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If Someone Wants To Be In Your Life Quotes

If Someone Wants To Be In Your Life Quotes

The top if someone wants to be in your life quotes selected by our editors. These quotes reflect the state of the human condition, dealing with love and its many forms, relationships, loss, and life insights.

If Someone Wants To Be In Your Life Quotes

  1. ​If someone wants to be in your life, they will make an obvious effort to do so. If they don’t, then they are either waiting for you to come to them, or they are not that interested after all.
  2. If someone wants to be in your life, they will find a way. If they don’t want to be in your life, nothing you do or say will make them change their mind.
  3. Don’t flirt, don’t cheat, don’t be a jerk, and definitely do not push her away. If someone wants to be in your life, they will make every effort to stay there. Make her feel special every day and you already have half the battle won.
  4. I want you to know that I’ll always want you in my life. When we’re together, it’s so hard to let you go. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you and grow old by your side.
  5. If someone wants to be in your life, they’ll make an effort to be in it. People who really want to be with you won’t let too much time pass without spending it with you. If someone is willing to let months or even years go by without contacting you, then they don’t want to be in your life.
  6. If someone wants to be in your life, they will find a way. If they don’t want to be in your life, they’ll find an excuse.
  7. The reason I’m the happiest man in the world is because you’re in my life. When you smile, I smile. When you laugh, I laugh. Just being around you gives me an incredible feeling, one that I had never dreamed about before we met.
  8. You’re the only person I want to know about my day. You’re the only person I want to talk to at night. You’re the only person I want to kiss goodnight. I am so thankful that you reached out when you did because my life wouldn’t be nearly as fulfilling without you. Every moment spent with you is a blessing and I will always cherish them.
  9. I want you to know how much I cherish our friendship, like no one else can. To me, you are the greatest friend in the world and I’m so lucky to have you. Everything that we do it will always be us together as friends. And when you leave a footprint in my heart-I promise you that I will carry that with me forever.
  10. I am so happy that we’re friends and can share in each other’s lives. Your presence makes me happy, and I hope that we never lose touch. I think about you often and want to thank you for being a great friend.
  11. I hope that you know how special you are. You light up my life like nobody else can. I hope that we don’t lose touch, because you mean too much to me to let that happen. Don’t ever doubt how special you are. You deserve all the best in the world.
  12. If someone wants to be in your life, they’ll make an effort. If they don’t want to be in your life, they won’t make an effort. You can’t love someone who won’t love you back, and you can’t miss someone who cared enough to let you go.
  13. You deserve to be in someone’s life if you want to be in theirs. Out of all the people I’ve met throughout my life, you’re one of the few that I actually WANT to know, and you’re definitely one of the few I’d miss if they weren’t there. I’m glad that our paths crossed and that you allowed me to be a part of your life.
  14. Dear friend, if you want to be in my life, you’re in it. I will always be there for you. In good and bad times, happy and sad times, sickness and health. I will be there with a cup of tea, a chocolate bar and lots of love. Keep your feet on the ground and keep smiling! Love ya!
  15. I love being in your life. I love waking up to your smile, falling asleep next to you. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you. I am so glad you are in my life.
  16. You are an amazing individual who always has the ability to make me laugh. I admire the qualities you possess and I know you will move mountains with your determination. No matter what obstacles we may encounter, we will overcome them together because your friendship means more to me than anything else in the world. I love all the memories we have created together, but every day I look forward to new memories with you. I hope all of my wishes come true because I just want to be near you for eternity.
  17. You are my best friend. My partner in crime. The one I tell all my secrets to. The one I want to live the rest of my life with. There is no one else that I would rather share my life with. You are a beautiful soul and I hope this Valentine’s Day brings you closer to your dreams and keeps you smiling for years to come! Love, (your name).
  18. We have had our ups and downs, and we’ve always managed to work things through…I Love you because you have changed me for the better, because you are ALWAYS positive and full of life, because you look at ME instead of just a face… You know I’m telling the truth. It’s been almost three years and not once has our love slipped or faded. You are my best friend.
  19. I hope that we stay close friends, but all I know is if you ever need anything, I will be there. I love you, my best friend. Now and always.
