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I Can’t Forget My First Love Quotes

I Can’t Forget My First Love Quotes

I can’t forget my first love quotes are the best way to share your memorable moments with your loved ones or friends. I have a lot of funny and romantic I can’t forget my first love quotes.

I Can’t Forget My First Love Quotes

  1. I can’t forget my first love. I will never forget the special things you used to do for me, time spent is irreplaceable, and somewhere in my heart it will always be yours.
  2. I am glad to be the one you love and share your life with, but at times it is hard to forget your first love. I love you so much that sometimes it hurts.
  3. My first love, always in my mind. Nobody can take you place, I will never forget the time we spend together and the memories we created. You have a special place in my heart and I love you!
  4. No matter where we go or what we do I always think of you and remember those that came before. Your smile, your eyes, your favorite things. Every part of you is special to me and I can’t seem to ever forget you. You will always be a part of me, even if you aren’t by my side at the moment. I love you my first true love!
  5. You are a very special person to me. You were my first love and you will always be my first love. I’ll never forget all the nice times we had together and the fact that I met you changed my life forever. Without you in it, I wouldn’t be who I am today.
  6. I may not say it a lot, but I love you! The way we connect and share kisses is the greatest feeling to me. You are cute, sweet and loving. How you make my heart melt each day is why I love you so much.
  7. Linda, you have been my best friend for so long. I cant imagine my life without you in it. I hope that we continue to grow up together and walk down this road together. Love ya!
  8. I still remember the first time I saw you in my French class. You had this black hair with strange colored eyes, almost like a color of the ocean. It was love at first sight and now I’m sitting here writing for a card for your 3rd Valentines Day card. This should be so easy because I have so much to say but no words to explain it.
  9. Don’t let me forget you. As much as I try I can’t stop thinking about you. If you were an asset I’d put you in my bank so that I could use your value, whenever I needed your love.
  10. I still remember the first day we met. It was my birthday, and you had come to my work to surprise me. I was so nervous because I had a crush on you for a long time and was too scared to tell you.  While buying coffee, we ran into each other in the checkout line. You smiled at me and gave me a cupcake, it’s all you could afford with your minimum wage job, but it made me feel better than any fancy dinner ever could.
  11. I cant forget my First Love, Its very hard for me to forget him. I am also in love with another man who is now my husband.
  12. You are my first love and you will always have a special place in my heart. I remember the first time we kissed like it was yesterday. The butterflies that fluttered in my stomach when your hands touched mine, I will never forget those feelings.
  13. What I love about you is the fact that I have a forever friend, someone who has always been there for me. Our friendship is so deep and bond so close, I could never let it go. You’re my first love and I am your girl!
  14. From the moment we met I knew you were special. Your personality is what really got my attention and made me fall in love with you. I just wanted to let you know how much I love you and will always be there for you no matter what!
  15. You will always be the first love of my life. I can never forget you.
  16. Did you forget about me? I just wanted to remind you about how special our love is. This Valentines Day, I want you to know that my love for you will never die.
  17. Taylor, you have been my best friend since we were in kindergarten. We are now seniors and our friendship has never changed. To me, you will always be that sweet little girl I grew up with, but to everyone else you are the most beautiful and caring woman they know. I am so lucky to have you in my life and hopefully forever. I love you Taylor!
  18. I know it’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other. Life has moved on, but I can’t stop thinking about you. I remember the good times, our laughter and fun together. I hoped that we would always be close, as time went on you grew distant and I could feel us growing apart. To me you have always been a friend, someone that will always have a place in my heart.
  19. To my first boyfriend, Chris. I want to thank you for teaching me what it is like to love and be loved. You were the first person that showed me what a love so strong can do to a person. I still remember those months we spent together with such fondness and joy. Thank you for showing me true love, without you I wouldn’t know what it was like to feel that way.
  20. What if I could tell you that I once loved a boy? Although it feels like a lifetime ago, it was just yesterday. I remember those days very well. Those feelings, those butterflies- and the sunsets. The sunsets were beautiful with their orange and pink hues.
