Love quotes
I Want You To Want Me Quotes for Him or Her
Best I Want You To Want Me Quotes and I want you to love me Quotes.
Have you ever wanted someone and the person did not seem to want you in return? Have you ever had someone you liked but could not approach and wished that the person would be the one to approach you instead?
These happen to us, once in a while. It could be the new girl in school. It could be with hot guy at the office. It could be one of your friends that you want to take your friendship with them to more than friendship. It can even be your neighbour!
When you know they don’t want you, it can cause some quite not-so-cool emotions to run through you.
These quotes are expressing different ideas in the mind of those who have reason to say “I want you to want me” to anyone. As you read, through them, I’m sure you’ll find the one that describes you best, and if you don’t, I hope you find something close to what describes you.
So read through them and get that perfect quotes to say you want someone to want you and use them for whatever you want.
Table of Contents
I Want You To Want Me Quotes
Here are perfect list of i want you to want me quotes just for you.

1. I’m looking at you and wish you could walk up to me and ask me to be yours. I want you but can’t approach you, so I want you to want me too.
2. I like the way you devour me with passion whenever you are craving for me and wanting me. I’m starved right now and I don’t just want you. I also want you to want me. I need that energy.
3. So many people want me, but I don’t want anyone them, but you that I want want someone else. I really wish you will want me.
4. How can I get you to want me? I would do anything just to get you to look at me in the eye and tell me sincerely that you want me.
5. If I could wish for one thing right now, it would be for you to want me. I would wish that you want me to be your, now and forever. And I’ll gladly be yours.
6. If only you could want me and tell me that you do, I’d be the happiest person. I see you in my dreams wanting me and I really wish those dreams will come true.
7. Do you want me to pray and fast before you will start wanting me? Do you want me to cross mountains and seas first. I want you to want me. Is that too much to ask for?
8. I want you to always want me, to always wish for me, to dream about me, to miss me when I’m away and to tell me how badly you want me.
9. If I ever know that you want me, I’ll feel so good that I’d probably empty my bank account celebrating. You don’t know me yet, but I want you to want me.
10. We see everyday, we talk, we laugh and spend time together. But you haven’t figured that I want you to want me. How sad.
11. Isn’t it funny how we talk about you wanting others? And I’m here just wishing you’ll see that I am the one I want you to really want.
12. I see you everyday. I don’t know if you see me too, but I’m wishing you would say you want me and really mean it. I want you but can’t tell you.
13. This shyness will not be the end of me. I like you but I can’t tell you because of it. I really want you to want me because I know that’s the only way I’ll get a chance to tell you.
14. Because I can’t tell you what is on my mind, I’ll just be here trying to get your attention and hoping you’ll get to like me and eventually want me.
15. There’s a lot I think we can do and be together. I’m just waiting for you to tell you want me and we will explore all the things in my mind. I want you to want me.
16. I want to be on the list of things you want, and not just that I want to be on top of your scale of preference. I want you to want me and want me badly enough to come for me.
17. All I want from you is to want me. Obviously, I want you. That why I’m saying this. But I want you to want me too.
18. I want you to want me and I’m willing to wait for a quite a while before I give up on waiting. I really hope you will want me before this time is up.
19. With what I know about you, I’m willing to make the gamble of being with you. If you tell me that you want me right now, I’ll tell you that I want you too, and I guess that will be the beginning of us.
20. Don’t think I’m crazy. I want you to want me. Maybe I will say yes to you. Maybe I won’t. But there’s a satisfaction I’ll get from knowing that you want me.
21. Is it that you know me and don’t want me or you don’t know me? I want you to want me and I will wait for a while to see if you will.
22. I want you to want me, but I think I will let it pass as I’m not sure you even know me of if I can talk to you about how I feel for you.
23. I don’t know if I want to have any relationship with you or anything with you, but I just want you to want me. Maybe you should. Maybe you shouldn’t.
