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I Just Want You Happy Quotes

I Just Want You Happy Quotes

I Just Want You Happy Quotes? Want to keep the spark alive? Want your partner to be happy and feel loved? I’ll show you how with these sweet love quotes for him or her.

I Just Want You Happy Quotes

  1. You mean the world to me. You gave me everything I’ve ever wanted. I just want you to be happy and if you’re not it’s because you haven’t found what makes you happy yet.
  2. I want you to be happy. I want things to work out for you. I’m praying for you that all your dreams come true and that soon everything is going to get easier. Never lose sight of who you are because we can help each other figure out how to find ourselves.
  3. You’ve been nagging me a long time asking for this. So here it is: I just want you to be happy! You’re a wonderful person and it would be my honor to make you happy and see you shine. You deserve the best in everything, not only in love but also career, joy and happiness. I’m glad I met you.
  4. It’s so hard for me to even imagine my life without you in it. You mean so much of me and your smile is just infectious. I want you to be happy, always! So whatever the costs, I will do everything in my power to make sure your world is perfect!
  5. Thank you for everything, the little things and the big things. I always want you to be happy. I hope this year brings you many reasons to be happy. I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it and I know that you couldn’t either. So this Valentine’s Day I hope you think of me as your number one valentine and I do the same! I love you babe!
  6. I know that you have loved in the past, and I can’t blame you for any of it. I just want you to be happy. It is okay to love him- just as it is okay to love her, whoever they may be. Just make sure that whoever you are with knows how much you mean to me. And if they don’t understand, I do accept your choice and wish the best for them.
  7. I just want you happy. I know you are going through a lot right now and that might not be easy for me to deal with or understand, but I will always be here for you. No matter what happens, stay strong and you will make it through. Just promise me you won’t give up and I will support you instead of holding you back.
  8. You are the best friend. Words cannot explain how much I care about you, how important you are to me, and how much I love you. You are more than my friend; you are my sister, my girlfriend, my lover and so much more. I hope that someday you will find a man who loves you every bit as much as I do.
  9. I just want you to be happy. I want you to find that special someone that you deserve. I hope the best for you and I will always be here for you!
  10. Baby, I love you so much… You mean everything to me. I just want you to be happy; you deserve all of the happiness in the whole world – don’t settle for anything less!
  11. I want you to be happy. I will do everything in my power to make that happen.
  12. Dear friend, I am so glad you are happy. I just want you to be happy all the time, because you deserve it more than anyone else. I wish you only the best in life and I pray happiness surrounds you day and night.
  13. I just want you to be happy. I want our relationship to work, and if we need to take a break for you to get things together I am here for that. I am willing to wait as long as it takes. You are the one for me and the only thing that matters is your happiness.
  14. As long as you’re happy that’s all that matters. I want the best for you always! It would make me so very happy to have you in my life. You are my heart, my soul, the light of my life.
  15. I hope that you had a beautiful evening and I also hope that you know I want only the best for you. You deserve to be happy and get all your dreams come true.
  16. I want you to be happy. That’s my priority in this new friendship of ours. I care about you and want to see you smile more. Do it for me, if not for yourself.
  17. I just want you to be happy. I will do anything to see you shine with joy and contentment. Sometimes I can get so caught up in the negativity in my own life that I forget to see what’s positive around me. .I will do everything I can to bring the light back into your life, because I know how much it can lift me up when someone else is happy.
  18. We’ve had our ups and downs but I still want you to be happy. I know we don’t speak as often as we used to, but I’ll never stop wanting the best for you. It might not seem like it sometimes and I might not always say it, but I do care about you.
  19. I can only hope that one day, you will look back on the choices you have made and say they were the right ones. I love you!
  20. I just want you to be happy, no matter what decisions you make. I love you and hope all your dreams come true. Love always, ______.
  21. I just want you to be happy. If you’re not with me, I would like you to be with someone who will love you as much as I do. Life is more meaningful when someone you love is sharing it with you.
  22. I want you to be happy, even if it’s not with me. But in case you’re wondering, yes, I still love you!
