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Happy New Month Prayer To My Babe

Happy New Month Prayer To My Babe

Happy new month prayer to my babe quotes is one of the best quotes that you can share with your sweetheart. This quote will surely become viral and will increase your popularity too. So, don’t miss the chance and send this quote to her as soon as possible.

Happy New Month Prayer To My Babe

  1. Babe I know that today has not ended yet but I still want to wish you a happy new month and may God bless you with all he’s got in his store of good things. I love you so much, I pray you have a prosperous new month, while I’m sending sweet kisses on your eyes. Go out there my handsome husband and fear no evil because the lord is with you as you are with me. Have a happy new month my beautiful angel. I love you!
  2. God, thank you for a new month. Let this first day of January be abundant with love, joy and laughter. Let us bring good to the Earth by being kind, loving and helping when help is needed. Bless my family. Kindly bless my babe and give him a healthy mind and body, a smile on his face and the strength to overcome what life may bring his way. May he feel your love all the time. Amen!
  3. Happy New Month Babe, I hope this month will be wonderful for you. Wishing you all the best Always!
  4. May the new month be filled with love and joy for you. May you have comfort and peace in life. The new month is here, so have a great time with your loved ones…
  5. Here’s to a new month babe! May it be filled with more love and laughter. May we continue to learn and grow together. To my favorite man in the world, I love you bunches!
  6. My precious love, I am very grateful for the gift of love you have bestowed upon me. You have filled the void in my heart with your sincere and authentic love. I wish for you nothing but the best in this world…I love you so much!
  7. I pray you find what your heart desires and works to achieve. I pray for our family to be happy and safe. I pray you have a good week. May the peace of God reign in your heart, mind and body.
  8. To the month of Valentine, may love triumph over hate, May all our dark moments be forgiven. Amen!
  9. Thank you for loving me. You make my life complete. God Bless you and your family. Enjoy your happy new month.
  10. New month, new start, new goals; this is the month of love and passion, so that we can make your dreams come true. I hope it brings to you everything that you desire and more. May you be blessed with greatness in whatever you do and may you smile more than ever before in life. Happy new month my love. From: the one who loves you…
  11. Darling, on behalf of your friend and my brother, I pray that the new month is filled with joy and prosperity. With care and love & much warmth (& lots of hugs) we share to you our wishes for a new fabulous month ahead!
  12. May the new month grants you success in your endeavors with renewed energy to face the challenges courageously and a new sense of hope. God bless you always.
  13. This prayer is a blessing of good luck and shows my true love for you. Whenever I say this prayer, please remember that it is from the bottom of our hearts. May this month to come be filled with much joy and happiness for you and me.
  14. I pray that you have a blessed month. I hope everything works out for the best for wherever it is you may be going. I hope that you have a great day and that every moment of your day is full of nothing but love, joy, and happiness. This morning when I woke up, the first thing I thought about was how great life is with you in it. I don’t how many times I can say thank you, but thank you!
  15. I pray that this month will bring you peace, joy, and much laughter. I tell myself everyday how much I love you and how glad I am to have you in my life. Here’s to a wonderful month!
  16. May God continue to bless you with more happiness than sadness, more successes than failures and above all more love than hate. Having you in my life has afforded me with a friendship richer than many others, one that allows us both to challenge each other and have faith in each other. I pray that you be blessed with the strength to live life fully and joyfully, always remember that I’m here for you no matter what.
  17. I pray that during this upcoming month you will smile every day, change your outlook on LIFE and realize that YOU are the one in control of YOUR destiny. I pray that you will succeed in whatever you put your mind too, regardless of how much resistance there is in the way. I pray you will realize how amazing you really are and how much potential you have.
  18. Thanks for the wonderful month that we have had together. We have gone through some struggles, but if we work together and pull through we can accomplish anything. Thanks for being you and thanks for letting me be me… may all your dreams come through this new month!
  19. Good morning dearest and lovely, I want to wish you the happiest of new months, full of love and joy. May it’s with peace and harmony, may it’s with sense of achievement, may it’s a great month for you. But above all, may it brings you closer to me, closer and closer to my heart.
  20. Oh sweet baby, just like a breath of life, you breathe vitality into my soul. I have such a strong need to be near you that it would be impossible to stay away. You are in my heart always but especially today as we celebrate your New Month.
