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Fight For Me Quotes, Messages & Sayings

Fight For Me Quotes, Messages & Sayings

Fight For Me Quotes is a collection of inspiring, positive, and motivational quotes by celebrated individuals. I personally compiled these quotes and messages in hopes to inspire you.

Fight For Me Quotes for Him or Her

  1. If it’s not me then who, if not now when, if not here where? No matter what happens our love will always be true. I won’t stop fighting for us and you shouldn’t either. We have something special and worth fighting for. Remember that!
  2. You’ve been fighting for a long time. But I will not let you go. I love you too much to lose you now. Whatever comes our way, I want to fight for us. I will never give up on us!
  3. I love you and I am yours. You are the one I need in my life, you are the motive behind every move that I make. I always look forward to being with you and would always want to be. Thanks for being mine and for the love that you show me because only this makes me feel like we can do this forever.
  4. I have never loved anyone the way I love you. You are my soul mate and my best friend. I know that our love is everlasting. I believe in us, forever. I will fight for our love till the end.
  5. I hope you know how much I love you. I am here for you, to support you, to talk to and listen to. To trust in your decisions and be your rock through all this hell. You are a great friend and amazing boyfriend and I AM rooting for you.
  6. You are my best friend, my lover, and the person I want to grow old with. You are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, and I am so thankful you are in my life.
  7. I fell in love with you over time and yet I don’t know why. I am a smiley person, but since I have met you, I really smiled for the first time. So please don’t be upset because sometimes I ignore you; my mind is only filled with other thoughts. You may not know it now, but you will make me happier than I have ever been.
  8. I love spending time with you. I miss your big smile, your big hugs and your big everything. Please never leave me alone.
  9. Fight for me, love me like there’s no tomorrow. I need you to be here for the rest of our lives. You hold my heart in your hands. You have made a lasting impression and have changed my life forever. All I want is you. Anyone who says different, is lying to themselves.
  10. You are my best friend and I love you so much. You mean the world to me and I promise to always be there for you through everything and anything no matter what. You are my soulmate and I cherish everything about us, the good things and the bad. Fight for me, fight for us, fight for our future.
  11. I fight for you because I love you and want to show you everyday how special you are. You’re too amazing for me to ever doubt your existence in my life. I fight for us, and I am not giving up!
  12. I was going to write you a long-winded love letter but the only thing I want you to know is that when I wake up every morning, my first thoughts are of how lucky I am to have you in my life. I could go on forever about how cute your laugh is, how soft your lips are and how lucky I feel to be with you. So instead, I’ll just say thank you for being there and for loving me when I need it most.
  13. Baby, I love you so much and I can’t help fight for us. Please come back to me!
  14. There is nothing I want more than to be with you. I would fight for you, with you, and against any one that tries to come between us. You are my soul mate, my best friend and my heart. I love knowing that our future is shining in front of us together.
  15. I was lost. I am so glad you came along. You took my hand and showed me the way. We started off as friends and soon became so much more than either of us could have ever imagined. I love you, always have and always will. No matter what we are going through, I still believe in our love. I see the best in you and all that I hope for our future together.
  16. You inspire me. I love everything about you, the way your lips curve into a smile when you look at me, the way you play with my hair when we are together, the way your voice sounds when you say my name in that adorable tone. You make my heart go crazy and I love that about you. I love you for who you are and for all the other things that make you unique.
  17. I love you. That’s never going to change. When we first started dating, I knew we were perfect for each other. We fought and we laughed, but I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I hope that you feel the same way.
  18. You’re the only girl I’ve ever loved. I feel like we may just be one of those couples in history that was 100% meant to be. You’re the most incredible girl and I just wanna smile when I’m around you!
  19. It’s tempting to consider our relationship a fairy tale but we both know that life doesn’t really work that way. Regardless, I’ll never forget the first time we met, nor will I ever stop fighting for us. My love for you only grows stronger as new days pass and I just wanted to let you know how much I love you!
