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I Love My Niece Quotes and Messages

I Love My Niece Quotes and Messages

There’s no love like the love for a niece or nephew. They’re small, cute and so full of life, joy, and wonder. My Niece is my world and love her with all my heart. Quotes about Nieces and Nephews are a way to express how much we love them.

I Love My Niece Quotes

  1. My niece is so cute. She is the cutest, smartest and most beautiful little girl I know. I have no doubt she will be a perfect and lovely young woman. I am so glad I get to share my heart with her, love and care for her. She makes me smile whenever I see her or even think about her.
  2. My niece and nephew are the best things in my life. I love them with all my heart. they bring me such happiness and joy; I couldn’t ever stop smiling. I would do anything for them!
  3. My niece is very special to me. She is a part of my world and is beside me in everything I do. I love her more than anything in the world, she has been a great inspiration in my life.
  4. Not a day goes by that I don’t say how thankful I am to have you in my life. You make me smile like no one else can and fill my heart with pure joy! Love you so much Niece! Love you Auntie P.
  5. You are my angel from heaven, the answer to all of my prayers. You are smart, funny, beautiful and so full of life. I am so proud to be your auntie and can’t wait for many years of adventure ahead.
  6. You said you’ll always be there for me, and I know you will or nine years ago I wouldn’t have given you the precious gift of my niece. You’ve always been there for me, even when I haven’t been there for myself. The first true friend I ever had. As a child you were my hero and now as an adult you are still my hero.
  7. I have so much fun with you. Sometimes I feel like you are the sister I never had. You can always make me smile and laugh even when things get tough. I love how close we are, I love your energy and zest for life. You are the funniest little person I know!
  8. I love you, little girl! You take my breath away and give me hope for the future. I’ve never been as proud as I am of you. Keep shining your light and one day the whole world will know.
  9. I love you so much. You are so precious and beautiful. I enjoy each day with you that God gives me. I know that someday I will be able to hold your hand and walk-through stores together.
  10. I love you like the moon, I love you more than you’ll ever know. You are my sister, my friend. I’ll never let anything come between us, and I hope that God will bless you and keep you safe.
  11. I love my niece quotes, I love my niece quotes, I love my niece quotes! She’s just so cute! You’re like a little flower that just blossomed. You’re beautiful, smart and funny. I’m glad I can spend time with you and be such a big part of your life.
  12. I have the best niece in the world, she is the best. I love her to death and always will. She adds so much joy to my life, she is my pride and joy. I love seeing her smile, it’s just so cute. I hate that I don’t get to see her every day. Love you princess!
  13. I love you my darling niece. I dream about you all the time; it’s going to be hard not seeing you grow up. I pray for your happiness and for many blessings on your way. I will always love you. I am so glad your parents gave me the honor to be your auntie!
  14. You are one of the most important things in my life now. You taught me about love, you taught me about patience and you showed me how to care for someone else before myself. You will forever be young in my eyes but I know that when you need me, I will always be there to help. Your uncle John is so proud to call you, his niece!
  15. I love you. I am so lucky to have a beautiful niece like you. Just a few years back I never thought I’d be an uncle and now here we are. My heart melts every time you smile at me, in fact when you smile it just stops my heart for a second or two, I love the way your hair flies as you run around, just like my nephews.
  16. My niece, Drea. I love you. I can’t wait for you to get here. I’ve been thinking about you since you have been born. You are a miracle baby, you were born too early, but look at you now. Such a strong fighter, and so beautiful. My wish is that one day we would be close, and we could talk on the phone like my sister and I do!
  17. I love you more than anyone in the entire world. I can’t even put into words how much happiness you have brought me. Although it’s hard for us to see each other because we live so far apart, I cherish every moment I get to spend with you. I love you to the moon and back, and forever!
  18. I love you with all my being and even though we are far apart I feel your love in my heart every minute of every day. I miss you so much that sometimes I can’t breathe. You’re such a special little girl and I have no doubt that you will do great things. You were a gift to me from heaven, so thank you for blessing me with your presence. Love, Aunt Emily.
