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Happy New Month Prayer To My Lovely Wife

Happy New Month Prayer To My Lovely Wife

When the new month starts, all people love to send inspirational quotes and wishes to their dear and beloved family members, friends, companions or colleagues. Here is an amazing collection of Happy New Month Prayer To My Lovely Wife that you can share with them to put a smile on their faces.

Happy New Month Prayer To My Lovely Wife

  1. I write this note on the first day of a new month, as we approach the end of yet another year together and as I consider how lucky I am to have such an amazing woman in my life. My prayer for you is that this new month brings you continued success with your work, which I know will bring you joy and happiness. I want you to achieve all your dreams and to always feel fulfilled each day.
  2. I’m sending this prayer for you to give you strength and courage for the new month. It will be a good month for you. God will bless you and keep you in his care. I pray that he’ll comfort you with his love and joy. Please accept these prayer, graciously, as it comes from your heart. Love ya, darling!
  3. May this month be a successful one for you. You are not only my wife, but you are the love of my life. I can’t wait to spend this next month with you. I love you always and forever.
  4. My darling wife, I pray that your New Year brings you a lifetime of love and acceptance, good fortune and health, joy and good friends. May your New Year be filled with great promise and wonderful surprises.
  5. May the new month bring you change for the better, health, wealth and success. May you have positive days and not be bothered by any worries and concerns. May divine joy and peace be with you in all circumstances of life.
  6. Wifey, I would like to wish you a happy month ahead. I pray that you have a blessed time as you go through your journey. Let your goodness shine; be a guiding light to all those around you.
  7. I pray that you are blessed with all the joys of life. I pray you stay happy and healthy always. I give thanks to God for giving me a wife that I can call mine and live with till the angels come to take me home. I love you!
  8. I pray that this month will be filled with love and light. I pray you rest in the night, wake refreshed and renewed, knowing God’s love is always near. Amen.
  9. I am so blessed to have you in my life. We have had our struggles, but we have always made it through. You are the love of my life and I would never want to see us apart. I know with God’s help we will stay happy and in love for many years to come!
  10. Dear Lord my God, I offer you thanks and praise for all your gifts. Thank you for the gift of love that has brought joy to the both of us. Thank you for our understanding friendship, and for being there through the good times and bad. Show us how to be loving and kind, show us how to rejoice in your world today.
  11. Happy New Month my love. I have so many plans for us to make this year the most memorable one. One thing I won’t forget is how much you mean to me and how I adore you. I just want to thank God for blessing me with a wonderful wife like you that completes my life!
  12. I pray that you have a Happy New Month and that God bless you with positive health. Thank you for being such a great Wife, Mom and friend. I love you so much!
  13. Dear God, thank you for this new month. Thank you for the chance to start over. Thank you for new beginnings, for family and friends and for good health. Thank you for my sweet wife and our home that we share together as a family. Thank you for your love and protection in our lives. Please guide me so that I can fulfill my responsibilities in a better way. Please help me be the husband my wife deserves and make her day even more special than ever before.
  14. My love, my wife, as we begin the New month I wish for nothing other than for you to be a joyful woman. I want you to be safe and healthy, financially secure and happy. My hope is that God will continue to bless you and fill your heart with love from all those who care about you. You are my best friend and I think of you as such, for the rest of my life I want us to see the beauty in life together. You are a wonderful woman and I love you!
  15. It’s a new month and one step closer to our anniversary. Even though we can’t be together I hope that you are having a wonderful day. I pray that God will bless you and protect you always my love. Even though we can’t be together, my love for you keeps growing more and more everyday. I think about you all the time and miss you dearly. Just wanted to drop you a line letting you know that I love you very much and always will. Have a great day!
  16. During this month of March I would like to pray for the Lord to keep my wife safe and healthy, bring her closer to him. Help me to reflect the love Christ has for her and I unto her so she will know how much I love her. Bless our family, friends and all that we come in contact with during this new month. May we be filled with joy, knowing that he is always watching over us, guiding us through life.
  17. Dear wife, the month of March has started, it’s a new beginning for us with lots of surprises. I thank God for your love and affection and I pray that God will continue to show us more blessing as we go further in life together. Enjoy Valentine day with lots of love.
