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New Month Prayer For Myself

New Month Prayer For Myself

New Month Prayer For Myself: If you’re in need of guidance and strength, try this new month prayer for yourself.

New Month Prayer For Myself

  1. I pray that the new month brings a chance to restart my life. I wish to throw off everything old, including sadness, loneliness, resentment and anger. May happiness and joy take its place.
  2. Dear God, Thank you for this new month, for 31 days of possibilities. Thank you that I can start fresh and do things differently. Please guide me to get out of my comfort zone and to achieve my goals so I can be happier.
  3. Dear Lord, thank you for this new month and the new beginnings that it brings. I pray that I can make the right decisions in life and be a better person. Let me be kinder to others and let me do better. I am so grateful for everything that I have in my life, especially you, Lord.
  4. Dear Lord, Tonight I ask for inner peace. Please help me to find peace of mind and heart. Guide me as I make important decisions based on love and not fear, hate or resentment. I thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed on me so far. Let your hands guide my feet and my heart through this new month.
  5. You are God, in you I trust. Great Spirit, hear my prayer.  Guide me this month with your wisdom and strength. Help me to touch people positively and spread the love that’s in my heart. Bring the change I seek into my life; help me to be kind and gentle, bring laughter and peace. Help me to give back to the earth as you have given to me. I pray for true love that is everlasting, that we may grow closer each day, greater in our endeavors.
  6. Dear God, I pray that this month will be full of magic & love. That there will be happiness and spring flowers around every corner. Each moment alive is a gift with so much to enjoy. I am thankful to have such an excellent life and hope that it only gets better everyday.
  7. Lord, thank you for another day and another month. I know the struggles will come but help me to be strong! Thank you for my friends and family. I pray for your blessings above all things in life. Fill me with your love and power and make me a force for good in this world today.
  8. Please grant me the ability to love more. I want to love everyone around me, I want my heart to expand to be able to hold even more love. Please remove any barriers in my way and help me to see that every person is my neighbor.
  9. I just want to say thank you for all the good that is happening in my life! For everything I Am grateful for…my savings growing, new friends being added to my life, ways to stay fit and healthy…positive support from those around me…career opportunities coming my way. Sometimes you just have to let things go and trust the universe knows best. There is enough good out there for all of us.
  10. Dear Lord, This month, give me the courage to follow my dreams and do things that may scare me. Give me strength to forgive and to ask for forgiveness from others. Teach me how to live in peace with all creatures of the earth and help me realize that every living thing has a purpose. Amen!
  11. Dear God, please help me to continue the fight against depression so I can be a better person and partner.
  12. My heart is filled, New month I praise you. I thank you for all that you have given to me and others. Thank you Lord for a new day with 365 opportunities to do all your good works.. I pray that you continue to guide me daily so that I may continue in your ways, that I may receive your blessings and walk in your Light/Truth/wisdom. You’re my rock; Lord Jesus. Amen!
  13. I always pray to have a new month, with a new chance to start everything over again and do it better. That’s how I see it now, and I keep asking myself that, is everything going the right way or am I doing something wrong?
  14. This is the month of new beginnings, of new hopes. This is a month for growth, for reaching new goals and overcoming fears. I promise to be my best self during this period. I will encourage others and support them as much as I can. Also I will breathe in every moment with gratitude and every night with prayerful contemplation.
  15. I am thankful for this new month and the clean slate that I have to start anew. Let me use this as an opportunity to work towards my goals, find a better job and improve my life.
  16. Give me the strength to walk through this month in peace. Give me the strength to smile when I am sad and let go of my cares. When I feel overwhelmed, help me find my center. Help me show love and compassion, even in difficult situations. Shine your bright smile upon me, as I bask in your warmth each day.
  17. Dear Lord, thank you for another month. Thank you for all the opportunities and challenges. Help me to see them with the eyes of compassion and not judgment. I ask that you give me strength to do my best, courage to stand up for what is right and forgiveness for myself and others as I forgive them.
  18. I pray that this month is filled with excitement, surprises and a whole lot of love. I hope that all the cards in my mailbox are from you my love.