  23. I want you happy. I want you to see how great you truly are. I am so glad that you came into my life and made me feel so alive. Every time I see you my heart reminds me how much love we have for each other, and just how happy we make each other. Let’s make a new life with just happiness and love.
  24. I just want you to be happy. That’s it. I’m not asking for miracles, world peace, or anything too big. Just a smile on your face makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
  25. I just want you to be happy. I think about your happiness each and every day, because for me, there is nothing more important. I’ve loved you longer than you know, but if you are in pain please let me help you bear it. I will do anything to take away your pain and make your life so much brighter. Your pain is my loss, your triumphs are my joy, and your love means everything to me.
  26. I know I wasn’t the best, but I just want you to be happy. I miss you… I miss talking to you, I miss your laugh, your smile, and most of all I just still love you so much dear.
  27. You make me happy and that’s all I’ve ever wanted. I just want you to be happy in life, no matter the sacrifice I must make to achieve that goal. You are a remarkable person with a beautiful soul, and there is nothing I wouldn’t do to protect that.
  28. You drive me crazy and sometimes your annoying, but I laughed when I thought of that. I want you to be happy more than anything, just remember anything less than that is not ok and don’t come crawling back to me when it doesn’t work out. I adore you and always will.
  29. I just want you to be happy. I don’t care if it is with me or when I’m not around. I want you to have all the love you deserve and fulfill your dreams. In the end, I just want you to be happy.
  30. I want you to be happy. I want nothing more than that. I have seen you sad, I have seen you hurt and I’m so sorry for all the pain that you have been through. Let it go, allow me to help you forget. You deserve only happiness in life. You are the best person in the world and I only wish to see you smile and be happy.
  31. There are many things I wish I could give to you, but there’s only one thing that I want more than anything. That is your happiness. If you’re happy, then nothing else matters.
  32. Sometimes I wonder if you are truly happy. I want you to be very happy. If I could do anything for you, it would be to make you as happy as possible. You help me make my own life happy, so I just want you to be even happier.
  33. I don’t want to make you cry anymore. And I can’t stand to see you sad. But in life we have to make choices, and some of them are really hard. I just want you happy. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure of that.
  34. I just want you to be happy is what I tell you, but it sounds so utterly impossible. How can I be so selfish? Even though a part of me screams inside to have you, another part screams for you to be happy in someone else’s arms. The truth is somewhere in between, I can only hope that one day things will work out in your favor and that I will be able to tell you that I’m the only person who can make you happy.
  35. Nothing makes me happier than seeing you smile and laugh. I hope that you have a great day and enjoy your special time with loved ones. May you be blessed and happy in all of your endeavors this year, and many to come!
  36. I want you to be happy. You always put yourself last and I want that to change. Who cares if the dishes don’t get done or if your friends think you’re selfish? It’s not like we don’t have time, so what are you waiting for?
  37. I just want you to be happy, even if that’s not with me. I will always love you, and I will never forget our time together or how much we went through.
  38. I just want you happy! If that means you’re not with me, then so be it. I love you and want nothing but good things to happen for you. In the end, I hope that is what you really wanted all along too.
  39. I want you just to be happy, I’m not that selfish. If I never see you again, remember this: Life is short and keep yourself alive. Live life with a smile; You are your only limit!
  40. To my best friend, my lover, my soul mate, husband. I want you to be happy because you deserve it. I want you to smile and laugh every single day. I will always be here for you like I have been in the past and will forever be in the future.
  41. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Life has no meaning when you’re not around to share it with me. I hope you’re happy because that’s all I want in this world. Be happy, and I promise I will be too.
  42. When I think of your smile, I know that it won’t be long until you are by my side. You are so beautiful my dear, it eases my mind to know that I can hold the key to your heart. With every touch of my lips to yours, I want you to feel how much we are meant to be.

Also See: I’ll Always Be There For You Quotes

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She. An enthusiastic goal getter, a book📚 lover, content Writer/Editor, a Virtual host and a foodie🥑😋

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