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End Of The Month Prayer For My Love

End Of The Month Prayer For My Love

A good prayer that you can pray at the end of each month is a great way to keep your love strong and your marriage thriving. A short prayer is a great way to remember why you married in the first place, as well as expressing gratitude for each other’s support throughout the month. Together with time, these quotes on End Of The Month Prayer For My Love will help you cultivate an easier relationship with God at the end of each month.

End Of The Month Prayer For My Love

  1. Lord, make our month of February beautiful and full of love and joy. Make it to be a month that flows with passion… full of romance and passion! Thank you for this love…
  2. Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me with your love. Help me to be kind and compassionate, always listening to you. Help me to learn to love myself as I am so that I might experience a fuller life where everything is possible. Thank you for bringing this man into my life. Bless him and give us strength, wisdom and discernment in our relationship. Thank youLord for making this month beautiful. In Jesus name I pray amen!
  3. May we always be happy and in love. Because if not, I don’t know what I will do! Happy Valentine’s Day!
  4. Thank you for all you do. You bring so much joy to my life. I thank God that we met and share the special bond we have, just as many people love each other like you and I! I thank God for the priceless gift of your love!
  5. Dear God, thank you for letting me be here with my boyfriend at the end of every month. I love him so much and everything is wonderful. Please heal his back, make his elbow feel better, and make his diet healthy. Please help him to always be happy, kind and humble. Please always give me the strength to know that I can rely on him. You are so great!
  6. Dear God, thank you for blessing us with our love. May she live an abundant life full of love and happiness. Please bless her with all the things I shouldn’t have to worry about. Appear in her dreams to make sure she is safe and secure. Protect her from any danger that anyone may throw at her. Help her in any difficult situations she may encounter in life. Give her the security of the real things-security in money, security in family, security in friendship, and security in all things.
  7. Dear Lord, I can’t do it! This time we are at our wits end. I know this is just a test but give us the strength to make it through. I need you. Thanks sweet lord.
  8. For the next month, I ask that you be my love, protection from harm and a light in my darkness. I love you.
  9. Dear God, I pray for my love today. May they have a great day. Be good to them and bring them what they need today and always, Amen!
  10. Dear God, thank you for loving me. Help me to remember to be thankful everyday for all that you send my way. Thank you for sending me a man who cares for me and makes me happy. Help us to see your hand in everything we do through this month. Bless our friends, family, our travels, and everything else we come across. Thank you Lord for everything concerning my love’s life and everything surrounding us that brings him joy in his life.
  11. My love, I want you to know how much you mean to me without saying a single word. You are my friend, my best friend. I can’t imagine not having you in my life. You deserve the best and I pray we may be able to achieve great things together for many years to come.
  12. God have I been blessed by you in the past month and I pray that you will continue to bless me today and everyday. Your love is wonderful and I can’t imagine life without it. I praise you for all the times you’ve been there for me and I pray that one day I will be able to repay this wonderful debt that you have already done.
  13. I pray that in all that you do, your heart will always be there for me. I hope the best for the both of us. I am so glad we found each other. I hope that it won’t be long before we are sitting down to watch a movie together. I love you my sweet man.
  14. Heavenly Father, I pray that you would bless your child and every person around the world with the purest form of love. Help us to be kind to each other and help us to show how much we truly value those we care about. Amen.
  15. Dear God, thank you for the amazing man that is my boyfriend. He has been so kind to me and I know he will continue to be the best and most supportive person I could ever have by my side. Every day we spend together brings me closer to finally putting an end to all of our stress. Thank you for helping us during this difficult time.
  16. I am so lucky to have you in my life!You brighten up my day and fill my heart with so much joy! You make my life possible. I love you more everyday. I’m so glad we both found each other. GOD bless you always!
  17. Dear God, Today is February. Send me my lover, because he treats me like the queen that I am. And if you can make him understand that rulership is meant for royalty, then I will be honored by your gift.
  18. Dear God, this month has been a tough one, I feel like we’re heading for divorce! Thankfully my love and happiness is strongly reciprocated. I joked about breaking up with him but secretly am glad we are still together. This month has been the toughest on me and I don’t know how we made it through. I hope you’ve been praying for us, because as far as we know we are still together. Thanks God!