  19. I love my niece quotes and I want her to know how much she means to me. My wonderful niece, you are the top of my list. I love you more than you will ever know!
  20. I love my niece quotes covers all occasions for niece that you can share with her and send via text or email.
  21. I love you, my little monkey girl! You are the best niece ever! I always enjoy spending time with you. Love you to the moon and back!
  22. My sweet angel, I don’t know what I would do without you! You are one of the best things that has ever happened to me in my life. I think about you always and hope that you know how much I love and care for you more than words could ever express.
  23. I wouldn’t change places with anyone, there isn’t anything more important to me than you. You make me smile every day, and I love to see you happy because it brings me such joy. I love you little buddy.
  24. I hope you know how much I love you! Every day is a blessing that life gave me the ability to see. You make me laugh, smile and I just love every little moment we have together! You’re an amazing girl and I am so glad to be in your life. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I can’t wait to be with you again and spend some more time together.
  25. You’ve been my little sweetheart since you were born and I just can’t wait to watch you grow into a strong, confident woman. I have watched you grow up over the years and will continue to watch you grow for many years to come! I love you more than words can say!
  26. I love you more than sunshine and rainbows, more than ice cream and chocolate, more than puppies and teddy bears. I love you as big as the sky! And even bigger when we smile together. More fun further down the road.
  27. I love my niece, because she is so cute. She doesn’t say much but when she does it’s earthshattering. I love to watch her play because she is so involved. If you ask me what I love about my niece, the answer is everything!
  28. I love you my sweet niece. I have the biggest crush on you. My sweet precious little angel just warms my heart every time I see your beautiful face. You are the most beautiful thing in my life and I just can’t stop saying it!
  29. Hi my beautiful niece! I love you dearly and miss you so much! You are a special gift to me from heaven and I love you with all my heart. Just remember that no matter where you go, I will always be here for you. May your day shine bright!
  30. To my favorite niece and best friend, I love you so much. The last few years have gone by too fast and they’ve also gone by too slow. I wish everyday could just be yours. I can’t wait to see how our life together is going to turn out. Love you, Aunt.
  31. I love the way you laugh. I love the way you pout. I love the way you torture me, but most of all, I love my niece because she’s mine!
  32. Hey Niece! I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone. I am so proud of you and the wonderful young lady that you are becoming. You make me laugh, smile and cry every day; so here are three cheers for my sweet niece!!
  33. I love you so much. I don’t say it enough. You are the most amazing little girl, full of life and always running around. You amaze me every day. I look forward to all of our times together, even if it means chasing you all day! I want you to know that you can always come to me with anything, no matter what the problem is or who has caused the problem. You are so smart and will accomplish so much in your life.
  34. I love you. I’m so glad we have each other. You keep me young at heart and as crazy as I may seem you’re always there for me. We’re always laughing and talking about things only girls can understand. I can’t imagine my life without you!
  35. I love my little niece so much and I don’t know where I’d be without her. She has brought me so much joy in life and I will always be there for her! Every time I think about her it brings a smile to my face and makes my heart warm. You’re the best!
  36. I’m honored to call you, my niece. I’d like to say there’s no one in the world more special to me. You’re a sweetheart, and I love you bunches and bunches!
  37. Your eyes sparkle in ways nobody else’s do. You can be crazy and wild and still be the most beautiful little girl. Your smile will always make me smile, your laughter will always make me laugh, nothing could ever possibly change that. You are my heart and soul, my first and only niece, so loving you is easy. I love you to the moon and back again!
  38. Dear niece. To me you are more than just a niece. You are my daughter, my sister and my best friend all in one. I love you very much and hope this letter will let you know how much I love you.
  39. Wish you a very happy birthday. I am so proud to have you as my niece. You deserve all the happiness in the world and it gives me so much joy to know that you are always there for me. I love you.
  40. I love you my dear beautiful niece. I hope to see you often for our lovely family get-togethers. Be sure to keep in touch. Your aunt Mabel loves you to bits!
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