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Missing Your Grandchildren Quotes

Missing Your Grandchildren Quotes

Missing Your Grandchildren Quotes: Below are so many quotes on missing your grandchildren. I hope it may be very useful for you or you could share them with your friends or family through WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter or any other social networking sites.

Missing Your Grandchildren Quotes

  1. A letter to my grandchildren, who are always on my mind and in my heart. I still miss the four of you incredibly, but have so many happy memories of the time we spent together. When I am with you I can’t help but smile! Miss and love you!
  2. To my grandchildren Chase and Kady, I miss you so much! I know that it has been only a few months since I have seen you, but time still goes so slow. Good luck studying for your spelling tests! Be safe and have fun! Love you both to the moon and back!
  3. To my darling grandchildren, I feel like you all belong to me now and that your grandmother is just borrowing you. I love you all very much and cannot wait until I see you again. Here’s a big group hug from your loving Nana!
  4. Your tiny hands wrapped around my finger keeps my hand warm in more ways than one. It’s been a while since I last saw you but I can’t stop thinking about you and remembering how you used to love sleeping with your head on my chest. I miss the days when you’d cry for Grammy and I would rush to pick you up so that my arms could comfort you.
  5. I miss you so much but I am so proud of you. You have grown into such a great young man. I look forward to your visits and hearing all about your life. I love you!
  6. I can’t wait to see your faces tomorrow. I miss you guys so much! I sent some pictures with my card so you could see me, but nothing could compare to the real thing. I love you.
  7. I am missing my grandchildren, Stephanie and Christine so much. I wish they lived closer so I could see them more often. They are such smart girls with such good hearts and beautiful minds. The love in their eyes makes me melt every time! They both have very cool namesakes thanks to their parents! I wish we could do a family reunion soon! Daddy loves you both!!
  8. I love you like crazy! I miss you guys so much! I can’t stop smiling because I’m so proud of my little grand babies. You are all my heart wishes for. I’m sure when you read this with your great grandma you will think granny is silly but it is true.
  9. I am missing your ugly faces terribly. I go to the mailbox every day to see if you sent me a letter so I can cry myself to sleep. I miss you more than anything in this world, and I wish that we could somehow be together as a family. The memories that we have will last forever.
  10. You’ve grown into such an amazing young man and I love you more than words can say. Keep doing what you’re doing and be sure to remember me in everything you do. Love, Granny.
  11. I miss you so much my darling Joey! You are so missed by many people here in Florida and in New York as well. I wish we could all be together for your birthday! Much love, Grandma.
  12. I wished you were around more but in a parent way. Not the grandparent way.
  13. I miss you more than I can put into words. I can’t wait until I get to see you for Christmas. You’re all in my thoughts and dreams every day.
  14. All I want to do is see your beautiful smiling face. My world has been cold since you left. If I could turn back time, I would see you everyday. I promise to keep in touch and let you know how much I love you.
  15. Hey beautiful, I just wanted to say that I miss you. You could have called today, but I understand that you were busy with your family. I hope everyone is doing well.
  16. I am missing my grandkids so much today. I wish they were all here with me on this special day, but I am sure they will be thinking of me! I love you all!
  17. I wonder who misses you more, me or your grandchildren? I miss you so much and I wish we could hang out again. You mean the world to me. I love you to pieces grandpa.
  18. Grandma and Grandpa love you in every way! You are our sunshine and you fill our hearts with love. Always remember to call, Skype and send pictures of yourself. We miss you so much it hurts and we cannot wait to cuddle with you again.
  19. I miss you sweetheart. I think about you all the time, and wish that I could hold you close just one more time. It has been over a year since you last called me Grandma, and I miss it more than anything else. Nothing could ever replace the love I feel for you.
  20. I miss my sweet children so very much. They need me, want me and love me. I know you do too. Be strong, we will all be together again soon I know it! Every day I think of you all!
  21. I can’t wait to spend more time with you when I get older, I’ll be right there playing with you and watching you grow. I love you so much, Granny loves you more than anything in the world.
  22. I really miss you and your brother. You are always in my heart. I think of you everyday and dream of the day when I see your sweet smile again…I love you so much !!
  23. It’s been so long, I miss you guys. I want to spend time with the whole family again. When will we be able to see each other?
  24. Missing my grandchildren. I am happiest when I hear your voices and see your little faces. Your granny loves you more than anything!