  19. Dear God, I know you said that my love would be rewarded. I just want to ask you this: Can I please get an extension on that reward? No pressure or anything. I just mean, when is it going to come? How much longer before I can give your gift back to you in the form of a beautiful baby? Thank you for listening and accepting my prayer. You are amazing for taking care of me through this tough season in my life. In Jesus’ precious name, amen!
  20. Dear God, Thank you for all the love You give me. I hope that You bring my love to Jesus’ arms up in heaven. Keep him safe and happy and please take care of my family for me. Amen!
  21. You’re the best, and I love everything about you. You’re my happiness, my laughter, my everything. You make me so incredibly happy. On the off chance of you reading this… I love you with every fiber in my body. I adore you to the moon and back. I’m blessed to have you in this life, and on my heart forever.
  22. Dear God, as I leave this month behind, I would just like to say thank you. For making me so happy. For leaving me with such a wonderful life to live and the best guy in the whole world. Thank you for everything.
  23. Honey, I love you. You are the best and most important person in my life. No matter what happens, no matter how crazy or difficult things get, please know that I will never trade our love with anything or anyone. I am so lucky to have you and cannot wait to spend another day with you! I pray that the next month will be a better one!
  24. Dear God, thank you for all you have given me in the past month. I have a lot to be thankful for and You are amazing. Thank you for letting me live in the moment and not worrying about things that don’t matter.
  25. I lift my pen in prayer and ask you to share all you have. Every sound, every smell, every movement, all the delicious things we can do and feel together. I ask to share your life with my mouth on your neck, all that you are. Oh God, make my heart and soul yours and fill me with all you desire to have here on earth.
  26. My love I pray that the month of March will find you healthy and well. I pray that you will sleep well at night and wake up happy with big smiles on your face. More than anything I ask that you stay off of the phone when I am asleep so that we can sleep in together tonight. Thank You God for allowing me to have such wonderful friends like you. And finally, thank You for giving me the gift of your precious life into my life today. Love You.
  27. Lord, I am so thankful you have given me the gift of love. I pray for your peace of mind. I pray for you to feel good and secure in your decision. I prayer for you to cherish the one you love.
  28. Have a wonderful month my love. You are the best thing in my life and I thank God for placing you in my life. We have the perfect relationship, you are my best friend, the sun in my sky, and the center of all that I do. Thanks again for all the love you so freely give!
  29. My sweet husband, I want you to know how much your loving me. To know that no matter what, I will always be there for you. Always know that I would be there if you ever needed anything, through good times or bad. There’s never a right time to tell someone that they’re loved more, so for now please choose to love me everyday with everything in you!
  30. I am so thankful that we met and fell in love, I wouldn’t trade our happy life for anything. I don’t take you for granted and appreciate everything you do, every bit of time you spend with me and all the effort you put into making our lives perfect. You are my one true love, thanks for coming into my life and giving it meaning.
  31. Dear God, I am so grateful for your blessings. Thank you for blessing me with my husband Gary. He is such a wonderful person and I am thankful to have him in my life. Please keep him safe & healthy. Bless him & help him stay strong against all odds. Give him the strength he needs to overcome obstacles in his life and guide him through all troubles. Let his love bring happiness to everyone around him. 
  32. I pray that you are gather a peaceful rest, surrounded by all those you love and who love you. I pray things are going as well for you as they are going for me and my family. I pray that you were able to reach your financial goals. I pray that the new year brings in more of what you want in life!
  33. Dear Lord, I pray that you bless my love with gifts of love all through the month of February. Help us to appreciate each other more and to work on being a better couple. Give us strength and guidance to make this month better then any month we have ever had together. Bless our relationship and everything that comes from it. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen.
  34. Lord, please let me have a better day everyday of the new month and help to keep our love strong. Thank you for loving me.
  35. Dear Love, I love being with you. Your gentle smile and our nightly kiss make me warm inside. You are my inspiration and make me want to want to live every day to its fullest. One day we will reunite, but until then, We will forever be together in our hearts. GOD bless you!
  36. Dear God, please take care of my loved one this month. Do not let them be hurt by anything or anyone, may they have all the peace and joy they deserve.

Also See: I Want Someone To Look At Me Quotes

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She. An enthusiastic goal getter, a book📚 lover, content Writer/Editor, a Virtual host and a foodie🥑😋

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