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New Month Prayer For My Hustling Boyfriend

New Month Prayer For My Hustling Boyfriend

Hi everyone! I am glad to be here with you. Hope you are all doing well. Are you looking for some New Month Prayer For My Hustling Boyfriend quotes and messages? Here we have gathered a list of selected New Month Prayer For My Hustling Boyfriend quotes and messages especially for my boyfriend who is working far away doing something really hard, but I’ll still always pray for him every day, because I want him to become successful. Let’s start and enjoy!

New Month Prayer For My Hustling Boyfriend

  1. Dear Lord, Please bless my hustling boyfriend. He is working hard to provide for our family and I know it is not easy. Please give him the strength to keep up with his responsibilities. Help him find work that pays well so we can pay off our bills and have some extra money for ourselves. Help him be gentle with me when I get upset about things that happen at work so that he doesn’t lose his temper with me or others.
  2. Help us both to be patient as we wait for whatever good things you have planned for us in this new month, knowing that it will come in God’s time and not ours! Amen!
  3. Dear Lord, Thank you for my boyfriend. Please help him to be able to get whatever he needs to make his business thrive. Let him find the right people who can help him. Let him be able to find the right clients who will appreciate his work and pay well for it. Help him not give up on his dreams, even when it seems like it’s not worth it anymore or he doesn’t know how to proceed, because he has so much potential inside of him that he just needs a little bit more time and patience to show it off!
  4. Dear Lord, thank you for this new month. I pray that my boyfriend will be able to find a job and become self-sufficient. Thank you for blessing him with the ability to handle multiple tasks at one time. Help him be patient during this transition period and not get frustrated if he does not get hired immediately. Let him know that there is work out there, and it will be found when the time is right. Help me to continue praying for him each day as he works hard to find employment. Help me to encourage him when times get tough and remind him that we believe in his abilities. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!
  5. Dear God, May the new month be filled with peace and happiness for my boyfriend. May he find the strength to keep going every day, and may his work speak to the world through its beauty. May he continue to love me as much as I love him, and may our love grow deeper every day. Amen.
  6. Dear God, I pray that you would bless my boyfriend with the strength and courage to keep going in this month. I pray that he would be able to stay focused on his goals and continue to work hard to achieve them.
  7. I pray to you God for my darling boyfriend; I pray that you would give him peace in his mind and heart so that he can rest well at night so that he can wake up feeling rested and ready to take on the day. I also pray that you will give me wisdom as I look upon life through his eyes so that when he is faced with difficult situations, I may be able to guide him in a way that is pleasing to you.
  8. Dear God, I pray that you bless my hustling boyfriend with the strength and endurance to keep moving forward. I know that he’s working hard and doing everything he can to take care of us, but sometimes it just gets to be too much. Please help him to know that I love him and support him in whatever he needs me to do. In Jesus’ name, amen!
  9. Dear God, thank you for my hustling boyfriend. He is a good man who works hard and loves me. He doesn’t have a lot of time to spend with me or even see me very often, but he makes sure to make time for me whenever he can. He’s so sweet and thoughtful. He has been my rock through these past few years and I couldn’t be more thankful to have him in my life. I know that he’s going to continue to grow and change as he grows older, but I hope that we will always be together as long as possible.
  10. Dear God, This month, I pray for my boyfriend, who is always working hard to make things better for us. He’s so dedicated to making sure we have a good life and he never stops.
  11. Thank you for blessing my boyfriend with such an amazing spirit and heart—and thank you for blessing us both with this wonderful life we’re living together now!
  12. Dear Lord, I pray for my boyfriend, [name], as he works hard to make his dreams a reality. He is so talented, and I know that you have big plans for him. He has been through so much in the past year and has overcome so much pain. Please bless him with the energy and strength he needs to keep going.
  13. Dear God, Please help my boyfriend keep his cool this month. I know he’s been under a lot of pressure lately, and it would be so helpful if you could just take the edge off a little bit.
  14. I know that you have a plan for him, and I trust that you’re taking care of him in ways that are beyond my understanding. But I also know that he wants to feel like he can handle everything on his own—and I ask that you help him do that!
  15. Help him take one day at a time and not worry about the next thing until it’s really there. Let him rest when he needs to rest, and let him work when he needs to work. And please help us both remember how much we love each other, even when things seem stressful or overwhelming right now.