  25. A grandparent’s love for their grandchildren is like nothing else in the world. It touches your heart and warms your soul. It makes us smile, laugh and fill our hearts with happiness as well as tears that are shed so easily when we think of our precious little ones. My grandbabies are my life!!!! I miss you all so very much!
  26. Grandchildren you have made me feel so young again. I remember holding you before you could walk or talk. Now you are toddlers just learning to explore the world. How fast time passes! You are becoming little kids and my mind can’t believe it. Grandchildren I love you, see you soon.
  27. Dear Granddaughter, I love you more than you will ever know. I wish I could hug you and tell you that in person, but for now this letter will have to do. There is so much I want to teach you and show you. Family is the most important thing in life.
  28. Grandma loves you and misses you terribly. You are her world and one of her greatest joys in life. She can’t wait until you are back home again, by her side and able to love you more.
  29. It’s your Nana. I’m missing you no matter what age you are. Whether you’re a child or an adult I want you near me because my heart fills with love when I see you.
  30. Grandma love you so much! We want to hold you, snuggle with you and eat tons of goodies just with you. We can’t wait to see you grow into such a great boy, and then again when you go on to have your own babies. Grandma loves you unconditionally from here to the moon and back again. May your life be full of many smiles, many hugs, & many kisses!
  31. I hope you realize how much we miss you, your smile, your laugh, seeing your work projects growing bigger, sharing more memories with you! Remember always that I love you very much and will always be here for you, no matter what.
  32. Just a quick note to say I miss you very much. It’s crazy how fast time flies by and before you know it the time you have with your family is over. I hope to see you soon, but for now I will cry myself to sleep with thoughts of you in my heart.
  33. Grandpa loves you very much!  We are not so far away and would love to see you again soon. We will be at your house on Easter Sunday if the weather is nice.
  34. I’m so happy you’ve joined our family. This isn’t like getting a pet, you’re more like one of my own. Your smile is so beautiful I can’t stop looking at it. I love the way you play with the kids and am so happy they are having someone around to keep them active and healthy! You won’t realize how special you are to us until you’re gone and then we will miss you horribly. We love you with all our hearts!
  35. I love you and miss you. I am still a bundle of lovesick puppy wanting to please her grandchildren. I will try to be patient as long as I live but my biggest wish is that I will see you all before I die. How much do we love you. Glad you are our kids and we love you very much!!!
  36. My grandchildren are so wonderful. I love you children! You make me young again, and give me a reason to smile. I will always be grateful to have you in my life.
  37. Grandson, I miss you so much my heart aches. It is rare that a person comes into your life that changes you in so many ways. You have helped me grow and learn patience. I will always be there to help you out and I will never leave your side. I love you so much!
  38. Grandchildren are the fruit of love between parents and children. They are a gift sent by God to give us the energy and tenderness we need to grow old with satisfaction.
  39. I’m missing my grandchildren, I told them I am always here for them. My heart is with you all. I love you and Miss you so much. I’m so proud to be your Nana.
  40. Did you ever love someone so much, you would do anything for them? I am missing my grandchildren quotes. I took this picture of them when I was down in Georgia.
  41. I am missing my grandchildren so much! I just wish they were here to cuddle and kiss. I hope they come home soon. I can’t stand being away from them for too long. But in the meantime, I will keep busy with lots of work around the house. May the Lord give me strength to make it until they get home safe and sound from their summer vacation. Love you guys!
  42. It’s great when you get a note from someone saying how much they love you and how great you are. I got a note from my youngest granddaughter Jennifer, who is away at college in California. It warmed my heart to know that she thinks of me every now and then, especially when I am thinking about her.
  43. I think about you every day. You are always in my heart. I miss you so much and love you more than ever.
  44. I think about you everyday and I wanted to tell you that. I’m not sure when we are going to see each other again, but I wanted to let you know I am always thinking about you.
  45. I’m missing my grandchildren! One of the happiest moments in life is watching your children become successful parents.
  46. I’m missing my grandchildren. I’m feeling so sad and empty. It’s not your fault, it’s just time for me to move on. Would you help me make a scrapbook? Please? I know you aren’t supposed to cry when you’re chopping onions, but sometimes I can’t help myself.

Also See: Prayer for Grandmother on Her Birthday

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