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I Love The Woman I’ve Become Quotes

I Love The Woman I’ve Become Quotes

I love the woman I’ve become quotes – Quotes about being a strong, independent woman. Women need to know they can accomplish whatever they put their minds too, even if they’re trying to balance it all as a working mom, wife and friend. Accept nothing but the best for you.

I Love The Woman I’ve Become Quotes

  1. You were everything I wanted in a woman. Now you’ve become my best friend. In that sense, I love the woman I’ve become with you in my life.
  2. Thank you for making me the woman that I am. Without you, what would I be? What could I possibly be without you in my life? You make me so happy and I love knowing that I will be spend the rest of my life with you. So, thank you, thank you, because of everything that we’ve been through, because we are here together now and it’s amazing. Love you so much!!!
  3. You have made me a better woman. I have learned to love, to trust and to share my deepest thoughts with you. Thank you for being the most wonderful part of my life, without you I wouldn’t be the person I am today.
  4. I am loving being a woman. I love my relationships, my sexuality, my strength, and my vulnerability. I love being a woman and looking forward to all that comes with it.
  5. You’ve grown into an amazing woman and I couldn’t be prouder. Hard work pays off and you have certainly worked hard to achieve your goals. You are everything a man needs and I am so lucky to have you as my wife.
  6. I love the way you look at me. I love the way you smell. I love the way you kiss. I love every single thing about you and just thinking about it makes me smile.
  7. Your words inspire me to be everything I aspire to be and more. You bring so much joy and laughter into my life. I love our family; how lucky we are to have you as a part of our lives! My admiration for you knows no limits as you are driven, ambitious and selfless.
  8. I believe that some relationships are made out of hopes, dreams, and unconditional love. And for me, you were the one to brighten my day, make me smile, and give me butterflies. I truly want to be with you until I grow old because I love the woman that we’ve both become.
  9. I love the woman I’ve become. I can accomplish anything that I set my mind to, and sometimes I surprise myself.  My job is a little more stressful than when I was younger, but it’s still pretty easy.  My kids are growing up fast and they’re some of the best things in my life.  Cooking and baking are simpler lately, but I still love it.
  10. I am so proud of the beautiful woman I have become by your side. I know we didn’t have an easy start, but our love is one of a kind. Our love has been tested and tried, stronger each day!
  11. The woman I’ve become with you makes me wish I could marry every day. You grow and inspire me to be a better man, and you have no idea how much joy you bring to my life. Here’s to another year of our story beginning!
  12. I love the woman I’ve become. Thank you for being my best friend and for inspiring me to be a better person. I love that you are always encouraging, patient, and willing to listen. Your loving attitude is infectious, which just makes me want to be the best wife and mother possible. I love the way you always treat me like a queen and thank you for putting up with all my crazy ideas.
  13. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I am so glad that you are in my life. You have become such an amazing person, a rock for me when I feel like I need one and someone that I look up to in every way possible. Thanks for being the woman that you are!
  14. When it comes to you, I don’t lie. I always give my full honest answer, for your love is all that matters. I have become the woman I am, because of your love. Your genuine heart, selfless actions and your undying devotion to me have taught me what true love means. You are everything I could ever hope for in a man!
  15. I’m not sure if this is going to make any sense, but I feel like I need to tell you how much you’ve changed my life. When we first met, I was young and foolish. You took a hold of my heart as soon as we met and I will never be able to thank you for it. You’ve opened my eyes, taught me about love, taught me about myself, made me a better person. No one else could ever make me feel the way you do.
  16. Thank you for always encouraging me. Thank you for always running to my rescue when I’m down. Thank you for picking me up when I’ve fallen. Thank you for loving me when no one else did. Thank you for smiling whenever I walk into a room. Thank you for being in my life. I love your old lady!
  17. Somedays are better than others, but the ones I want to cherish are the ones that you make perfect; your kiss, snuggles, and whispers make everything in my life perfect. I wouldn’t change a thing about us. I love you for who you are and for making me who I am!
  18. I fell in love with you by the way you looked at me. Still falling every day. You’ve made me a better person, now I have someone to love and to share my life with. Thank you for loving me.
  19. You are the love of my life. You make me laugh like crazy, and smile so much my face hurts! I love you more than you know.
  20. Thank you for being the woman I’ve become. The one who helps me grow and learn, who supports my dreams and weak moments. Who is impatient, who talks a lot and laughs all the time? All it feels like I can tell you is that, I love this woman I’ve become because she is with you, kisses are you. Love!
  21. Hi baby. I love you so much and I want to thank you for the woman you’ve made me. Without you, I wouldn’t be happy and at peace with myself. I can only hope that someday I can find a woman as lovely and caring as you are.
  22. I love you, so I let you go You taught me love, so I let you go. It was the hardest thing, but you taught me to trust and to let you cross that bridge alone. I love who we were and how we felt. Most of all I loved watching us grow. I hope one day we can find each other again – one day in the future where time isn’t an issue, but for now this is my goodbye.
  23. You’ve brought the best out of me and I can’t imagine a day without you in my life. You are so important to me and I love being with you. When we first met, you were happy, sweet and silly. Now that we are together, I think your faults have become my favorite things about you. You are sexy, smart, funny and caring. And that sparkle in your eye is killer!
  24. I am so glad we met; you have changed my life for the better. I love every little thing about you: your smile, your eyes, your laugh, and even your flaws. You are the one for me and I love you a thousand times over.
  25. You are the most amazing woman on Earth. You have had such a great positive influence on me, for that I am forever grateful. I am so lucky to have you.
  26. I have no words to express how much I love you, how grateful I am for you, and how lucky I feel each day that we are together. You are more than a friend, a lover you’re my best friend, my better half, my sunshine on a rainy day!
  27. I love the woman I’ve become and especially love who she is with you. There are no words to express how much I enjoy every day I spend with you.
  28. I love the woman I’ve become. Every challenge we face makes me a stronger person. I thank my partners past and present for helping me along this path. I love celebrating with my friends, sharing our life experiences, and grow together through joys and difficulties.
  29. You are my love, my best friend. I look forward to every new day with you. I tell you with feeling, thank you for being here. I value your opinion and always want to be in your corner. You’ve given me the strength to be all I can be. I really love the woman I’ve become because of you!
  30. Every night when I lay my head down, I think of you. When it’s time to sleep, I think of you. When my eyes meet yours, I know that the woman I’ve become loves the woman that you’ve become.
  31. I have always been a strong woman, but I didn’t always like it. I can see now how my life experience has made me stronger. I love the changes that have come over me: my increase in confidence, my critical thinking skills, and my laughter. I never would have guessed the changes that would come with age and experience. While some days it is hard to feel proud of myself, those are quickly erased when I see the woman I’ve become.

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