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I Am Strong I Am Worthy I Am Loved I Am Enough Quotes

I Am Strong I Am Worthy I Am Loved I Am Enough Quotes

Our main purpose to create this “I Am Strong I Am Worthy I Am Loved I Am Enough Quotes” post list is to help you share your emotions and thoughts with yourself.   

I Am Strong I Am Worthy I Am Loved I Am Enough Quotes

  1. You’re strong! You’re worth it! You are loved! Your beauty is like a flower. I am always here for you.
  2. You are special. You are unique. You are important. You are enough!
  3. You are perfect. The world could not function without you. You are loved and appreciated. You belong here.
  4. You are worthy. You are enough. You are strong and capable of facing whatever challenge comes your way, but first you need to believe that. I believe that, why don’t you?
  5. I am strong. I know that. I have always been a strong girl, but maybe not as strong as I was told I was.
  6. There will come a time when you aren’t enough. You aren’t skinny enough, smart enough, pretty enough, or good enough to be loved by everyone around you. You know what’s worse?  Not a single person wants to hear this from you either.
  7. Sometimes the best way to be strong is to let someone else see you are vulnerable.
  8. All you need is to know that you are already enough.
  9. I am strong. I do not feel guilty, hurt, or ashamed. I take time to make my needs a priority and don’t feel selfish for doing so. I am worthy of love and respect, and if at times I let others down, it is never because I have stopped giving of myself.
  10. I Am Strong: I know I am strong for I have been through fire and came out the other side. I have lost family, friends and lovers but that is my past. It shapes me in a way but it does not own me.
  11. Do you ever catch yourself saying “I am not enough” or feeling that your current circumstances are unacceptable? These negative thought patterns greatly impact our happiness, but they really are completely optional.
  12. I am strong. I am worthy. I am loved. I am enough. I like to say it out loud and in the mirror every morning when I get ready for my day. These affirmations have helped me cope with social anxiety as well as depression over the years. Learning to believe them has also helped me build a healthy lifestyle and mental state.
  13. Yes. You are strong. Yes. You are worthy. Yes. You are loved. And you are enough.
  14. I turn to the mirror. I stare at my reflection, straight in the eyes. I see a person who is beautiful and powerful. A person who tells me I am strong, I am worthy, I am loved and that I am enough.
  15. I am strong, and I am valuable. I have something special to offer to the world; and I am worth being acknowledged for all my talents. I only have to open my eyes, listen closely, and believe in what I see. Today I am thankful because it’s fun to celebrate life! With every passing day on this Earth, I get stronger, more aware of my true self, and can achieve any goal or dream.

Also See: I Am So Proud of You Messages for A Friend

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