for Olivia and Lulu that they may be safe and sound every day. Keep them out of harm’s way, and guide them through troubled times with your grace. Watch over them in their time of need dear mother, we trust in you.
  6. Lord, watch over my loved one while they travel to visit a sick family member. Protect them and keep them safe this weekend. Please help them to stay positive and patient so they may be a comfort to the family of their loved one. Lord, please provide favor as they drive through travel delays and rush hour traffic so they may arrive as safely as possible. Watch over them and all their loved ones right now. In the name of your Son Jesus, we pray, Amen.
  7. Protect and watch over Alan. Help him and his family to remain safe from all danger, harm, accidents and any ill intention from now until the day of his passing in this life.
  8. I know you feel alone and isolated, but please don’t lose hope. Please reach out to someone to help you. God bless you.
  9. I just want you to know that I miss you very much and that I’m thinking about you. I hope everything is okay with you. I’m with you in prayer and I am asking God that He keep you safe and make all of your worries go away.
  10. Please keep my family safe from all harm and danger. Please continue to watch over them and keep them in your grace. I will always be there for them, please be there for me.
  11. Dear God, please keep my daddy safe in Iraq. Please watch over him and guard his every move. I pray that you bless him and keep him from harm. Thank you for your protection.
  12. I’m thinking of you today and hoping you are safe. I will always be there for you, so if you need to talk please reach out. Love you always!
  13. I am so thankful to have you in my life. I hope that the good Lord keeps you safe, because I couldn’t live without you. I know that you comfort half the human population, but please comfort me as well. You keep me grounded, happy and safe.
  14. I pray and hope that you will be safe where ever you are today. The world can be a cruel place. I hope your day is better than yesterday, with less hardships and greater fun. Never stop smiling, it’s contagious.
  15. I pray to my lord to keep you safe as you travel to town today. I hope the day brings you good fortunes and that you come home safely to kiss me goodnight.
  16. Father, I pray that you protect Steve and his family. Please bring them your divine guidance and wisdom. Turn their sadness into laughter and their fears into a beautiful reality. Guide them in their thoughts and in their actions. Fill each of them with your love, strength and comfort. I pray with this request from my heart, Amen.
  17. Dear Lord, Please watch over my friend Chris as he travels today. Please protect him from all harm and danger. Guide his hands and give him wisdom when making decisions. Lord above all else, keep him safe. In your loving name we pray.
  18. As you continue to walk your path, may the light of God shine upon you at all times. May God be with you as always, helping you to realize the magnitude of his blessings for which we are truly grateful. As we express our gratitude for what God has done for us, may we be inspired to share this joy with others through word and deed.
  19. Father, I pray for (name of the beloved person), who is in dire need of your protection from hazards at this time. There are many dangers that threaten her immediate well-being; may you grant her a constant shield against unseen enemies and adversities. Let your angels intervene as she comes across hazardous surroundings, situations, or people. Lord grant her perseverance so that she can lead a safe and
  20. God, keep my husband safe as he travels, whether for work or for play. Be with him, O Lord, every step he takes… Keep him safe in whatever he does. Lead him by  your hand and guide him. Bless him and lead him, protect him from all accidents and dangers. Let your presence surround him at all times. Keep his mind focused on what is important to you, especially the safety of his family. Amen.
  21. Dear Lord, please protect my daughter while she is out on her date tonight. Please keep her safe and bring her home safely to me. Watch over her as she journeys back and forth between the movie theater and wherever they decide to go afterwards. Keep her safe in mind and body, Amen.
  22. I hope this message finds you, as I hope it isn’t too late. But I must send this letter, to express my love and how very much you mean to me. The words I will say are not in haste, but rather inspired by sincere and heartfelt passion. My dear friend…I want you to walk away from your conflict, and take another path! You are talented, dedicated and so very brave. And I know in my heart…You will succeed once again in life!
  23. There are so many things I want to say but I just can’t find a way to put them into words. There really isn’t anything that compares to you, an amazing person that I love so deeply. You have given me everything and made me the happiest person alive. I know we’ll always be together.
  24. You are my best friend and I love you with all that I am. I know difficult times will come but I pray they go by as quickly as they are here. Life is too short to worry about things that haven’t happened, so let’s make the most of what we have right now.
  25. Some days I feel like I need a miracle to make it through. You are my miracle. Every time I feel the world crashing in, you are there for me to pick up the pieces. While I may not say how much you mean to me often enough, know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
  26. Lord fill my heart with your love each and every day. Let me trust in you through everything that I may be able to show your love to those around me. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, Amen.
  27. Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of fair love and our best advocate, dear Mother Mary, turn your eyes toward your servant (name). Look upon him/her with the eyes of your mercy. Give him/her comfort in his/her affliction, consolation in his loneliness, help against his/her enemies. Give him/her health of body and an unfailing spirit, that he may be reborn to happiness and long life, given by you O merciful mother of us all.
  28. I will pray for you every day. We all need guidance, help and safety…I just want you to be safe.
  29. God, please protect ___(name of your loved one)___ as he/she travels on (flight/the road). Aid him/her in every way possible. Give him/her the strength to get through this tough time. Allow worry free and safe travel for him/her. Thank you, God!
  30. Dear Lord: Please keep my cousin’s plane flying safely, and bring her to her destination in one piece. Keeping her safe is important to me and you know how much I love her, so please watch over her. Amen.
  31. With every breeze that blows, and every leaf that falls, I pray for your safety. With every night’s rest I hope for the best for you. In all of my dreams, and in all of my hopes, you will always be safe.
  32. Dear God, please protect my best friend Rachael . Guide and keep her safe during the trip she is taking. Help her to have a great time with her friends and show her your love. I pray for you to watch over my best friend Rachael, wherever she may go, whatever she may do.
  33. Dear Lord, we come to you with a prayer for the safety of our loved ones. Watch over them and protect them from harm. Please keep them safe and help us see each other again soon! Amen.
  34. Dear Father in Heaven, please keep (insert name) safe and take care of him. Please bless him with your guidance and wisdom. I pray that he is blessed and encouraged while he is in need. I love him Lord, like no other, and he gives me strength. I ask that you surround him with your bountiful blessings through Jesus Christ our Lord.
  35. I hold you tightly to my heart and ask God to protect you. May the angels surround you on your journey, as they guide you through the unknown. May you be safe and protected. You mean so much to me, it hurts my heart whenever I’m away from you. I love you with all that I am, and always will be.
  36. My dearest friend, please be safe from harm. I know you are one of the strongest people I know, but you never know what could happen. Be safe and I will see you soon.
  37. Dear Lord, please keep my best friend out of harms way and guide her past danger. Please keep her safe as she is traveling today to visit family. Please help the doctors find the right treatment for her sickness. Remove all negative forces that would seek to do harm to her in any way and protect her from harm now and in the future. Please help her through this rough time in her life and give her hope for tomorrow. Amen.
  38. It seems like you’ve been in the hospital forever. I’m so sick of seeing you lying there with needles and tubes coming out of you, but it’s killing me inside to see you like this. Please let this all be a bad dream and wake up soon, and be the man I know and love.
  39. I pray for the safety of my family and friends. I pray that their homes, our country, and the world at large will be safe from illness, war, crime, and death.
  40. I just want to pray for you throughout the day to keep you safe and my family safe. I would be lost without you, your safety is paramount in my mind. Don’t worry about anything else but getting home safely.
  41. I pray to God to watch over you and keep you safe. I love you, forever and ever! Stay safe!

Also: Birthday Prayer for my Boyfriend Mother

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