24. If I could appear in your dreams, I would, just so I can pass the message to you. The message that screams “I am (insert name) and want you to want me!”
25. I really, really want you, but I don’t know if I should follow through with this wanting. I would see if you want me, and use that as a sign that I should follow through. But, really, I want you to want me.
26. I’m here all day beating myself up for not talking you how I wanted you when I had the morale to. Now, I’m just wanting you to want me and reach out to me to tell me.
27. Today is a beautiful to think of what I can do to make you want me. Just stay there doing what you do. I am coming for you.
28. I pray that soon I’ll be someone you want madly. Someone that you want so much that you dream about me and come looking for me. I pray.
29. What kind of women do you want? I want to know if I can be that kind or if I am already that kind. Because I so want you to get me.
30. If wanting me is something I can make you do, I’ll make you do it right now, because I want you to want me. Or do you already want me but is yet to tell me?
31. You are my everything. My dreams, my hopes, and my greatest happiness. I love you with all of me and more. There will never be another love. Thank you for being such a strong man and making me feel safe with you forever.”
32. I want you. I want you to want me. Tell me you want me and I promise that I will always be yours and never leave you!
33. I want you to want me… I need you to need me… I care about you and that’s the reason I’m loving you so. It is hard to explain that I feel this way, but when I feel your heart beating and you hold me so tight. My heart starts racing a mile a minute. You mean so much more than you know… so much more than any man in my life before.
34. I love this man with all my heart. Every time I hear his voice I melt. He is so handsome in every way that I can barely breathe. When he looks at me I feel like I am the most special woman in the entire world. I want him to want me now and forever and never let go of the love we share.
35. I love you sweetie and I will always be here for you. I don’t ever want to fight again, but if we do we always make it right. I just love you so much and I don’t want anyone else but you. I hope that this day gets better and brighter for us. You always have a smile on your face that makes me want to smile too. You are my one true love and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our live together.
36. I want you so badly. I think about you all day. I dream of our future as husband and wife; of the fun we will have, the laughter, the love that we will share. Will you be mine forever?
37. You have my heart for now and forever. I can’t imagine a life without you in it. So many years we have been together and I never want that to change.
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I Want You To Love Me Quotes
Here are Perfect List of I want you to love me quotes compiled just for you
38. Who will help me make you love me? I’ve run out of ideas on what to do to get you to want me. Just love me, please.
39. Whenever you miss me and want me badly, I love the way you treat my body when I show up, so my staying away is intentional, because I want you to want me so much before I come around, for my good. Lol.
40. Will you ever love me or will I wait forever? I really want you to want me and I wish that will happen today.
41. I want to be yours. I just need to know that you want me and I’ll make a move. I want to be sure, though, because I don’t know how to handle some situations.
42. If you tell me that you love me, the way my excitement will triple will leave you shocked, I promise you, because I really want you to love me.
43. I know you love me, but I don’t think you want me enough for me to say yes to you. I actually want you to love me, but more than you do now.
Also Check: Do You Love Me Quotes for Him or Her
I Want You to Want Me Quotes for Him
Here are Perfect List of I want you to want me quotes for him compiled just for you
44. I love you so much. I’ve never met anyone quite like you. You are the center of my universe and the piece that makes my heart beat faster. The only thing I want in this life is to be there for you as long as I possibly can.
45. I love you more than all the stars in the sky and fish in the sea. You are my everything. I can’t stop thinking about you or wanting to be with you.
46. I adore you and everything about you. I am so lucky to be loved by a man like you. You make me feel so strong, beautiful and intelligent. You are the world to me and the best part of my day is waking up to your smile. I love you more than life it’s self!
47. I am head over heels for you. My heart screams at your name, and I think of you every moment of the day. You are absolutely incredible, and I’m so honored to have you in my life.
48. I claim you as my own. You fill the hole in my soul, and brighten up every dreadful day. I love being in your loving embrace. When we are apart, it feels like something is missing. I am so lucky to have such a great guy by my side! XOXO
49. I love the way you make me feel like I am cared for, and that you will never leave me. That you are my knight in shining armor and that together we can conquer anything in this world. I will always love you, and I want you to always love me.
