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New Year Message For Church Members

New Year Message For Church Members

Are you looking for a New Year message for church members, Leaders and pastors? Here are some new year message to send to them.

New Year Message For Church Members

  1. I have been your pastor for a year now – which is fast approaching its end. I have to say that this church has the BEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD! You are all loving, kind, forgiving and gracious. The deep love that each one of you show me brings me to tears. I will remember this year and our time together for the rest of my life. You all have touched my heart in ways you could never imagine. Happy New Year.
  2. We must be grateful in this new year because God has brought to us so many awesome opportunities. Even though there is war and calamity in the world, we should not be distressed but rejoice that our God has come to help us. Let’s work together to save our parents and brothers and let the New Year usher in a new period of prosperity and great joy for the kingdom. I wish you all happiness and success from my heart.
  3. Hey everyone, have you heard about what God has done for us? I stumbled upon a new way of celebrating New Year’s through the message of the cross. He wants us to forgive our enemies and to neutralize hatred. This year is going to be awesome! Let’s all make up our minds to take one step towards God, and He will take 10 steps towards us.
  4. Today marks the start of a new year. Last year, 2021, brought many changes in my life. Due to this past year, I have learned that there is no point in living by somebody else’s clock and calendar.
  5. There are so many people that I serve with who complain, whine and moan about their situations. You take life as it comes and make the best of it. Everyone is blessed to have you in their lives, because you are a blessing! I feel honored to call you my friend”. Happy New Year!
  6. I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. You are always on my mind. I thank the heavens for you every day. You mean the absolute world to me, and I love you forever and ever!  Happy New Year!
  7. You’ve been an amazing sister. I love to be able to depend on you and depend on your friendship. You encourage me to be a better friend and always think of others. I pray for you so often as I know God has great plans for you!  Happy New Year!
  8. I hope this new year will bring all of us opportunities to improve ourselves and help us doing better in all our affairs. For me, I promise to try my best to make others happy, take good care of children, pay more attention to my parents and siblings. So, let’s celebrate another year together. Wish happiness, health and a long life to everyone!
  9. Have you ever felt an overflowing joy and gratitude for the new year? This is because you have the capacity to hope that it will be a better year. God has given me a gift of hope in knowing that my faith, my family and friends, my health and livelihood are secure. I have been given a promising future because He has written my destiny by His hand. I am glad to spend this New Year’s Day with you all in church!
  10. I have your best interest in my heart, a heart of love, I pray that Heaven smiles down upon you, and grant your health, peace and happiness the coming year.
  11. 2012, A new year. And a new beginning for each of us. What will this New Year hold? Unpredictable changes that we can’t control, during this time in history. Just knowing how God is all powerful and controls all the players on this planet, gives me great peace. I know without fail; Jesus will rule here one day. As Jesus is Lord of time and creation, it is only a matter of time before Jesus triumphs over the enemy of evil.
  12. Happy New Year! Again, I want to wish you and your family a blessed and prosperous New Year. I pray that in this New Year God will bless you with a health, long life and renewed strength and vitality. I want to say thanks for your friendship and for making 2021 such a wonderful year!
  13. My dear friends, in the end we all must live alone. And yet that is never the case. It is you who I know will be there for me when I need a friend to listen and pray for me, no matter how far away life takes me, or how many times I move. And it is your strength of spirit and loyalty to God that sustains my own faith and gives me resolve to face each new day.  Happy New Year!
  14. 2022 is the year people, make it count. We are so busy and distracted. Take a moment to sit back and smell the roses, let someone else make that coffee in the morning. Show love to your family and friends and don’t sweat the small stuff. Live life because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed for anyone. Happy New Year!
  15. I spend as much time with you as possible, because I am madly in love with you. I don’t need a day to tell you that I love you and appreciate you. The words “I love you” fall naturally from your lips to me, because I know it is true. Happy New Year!
  16. Happy New Year to all of our members! The year is approaching so quickly, and as I reflect back over our last year it warms my heart to see how much each of you have grown not only spiritually, but also as a friend. Throughout the year we will continue to send emails with updates for events, give thanks for all the ways that our congregation has grown closer together, and share personal stories from time to time. This morning I would like to start the new year by sending out something.
  17. I just want to wish you to have a blessed year ahead. God has great things in store for your family and he wants to take you were only he can take you. I want to also thank you for all the love you show me and my family during this past year. I am looking forward to the new year and doing more missional activities.
  18. Everybody has probably forgotten that it’s New Year’s Eve, so this message is timely to remind them. Let’s prepare for the new year and celebrate it with joy and happiness! Happy New Year!
  19. My love for you has no limit, as is my confidence in your character. I am glad to be your companion on this journey of faith, and long for the day when we will share that joy in our Savior’s presence! Happy New Year!
  20. I would love to wish everyone a Happy New Year! 2021 was an incredible year, and I’m so excited for all the things to come in 2022. I hope each of you has had a happy holiday season and that you are getting ready for the exciting new year ahead.
  21. Despite our differences over doctrine, despite our different callings and assignments, we have a bond as brothers and sisters in the gospel that can never be broken. This is because we share a common experience: We have all been to the mountaintop! We have all felt the warm embrace of God’s love in our lives! We have all looked into the face of Jesus Christ, the Son of God! And for that we are eternally grateful. Happy New Year!
  22. We have been through a lot in the last year and it’s been hard on us. I wish there was something that I could do to ease your burdens. A hug would be nice or at least a kind word or two perhaps a gift something? But alas, I knew year messages for church members don’t have the means so all I can give you is my love.
  23. I love you so much. I appreciate your service and commitment to building up the church. You are a great leader, always looking out for the best interests of others while not losing sight of the high calling God has given you. I look forward to coming to the House of God with you every week and over again in this new year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  24. As we arrive in a new year, be encouraged by the promises of God. In Him we have an anchor for our life. He is faithful to take us from where we are and bring us to a place of joy, peace and love. It is in Christ that we are promised protection from the stormy seas around us; it is in Him that we find joy in the midst of trial and sorrow.
  25. I have known you or most of your life. We have been through thick and thin; tears, anger, joy, excitement and all of life’s challenges. Even though I haven’t always been the best friend or Christian, you have loved me anyway. Today as we begin a new year, I pray that I would have the opportunity to be a better person and friend. I pray also that our friendship will continue until we see Jesus’ face to face and we are finally together as family. Happy New Year!
  26. Hey were out of food at the church. and it’s almost none. I haven’t seen you in months at the office with this bitter weather, you must really be struggling. I wish I could get something for you today to make things better. But last month our food budget ran out and now we have to rely on donations and it doesn’t look good. Happy New Year!
  27. I want to thank you for all that you did last year and for being there when I needed a friend. You are a true example of Christ’s love to me, I’m so glad God placed you in my life. Happy New Year!
  28. Let us be reminded that in every dark situation, God is there with us. He is our light and he will guide and help us. We have to be sure we ask for his help and guidance. God will do a miracle if you believe hard enough. So go on and let yourself feel good with confidence that all is well. Happy New Year!
  29. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met. You are not only beautiful on the outside but on the inside as well. I find so much joy and happiness around you, it makes my heart race with excitement. You are my other half that completes me. I could never love another as much as I love you. God had brought you into my life for a reason and I am so glad he did. Happy New Year!

Also check: May Your New Year Be Filled With Joy And Happiness Quotes

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