  16. Dear God, May this month be a blessing to my hustling boyfriend. May he never lose sight of his goals and aspirations. May he remain focused on what he wants to achieve with his career. And may he always be reminded of how much I love him for who he is and what he does for me. Amen!
  17. Dear God, I pray for my boyfriend’s success in this new month. Please protect him from all harm and danger. I pray that he will be blessed with a fruitful and successful career that will bring him joy and happiness.
  18. I pray that he will always be blessed with enough money to meet his needs and help others who are less fortunate than him. Protect him from all evil forces that may want to bring him down or cause him harm.
  19. I thank you for blessing me with such a wonderful man in my life. Help us to continue building our relationship on the solid foundation of love, trust, honesty and understanding as we journey together towards our future goals! Amen!
  20. Dear God, Please help my boyfriend be successful in his business. I want him to get some new clients and do well in his job. Please help him make great decisions and keep him safe. Thank you for listening to my prayer.
  21. Dear Lord, please bless my boyfriend’s work. Help him to be a good worker in his field of choice. Let him find an employer who will appreciate his hard work and dedication, and let that employer help my boyfriend grow as a professional. May he always look for ways to improve himself at work, and may he never settle for less than his best.
  22. Dear God, Thank you for this new month. May we all be blessed with good health, wealth and prosperity in the upcoming year. I pray that my boyfriend will be able to grow his business and make more money to take care of his family. He is a humble and hardworking man who does not give up on his dreams. Thank you for blessing him with a wonderful wife like me who supports him all the way through thick and thin. May we be blessed with many more years together as husband and wife till death do us apart. Amen!
  23. Dear God, I pray that this month will be a good one for my boyfriend. I pray that he continues to be productive, and that he is able to meet all his goals. I know this is not an easy task, so please help him with any obstacles or challenges he may face. Please help him find a way to succeed in all his endeavors this month. Please let him find peace and happiness no matter what happens in life. I pray that you keep him safe and give him strength during this time of change in his life. Thank you for answering my prayers!
  24. Dear God, I pray that you bless my boyfriend with a grace and clarity of mind that will help him to achieve his goals in this new month. Help him to keep his head up, shoulders back, and eyes open as he embarks on the journey of a lifetime. I pray that you give him the strength to continue despite all odds and the wisdom to know when to rest.
  25. I pray that you protect by man from those who would seek to do him harm or cause him pain, but also guide him towards those who will lift him up when he needs it most. Keep his heart in line with your purpose for his life so that he may be used as a witness of your glory among his fellow man. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
  26. Lord, I pray that you give my boyfriend the strength he needs to be successful in his career. I pray that you help him to keep the faith and the patience to fight for what he believes in. Help him to have a good attitude and be humble so that he can make new friends. Lord, please bless him with wisdom and guidance as he starts this new job. Let him know that you are with him as he works hard and gives it his all this month. Amen!
  27. Dear Lord, Thank you for this new month. I pray that you will continue to bless my boyfriend with your goodness and grace. I pray that you bring him closer to you and help him understand his purpose on earth. I pray that he will continue to be a great example of what it means to be an honest, hard-working man in today’s society. Let him know that he is not alone in the struggles he faces each day, but let him also know that there are people who love him and want only the best for him. May he find peace and comfort in knowing that he has been given many gifts by you as well as by others who love him deeply. Let his heart be filled with joy at all times so that he can spread happiness wherever he goes! Amen!
  28. Dear God, I pray for my boyfriend’s health and safety. I pray that he is able to find a job that makes him happy and helps him grow as a person. I pray for his family members, especially his brother who is going through a difficult time right now. I pray that they will be able to stay strong and overcome any challenges they are facing. I also pray for my own health, because I’m feeling a little under the weather today. May this new month bring us peace, love and joy!
  29. Dear Lord, This month is going to be such a challenge for my boyfriend. Lord, please give him strength as he works through this difficult time. Help him stay focused on what’s important: keeping his family safe and cared for. Help him remember that you are with him every step of the way, and that if he keeps doing the right thing and trying his hardest, you will guide him through this period in his life. Thank you for listening to my prayer today. In Jesus’ name I pray—amen!

Also See: Happy New Month Prayer To My Fiancé

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She. An enthusiastic goal getter, a book📚 lover, content Writer/Editor, a Virtual host and a foodie🥑😋

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