  18. May the new month begin with all that you desire and may you receive it.
  19. May you have a happy and prosperous month ahead. May your life be filled with joy and happiness. And may this new year be the beginning of a successful and steady future for us both.
  20. I pray that god will grant us more days to come, so we can continue to add wonderful memories. I pray that you always be happy in our love and that you will never run out of reasons to smile. I love you right back and will do everything here on earth to make you smile forever.
  21. I pray for your success in life, may God bless and keep you. May you continue to grow in grace and in favor with God and man. I pray for your health and well-being. I pray for comfort for you in time of sorrow, that your heart may be overjoyed from time to time with the things that are beautiful.
  22. God above, Open the ways and guide my love to peace. Stretch forth thy right hand and keep her in thy favor. Blessed be her name, like sweet incense rising to thy glory. The love she has for me is pure and bountiful. To the ends of the earth I will go for that precious love. Jesus you are worthy over all things. We rejoice in your feast to come, Amen.
  23. Lord may this new month be the beginning of a new life for my lovely wife. Fill her with happiness and love. Bless her with peace, health, prosperity and above all fill her heart with your love.
  24. I wish the New Month brings us the most amazing moments of our lives. I thank God that she could be beside me, and my prayer is to have a happy life forever with her. Happy new month wife!
  25. As the New Month arrived, I want to thank God for you and all the blessings we enjoy in our life together. I pray that this month will be a special one as we continue to build our dreams together, and become a better couple. Happy New Month my darling wife.
  26. Hey Darling, how are you doing? Happy New Month to you my love. How was your first day in the New Year? I hope you ate well and slept well. Be sure to call me if there is anything I can do for you. I Love You.
  27. Dear God, I pray for my beautiful wife for this month. Please bless her with good health and self-control, let there be progress with her business and protect her from everything evil. I also pray that we can take another step in our journey to a successful marriage by paying off all our debts and starting to save a deposit for our future house. I ask you Lord to shower wisdom on me to make the right decisions in each and every area of my life.
  28. Dear Lord, this month I pray that you protect my wife in all she does and guides her in the right direction. May you also protect her family and bless them with good health and strength to face the upcoming month. Master, I pray that you continue to show me how to take care of my lovely wife as I do day after day. What she doesn’t know is that she has a heart of gold and is truly the best wife a man could have and deserve. Amen!
  29. Jenny, my love. I am so thankful that God brought you into my life and blessed me with you as my wife. You are the best example of a woman in the New Testament. I pray for you daily to have strength, courage to face whatever comes your way and be a shining light for Jesus Christ. This new month I pray that all your heart’s desires be fulfilled!
  30. A new month is here, and I have so many wishes for you. May my spirit be the light that guides you to a better direction of your life. May the lessons learned from a difficult past be of great help to you in this new beginning. May all your negative thoughts go away and be replaced with positive ones. Hope, faith, love and happiness should fill you up this new month. Love you!
  31. Dear Lord, I thank you for the gift of my lovely wife, who brings so much joy to my life. I pray that you continue to bless our marriage that we continue to grow closer, love each other more with each passing day and bring honor to your name in all that we do. May our marriage be a blessing to everyone around us on a daily basis. Help her to have wisdom and strength as she leads our home according to your Word. Please fill our home with happiness, health and wealth.
  32. God please bless my wife, give her happiness and love. Open her eyes to see where she is heading. Help her trust herself and have a good time with you. Be close enough to help and far enough for her to need you. Bless her today and everyday and keep me a witness of your blessing upon her. You are the only one that can give and take away, so please be close to use both ways everyday.
  33. Sending love and kisses from the Heavens above. Following you with every breath I take and loving your beautiful soul, always.
  34. Loving you is the best thing I ever did, and baby, you’re the only thing on my mind. There isn’t a single day that goes by that I do not appreciate you and everything you do for me. You are my queen and I am forever your king!
  35. I hope this month brings with it only good fortune for you, my lovely wife. I hope your work goes well, that your classes are delightful, and that your family and friends are always there for you. Have a great month! I love you honey!

Also See: Long Happy New Month Message For Her

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