  20. You are my dream and I fight for you. I want the world to know that you are the love of my life. I will love you forever, you are my angel and hero.
  21. I will fight for you. I will fight to have you and keep you, to see your smile, to hear your laugh. I will fight with all my strength because that is what love is. Love is not weak; it is strong and unyielding.
  22. I never thought I would find anyone like you. You’re funny, smart, talented, and so incredibly sweet. The way you look at me, the things you say, they all make my heart stop. I never knew it was possible to feel this way about someone. I’m so glad we found each other and that I have a chance to spend my life with you. Let’s promise to never let one another go and always fight for each other.
  23. One day you will be in my arms again, one day we will find a way to make it last. We only want to fight for me until the end, so don’t give up on me
  24. I can’t imagine my life without you. We have been through too much together and I am grateful for every bit of it. Life would be empty and meaningless without you in it!
  25. Don’t take your love away, I’m never letting go. We’ve come too far to give up now. I need you in my life. You are what makes me complete. I can’t wait to be with you again, to be able to see your smile and hold you once more in my arms. Baby, tell me what do I gotta do to prove how much I love you?
  26. Thank you for putting up with me. I know i can be hard sometimes, but everyone has their flaws and I am no different. I do not say it enough but thank you for being so supportive even when I have a bad day, or am in a bad mood. Thank you for putting up with all my crazy antics, I know they can get out of hand sometimes, but love me as much as you do, flaws and all!
  27. If you’re reading this message, I want to let you know that someone out there is fighting for you. Fighting to be your friend, fighting to be the one you love, fighting to be in your life. I’ve been in your shoes before, so I know how hard it is to feel like no one is sticking up for you. Whether it’s family, friends or a significant other… there’s always someone out there who loves and cares about you more than they let on.
  28. Thank you for loving me and my faults. I promise to fight for you like you have always done for me. To love and protect you and most of all, to make your dreams come true.
  29. Each day you bring new meaning to my life and make me a better person. I don’t want to lose you, and baby, I know things haven’t been easy for us lately, but I want to fight for us. I love you!
  30. Baby, I can’t fight for you. But I’m willing to find the strength, to fight for the life we could have together. I’m willing to work hard and make this happen. No matter what they say, or what they think you’re not an inconvenience or a burden. You are my everything, my world and my life! You’re the one I’ve been waiting for! My dreams are incomplete without you here with me, in them.
  31. I will fight for you with everything I have, and I will never give up. You are my all and I promise to always treat you with kindness and respect. I love you!
  32. I hope at times you thought of me when I was away and I hope my words brightened your day. I am grateful to have you in my life and wish you all the best. Your happiness will always come first with me and I will always fight for you!
  33. Hi! I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you and love everything you do. You brighten up my day every time I see your face. Sometimes life will throw us curves, but we have each other to hold and love no matter what.
  34. You are the only love I’ve ever known, and if you ever leave me, I don’t think there will be a reason to go on. You have been my rock and my heart, – ever since we met. I would do anything for you. Please Stay!
  35. You are stronger than you know and I know that you can do anything you put your mind to. I pray that one day soon you will realize this and realize how beautiful, amazing and strong woman that you are.
  36. You have been there for me from the beginning, always encouraging and inspiring me to try new things. You are my best friend and I would not change that for anything in the world. I will always be here for you as well. I love you!
  37. I don’t need you to be perfect, I just need you to fight for me. No matter how bad it gets, no matter what life may bring us, I want you to hold your ground. I want you to fight for us and never give up. I love you!
  38. Fight for what you love. Because those first few moments are the hardest. Fight for me. I’m fighting for you, but if you give up, so will I.
  39. I will fight for you, and I’ll fight with you too. Until every problem that exists between us is gone, every sad memory erased, and we can live our lives hand in hand. I love you till the end of time.
  40. Even though at the time it seemed impossible that we would be together. Now here we are, and I have you right where I want you. Yes, I will fight for you because you are so worth fighting for.

Also See: Our Love Is Worth Fighting For Quotes

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