  21. So many years have gone by, and I still cannot forget how much I love you. I know you will always be my first love, no matter how hard I try, or how much time passes by. I remember our first kiss, it was so magical and tender. The way you looked in the moonlight made me realize I wanted to be with you forever.
  22. I hope I always stay as special as you are to me. You were my first love and I want for you to be my last. You will always be the love of my life.
  23. I know it’s been a while. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was so young and so naive, but I wanted you to know that your impact on my life had a huge impact on who I am today. Thank you for the love, support and lessons…even though you broke my heart at the time, I hope you’re happy where ever you are. If by some miracle we end up in the same place again…maybe we can grab a cup of coffee or just talk out.
  24. I’ve loved you since the first time we met… I don’t know why I didn’t say something back then. If I knew what was gonna happen then I would have never been quiet about my feeling for you. I always thought that you were the most amazing person and I still think so today.
  25. You may not always be there with me in person, but always know that you are always in my heart and mind. I haven’t forgotten about you for a day since you’ve left my life, even though you hurt me so much. You taught me the value of love and I have since found someone new to love. I hope we can talk again soon, as a friend of course.
  26. I miss the way your hands felt in mine, the way you cut up my food and fed it to me, the way you burped right after you ate so that I could laugh at you. I miss your laugh, smile, nervous chuckle. I still remember your smell, even with the horrid cigarettes. I miss your kisses and cuddles, your warm bed with you tucked away inside of it. I miss being held in your arms as if you would never let me go.
  27. You have this way of making me happy that is stronger than I’ve ever felt toward another person. You are my magnetic north, my guiding light. You make me feel so special that I don’t ever have to question why I love you.
  28. I don’t know why, but no one will ever compare to you. You have different hair, eyes, skin and taste than anyone else I’ve known. Something inside me tells me I’ll be with you forever, which is why I know I love you.
  29. When I fall in love with you, that’s all I am. You are my air, my heart, my source of life.
  30. I cant forget my first love. I remember her long hair, beautiful smile and her cute laugh. I miss her youth and vigor. I wish I could see her again. She was the most beautiful girl that had ever lived in the whole wide world and I am so lucky that she gave me a chance to love her.
  31. I can never forget my first love. My experiences taught me how to love you for who you are, not for what you can give me. Love is a gift from God that has been given to us and we need to share it with each other. I will never forget your name or the way I felt when we first kissed. It makes me smile just thinking about you. You changed my life in so many ways, and I hope I did yours in return.
  32. Being your first love means that I will always be special in your life but does not mean I’m the only one. To me you’re the latest, but who cares as long as you are happy and you still care about me .I just can’t forget all those special times we had together and that you’re my 1st love because no matter what happens between us I will always love you.
  33. At night, you illuminate my soul with your radiant light. In the morning, you brighten my mornings with the warmth of your kind heart and sincerity. I miss you so much when we are apart. Every day, I cherish the time I spend with you and am endlessly thankful that I have the chance to share my life with someone as special as you are.
  34. When I think about you, my heart skips a beat. You are the sweetest man I know and mean everything to me. When I look into your eyes, I think of all the happiness we will share in our lifetime. I love you more than anything!
  35. My first love was you and that’s never going to change. You were the one I trusted with everything, my heart, happiness, everything. You were the one that believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. You taught me how to love and feel happy. Thank you so much for being by my side and having my back no matter what.
  36. it was really hard to forget you, it never was easy to fall in love and never is it easy to get out…we both made mistakes and due to bad options we are here now, I’m sorry if I hurt you, I would never mean those things I said…our first love may not be perfect but nor do we have the right to judge it, ditch it and toss it aside like last week’s trash…we can’t change the past but just maybe together we can right it.
  37. I was so young and poor but when I look back, I feel like it was still great. You were sweet, kind and sexy to me no matter what I did for you and you were the first person to show me that love is a real thing.

Also See: First Love Quotes For Boyfriend

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