  21. Every month that goes by is another one filled with our love and laughter. I can’t imagine a world without you in it. You honor me everyday. I can only hope that I can do the same for you. Happy new month baby!
  22. Honey, I wish you successful events during the coming month and I hope that your achievements will be greater than ever before. No matter what the results are and what will happen to us in the next few days, my love to you will remain as whole as ever. Good to see you again.
  23. New month, new life, and here’s to another year of good times. Here’s to all the wonderful memories that we’ll create this year. An adventure a day, never a dull moment and all the while you are by my side, my beautiful special guy.
  24. Cheer up my sweetheart, this month will be good for you most especially my love to you. Whenever you encounter problems as I know that levels of stress going to increase in the office, it’s high time we should learn how to manage it and not ruin our joy and peace.
  25. Please help my husband to attain all he desires today & in this new month. Protect him, grant him favor & bless his endeavors. Let the sun shine brightly upon his pathway & every step he takes be guided by your bright light.
  26. My love for you just keeps growing, my heart is totally filled with you (and all the joy that you bring) We’ve come a long way baby and still have many miles to go. I can’t wait to see what else we can create together. Let’s start the month off right with a blast!
  27. Sweetie, I just want to let you know how much I love you and how beautiful you are in my eyes. You’re more precious to me than diamonds, gold, and pearls. You mean everything to me sweetie and I wish I could be with you right now. Have a beautiful month ahead!
  28. Monthly Prayer to my Buddy. Dear Angie, May all your heart desires be granted in Jesus name alone. I love you, always!!!
  29. Happy New Month Babe. May this glimpse of a new day let in some wonderful rays and shine down upon you. A whole month sees a lot of dramas, but it is my prayer that they don’t find their way to our doorsteps. This month brings us fresh new opportunities to begin again and meet with renewed vigor. I love you no matter what the month brings forth.
  30. The sun has risen, the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming. I woke up early this morning praying for you. Now, I pray for the whole world to be blessed by you in this new month. No more pain, no more sorrow and negativity. May you have a bountiful harvest and a God-filled life. The prayers I say for you shall be answered forevermore; Amen!
  31. Wishing you a Very, very Happy New Month, I pray that God shower his choicest blessings on you, this Month and This year in Jesus name.
  32. I pray that you have a blessed and beautiful month ahead. I love you so much and look forward to spending the next 31 days with you. Thank you for being in my life and making me happy.
  33. May God bless you with more happiness, more love and greater success. I pray for your health, wealth and happiness to last forever. I celebrate the life we live together. I love you and thank you for being my baby!
  34. A new month has arrived and with it, the years best wishes. I pray the lord will continue to bless you with good health, strength and wisdom. That you may be guided in everything you set out to do. I pray that you find your peace in this new year.
  35. God bless you as you begin this new month. May he bring you love and happiness in all that you do, and may this month’s deeds be worthy of His love and mercy. I pray that his light will illuminate your path and guide you to what is best for you now. I pray that you receive God’s abundant blessings this month. Amen.
  36. I pray this day be filled with blessings of love and laughter, and may you never forget to make time for those who matter most…love you!
  37. The new month has started lets make it worthwhile for all the babe and for me. I know that we can bring out the happiness of each other, make us happy in this month babe. let see how we spend this month babe, maybe be as what is our wish as we want we can get that in a good way and hope that our love can last forever.
  38. As another month draws to a close I’m reminded again of the love we share and how blessed I am. Although, it’s only the first few days of this month, there have already been so many tender moments between us. I can’t wait to see what this month brings and how our love will grow stronger and more passionate in every way. I pray that God blesses you with health, peace, happiness, love and a life free of any negativity or strife. You are loved!
  39. It’s a new month and that means new beginnings. I want to let you know I will continue to treat you as my King and God, because you truly are my everything. I love you so much and I pray for your safety and prosperity during the next 30 days. May this month lead you closer to our dreams and visions of the future.
  40. This prayer is for you honey. I know you are having a hard time lately, but so am I. Just know that I feel the same way every time I see your beautiful face. You are my reason for everything and I know things will get better soon. Until then my love for you will be in full bloom and endlessly growing.

Also See: Happy New Month Prayers To My Big Sister

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