If Someone Is Happy Without You Quotes – Let Them be
If Someone Is Happy Without You Quotes – Let Them be Happy
Everyone wants to be happy, and they’ll do a lot to be happy. You should see the lengths people go just to be happy. We most times go to school and work because we want to get something that will make us happy. And for those of us that dropped out, we most likely did so because we wanted to be happy.
Happiness is one basic need of man, and as we strive to be happy, others around us are doing the same, sometimes even going greater lengths than we go just to be happy.
If we really care about people, we should try to help them be happy. We should do things that would contribute to their happiness. Remember, these acts of care show up when we love people.
Some times, what you need to do to make people happy are not things that would make you sacrifice much from yourself. It’s as simple as recognizing that they are happy without you and letting them be.
And that’s what gave birth to this list. This list tries to touch different angles where quotes for “If someone is happy without you” will be needed, and goes ahead to provide quotes.
The quotes are creatively written and can be used as text messages, on cards, as status updates, and every other thing that quotes can be used for.
Read through them, look out the ones that you find most interesting, and use them. Or just read them for the fun.
If Someone Is Happy Without You Quotes
Here are 30 Perfect list of If Someone Is Happy Without You Quotes let them be.

1. I have seen people allow people to be because they were happy without them. Today, they are still alive. That singular act of kindness did not kill them. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
2. Loving is helping someone find happiness, even if that happiness is not with you. Loving is letting them be if your presence tampers with their happiness. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
3. You’ll find the one who will be happiest with you. You can only find him when you let the one who is not happy being with you be. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
4. Show me someone who won’t let those that are happy without him be, and I’ll show you someone you should avoid as much as possible. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
5. It’s totally okay to not be the source of someone’s happiness. Let them be, and see if they won’t thank you. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
6. Think of someone you’re not happy with refusing to let you be and still trying to be the source of your happiness. Let the irritation make you not do the same to others. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
7. There are a lot of people you should let be, and one of them are those who are happy without you. You do wrong to them and to yourself when you still try to be in the picture. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
8. If everyone could let everyone who is not happy being with them be happy, the world will be a happier place to be in. And you know what they say about what good happiness does to us.
9. Know when to take a walk away. Sometimes the way to show that you love her is to let her be. Your efforts are not going to make her happy, so put them somewhere else, somewhere that need them. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
10. When I’m thinking of people I want to stay away from, a group that always pop into my head are this who won’t let you be happy when it’s clear you’re happy without them. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
11. Sometimes, it’s painful to hear that someone you love is happy with someone else. Let them be. That would be you loving them truly. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
12. Is someone happy without you? Then why are you holding onto them so hard? Don’t be the one who ruins someone’s happiness. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
13. One thing we should learn is to let people be when they find happiness without us. Holding them back will leave them unhappy and hurt our conscience.
14. Can you tell that someone is happy without you, then let them be happy. We must not be the one for them. Some things can’t be forced.
15. You can’t make everyone happy. You’re not ice-cream. And even if you are, they may not like your flavour. Let them be happy if they are not happy with you around.
Also See: You Lost Me Quotes and Saying for Her or Him
Are you enjoying these quotes for the phrase “If someone is happy without you,” read on to find more interesting ones.
16. I think one of the best advice I got from my father was this: if someone is happy without you, let them be happy. This has made me a better person.
17. I’m not a saint and not asking you to be one. I’m just saying you should learn to let go and let be if someone is happy without you, especially if there’s someone else somewhere.
18. Why keep ruining everything when you can find someone else that will be happy being with you and he can find be happy by himself? Don’t let your presence be a torture to him.
19. Want to know what you don’t want to be? The person that keeps trying to be the one that makes someone happy when their happy without you. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
20. In all you learn, learn to let people be when they are successful without you, when they are doing well without you, when they are happy without you.
21. Are you really my friend if you don’t give me space even when you know that I am happy being without you? What kind of friend would try to take my happiness away? If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
22. May you be someone who knows how to make someone happy, not by always trying to make them happy but by knowing when to step aside and let them be happy.
23. It’s a big world and there is always a chance to be the source of another person’s happiness. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
24. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy. then use the effort to try to make your self happier than you are.
25. Trust me, all you need right now is to let her be happy. Maybe some time later, she will be happy being with you. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
Also Check: You Don’t Love Me Quotes for Him or Her
26. Everyday, wake up and decide to not hinder anyone’s happiness with your presence. Decide to make others happy no matter the cost. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
27. If there’s one thing you should do, it’s to look out for those who are happy without you and let them be, and spend the time and effort making yourself happy. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
28. There’s a lot I’ve done that I’m not proud of. One of them is not letting people be happy when they were happy without me. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
29. I tell everyone who cares to hear that they should let people be happy. That others are trying to be happy as much as they try to be happy. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
30. How long do you want to keep spoiling someone’s happiness? Put yourself in their shoes for a month, because an hour may not be enough. If someone is happy without you, let them be happy.
Sometimes, I read the content of this page again and I hope you would do the same too. When I read through, I wonder if I was able to give you the perfect quotes. If I was able to, kindly tell me in the comment box. I need that thumbs up, that encouragement. It helps me create better content for you.
Also, whenever I read lists that I find helpful, I share them with my friends because I don’t know if they need them or not and I can’t read their minds. I share them with as many people as I think may need them, and sometimes I later find out that they really do need them.
So if you love the content of this page and you have someone you think need it, go ahead and share. Plus, you’ll be doing me a favour too, because I want these quotes for “If someone is happy without you” to be read by so many eyes.