  20. Your friendship is so important to me. I’m glad we were able to talk things out, and now it feels like old times! I look forward to hanging out with you again soon.
  21. It’s funny how I never realized that being around someone 11 months out of the year could really make a difference. You’re more than just my best friend. You’re my family. I don’t know what I would do without you, but whatever the cost, I’m glad you’re stuck with me!
  22. A true friend is someone who will be there for you when the rest of the world forsakes you. Such a friend is hard to find, and if you do find them, you should really hang on to them. My best friends are the ones that I can trust, the ones who know everything about me and love me no matter what.
  23. Life is too short to go along with inferior people. Life is to be lived, loved and shared with others. If someone wants to be in your life then go for it, even if you have to stand up to those who don’t want you to. Then surround yourself with a new group of friends and live happily ever after!
  24. When I need a person to talk to you are always there for me. You’re like a best friend, but better! Your love is sincere, your touch is gentle and you are generous beyond belief. For so many reasons I thank God you’re in my life!
  25. You’re an amazing person and I want you to know that. You deserve the world. I want to give you everything because I can’t imagine a life without you. You’re perfect so please don’t ever change.
  26. The more I think about it, the clearer it becomes. I want you in my life. As a friend, a lover, a companion, a confidant…I’d like our relationship to be an ever-evolving one.
  27. Simplicity is the key to any beautiful relationship. I want to make things easier for you so you can focus on what really matters. I am gonna save this card as a reminder of the amazing guy, who is there for me no matter what!
  28. Hello, dear you’re in my thoughts. I really hope everything’s okay. The only thing that distracts me is the fact that you’re far away so I’m missing your voice and everything else. Just wanted to wish you a happy weekend! Have fun!
  29. You’re not a priority in my life because you should be, you’re a priority in my life because I choose to make you one.
  30. If some wants to be in your life, they will find a way. If someone doesn’t want to be in your life, it is their loss, not yours. What you have done for yourself never changes what you have done for others.
  31. I really hope that you’re doing well, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing. I miss talking to you, spending time with you. I hope we can find a way to do it more often. I want to be in your life again.
  32. You are the most amazing friend I have ever met. I love you more than anyone else in my life and I can’t express how much it means to have you around.
  33. You are in my thoughts every minute of every day. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and thank you for always being there. You are such a great friend. I love you so much and I always will.
  34. It doesn’t matter to me if you’re fat or thin, pretty or ugly. I’ve liked you since the very first day that I saw you. I’ll be there forever, and if you ever leave, I will too because leaving you would hurt too much.
  35. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate having you in my life. I don’t think I have ever met a more caring and considerate person before. I’m so glad we are friends!
  36. You are the most sincere and kind person I know. You are a great friend and I want you to know that I appreciate your friendship very much.
  37. There are some people that come into your life as blessings and some that come into your life as lessons. But there is the rare few that come into your life as both, I am glad to call you my friend.
  38. Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some leave footprints on our hearts… and we are never, ever the same.
  39. I have been thinking about a quote that says “The people who care the most about you will be there through your good times and bad!” I think people should live by this. People that are there for you through the bad times are probably really true friends…no matter how long it takes for you to realize this!!
  40. You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old sport, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers.
  41. If someone wants to be in your life, they won’t catch a plane or a train. They will get up at the crack of dawn and walk for days. I want to be in your life, so I made sure I got here early. If someone wants to be in your life, it’s obvious at first sight. You invited them into your yesterday, so you have an appointment with them in your tomorrow. If someone wants to be in your life, don’t say no.
  42. If someone wants to be in your life, they will make an effort to stay in it. True friends are hard to come by, so if you have one take them for everything they are worth, and never let go. You can lose many things in this world but true friendship is something that cannot be replaced.
  43. If someone wants to be in your life then they will be there…all over you for good. Only you can’t force them to stay, cause they wouldn’t.

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