  19. God, thank you for blessing me with this new beginning. It’s all I need to start yet another month, another year and another life. You are the first and last thing on my mind every day. I miss you so much and I thank you for everything that has happened in the past year. I must erase the old and embrace the new. Breathe in, breathe out, let go of what was, grab a hold of what is. With all your wisdom and mercy, please guide
  20. Dear Lord, I pray that this month brings me happiness & peace of mind. Help me shine my light in the darkness.
  21. I pray that each day may bring me closer to the wisdom I seek, and nearer to you. Through your guidance all will seek knowledge. Through your wisdom all will awaken, and through your love all will strive to grow.
  22. Let me seek your ways, God. Where I have been content to remain in the same place, let me now dare great ventures for your sake.
  23. Always remember: You are a star. Every single day, shine as brightly as you can!
  24. New month oh new beginnings, a chance to purge the old, a chance to brim with potential. New month I am thankful for your invitation to grow, learn, and change. I welcome you with open arms to inspire me and illuminate those things in my life that don’t belong. I give thanks for all the beauty and wisdom you bring, as I embrace each day of this fresh new beginning.
  25. Every day is a new beginning. To have a bright month, start with a clean heart. Happy New Month!
  26. It is a new month, but actually it is still the same month. We just need to start a new one together because this will be our 3rd month together. With every new day comes a blessing of joy and luck. So let’s have fun…I know you are the love of my life.
  27. Dear God, I pray that this month will be full of grace and love. That I might see the beauty in the world and all around me. That each day I might give love, and receive love. That those around me are happy and healthy, and that there is no hate or evil in my world. This I pray so that my life may be happy, peaceful, and that I may always remember to live with a grateful heart.
  28. I just want to start this month as a fresh start and moving on from the pain and grief of the last month. I know it will be hard, but I know that I can do it with God by my side. I thank him everyday for everything he has done and continues to do for me. With god all things are possible.
  29. Dear God, I’m ready for this month. Bring me challenges so I can grow and bring me lessons so I can learn; give me pain so that I can know joy. And when it’s over, bring me a new one, but make it easy on me this time.
  30. Just another day. Another chance to take a step closer to enlightenment and (deeper) inner peace. If it’s in my power, I will try to be a better person this month. May I be patient, forgiving and tolerant of myself as well as others. May all my goals be met and I may have the courage to be open with my opinions and express them without offending or hurting anyone. Bless me with faith, strength and discipline!
  31. May I always be receptive towards God’s will for my life. May I continue to bear fruit through giving and receiving, by forgiving and being forgiven. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may I find Myself in-you.
  32. A new month has started but I still have the same old problems. I wish for a chance to let go of them. Take away all my worries and give me the strength to make it through another month. A new beginning is never easy and this one seems no different from before. I just have a feeling something good will happen, but only time will tell!
  33. Dear Lord, I ask that you bless this month with success, love and opportunities for me. Please give me the strength to overcome any obstacle in my life, please also bless my family. Give me a successful new job that brings happiness and heartfelt satisfaction. I thank you for all I have now, I pray for more. Until next time.
  34. Lord God, thank You for another month of being here with me. I am blessed to be alive and to be the person I am today. This new month will bring much goodness, happiness and love into my life, please let this be true. The dark and sad times are behind me now and a better future awaits.
  35. I have so much ahead of me this month. My goals are to eat healthier, go to the gym more, and save money. I pray that I can continue to stay in touch with family and friends and make sure forgets nothing that is important this month.
  36. I look forward to the next month and all the new experiences it will bring. I will have fun and pray that everything turns out ok. I love you so much God.
  37. I’m sending you off with a prayer, to make all your dreams come true. May you achieve greatness this month, and be stronger everyday.
  38. I pray for new wisdom, strength and patience for a better life. I pray for greater opportunities, success and love in my life. I pray for peace and happiness to all around me. I pray for the end of poverty, crime, fear and war. I pray to our creator that he will watch over us, protect us from bad or danger and guide us towards great life.
  39. I pray that I will have strength to overcome my obstacles and be successful. I pray to have unity with my family and friends and to live a better life.
  40. May the powers of the universe bring all my wishes into reality. This request is made only with the good intention of helping me and my friends, family and loved ones.

Also See: New Month Wishes For Myself

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