50. You are just the man of my dreams. You’ve made me the happiest I have ever been in my life. You make me feel loved and wanted every day of my life. You are so caring, talented and funny, but most of all you know how to make me fall in love with you more everyday.
51. I love you so much. I don’t say it enough. I wish I could take all your pain away and make your life full of only joy. I would bring you coffee everyday before work, chocolate, flowers and love. You are my little ray of sunshine that warms my cold heart at every chance. Every time we kiss my heart beats a little faster, and with every passing minute I fall more in love.
52. I love you to the moon and back. I look forward to growing old with you, laughing with you, loving you, and making new memories with you. I couldn’t ask for a better partner. You complete me. Our love is everlasting and nothing could make me happier than spending the rest of my life with you! ‘
53. I love you and would never want to be with anyone else. I never thought I could love someone so much. The way I see it, if I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with someone, it might as well be with you. You are always on my mind every second of the day!
I Want You to Want Me Quotes for Her
Here are Perfect List of I want you to want me quotes for her compiled just for you
54. I wish that your heart would be mine … I want you to be happy with this love, even without me. I want you to be happy with us, that, in the end of the day you will look back and know that I was right, to believe … I want you to want me.’
55. I love you so much, but I can’t tell you why. If I tell you how much I love you it will change things between us and we can never go back to the way it was. I never thought my heart could feel this way, but now that I do I can’t imagine it any other way. Everything we are doing together is perfect. Thank you for making me so happy and being with me through everything!
56. I love you! I know that doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it’s a big deal to me. I’ve never felt this way about anyone else, so I need you to know how much I appreciate your love. You are more than just a boyfriend, you are my best friend. Your smile can brighten up my whole day and put me in the best mood.
57. It’s hard to find the right words to say how I feel about you. I am so grateful that I get to call you mine, and not just mine but my better half. Our love is stronger than it has ever been and I am sure of it. You are my favorite person in the world that I want to spend forever with, grow old with.
58. I can only describe my love for you in one word – unconditional. I love you so much that it hurts sometimes, but it is a beautiful pain. The pain of missing you? That excruciating kind of pain every time I think about letting go? No, the kind of pain that reminds me of what we have and how deeply I feel for you. I will never let you go, even though it takes every part of me not to pull you into my arms and kiss away your worries.
59. You are the most amazing woman in the world. You are always there for me when I need you. My heart could never hurt with you around. I love you with all my heart, and I can’t wait to spend forever with you by my side.
60. My love, I don’t know what to say about you other than I love you and I will always love you. From the moment we began our journey one year ago, I have never felt so complete. You make me happy every single day. You are the perfect person in my life and I am endlessly thankful that you love me back.
61. I love you so much and I’m not afraid to let anyone know. You are an amazing woman, mom, friend, lover. You make me feel like a man for the first time in my life. You are everything that I ever dreamed of!
62. I know that I’m not the easiest person to love and there are many times I’ve let you down. Please don’t give up on me. I promise I will work harder to be a better wife and partner. I want our marriage to grow stronger every day so that we can have a long happy life together. I want you for as long as I live and my heart will always belong to you.
63. You are my absolute everything. You are the love of my life and I am so lucky to have you. Whenever you feel alone just know that you are always in my thoughts and that I am always there for you no matter what. I love you from the depths of my heart and can’t imagine being with anyone else.
64. I love you more than you can know. I am so thankful that you are in my life and I hope I make you as happy as you make me. I love you always!
65. I have no words to express how amazing you are to me, how much I love you, and that you are the most incredible man I know. You are my best friend, romantic, lover. I will never stop loving you. Thanks for the best year of my life!
66. I love you so much and I can’t wait until you come home so we can be together. I love you with all of my heart and soul, and no matter what we go through I will always love you more than anything in the world!!!
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