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Day Well Spent With My Love Quotes

Day Well Spent With My Love Quotes

Everyone knows those amazing days you spend together with your love. As these days pass by, you will find yourself remembering them and cherishing them even more. You will try to make days like this happen again and again. Enjoy our collection of Day well spent with my Love Quotes and sayings.

Day Well Spent With My Love Quotes

  1. I will never forget this day. You are so amazing and every time I am with you I feel at peace, a peace I have never felt before. I hope this day will never end. I love you so much!
  2. Having you in my life is the best thing to have happened to me. I do not regret a single moment I spend with you, for every minute is worth remembering. You are my best friend, my soul mate and my everything.
  3. I feel like we’re a puzzle that has finally been completed. You are my missing piece and now I’m complete. The best part of my day is getting to see you, or even just having a few minutes with you. And I like to spend all day with you. Spending every day helping you makes me happy, because I know that it’s making your dreams come true.
  4. You are the love of my life and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. There is no one that has ever made me feel this way before and for that I will forever be grateful. I love you and all your amazing qualities!
  5. The day went as perfect as it could be. Having been in love with you for so long, it’s impossible to not smile around you. So many times I wanted to kiss you that night, hold your hand and let you know how much I love you.
  6. I love you and I want to be with you. I am ready to share my life and my love with you. You are the best in everything. When I see you next to me, I know that we can overcome any difficult situation.
  7. It seems like a lifetime ago that I had the sense to see what a wonderful woman you are, and it’s even more amazing that I have the chance to call you mine. I’m so glad we met and are spending our lives together.
  8. The day was sunny, we went out to the park. We went shopping and I bought you some flowers. We played around in the water and at the end of the day I knelt down on one knee, looked into your eyes, took a deep breath, you said yes.
  9. I awoke this morning, full of hope and love for my life. I know I will never be a perfect man until you leave me.
  10. The problem with you and me is that we are like fire and oil. We should never mix. But I love you so much for some reason that I just keep coming back to you, because every time I do, it feels right. Then, when things get tough and burn, here I come again seeking another spark of your love.
  11. I am so glad I met you. You always know what to say when I’m down. You truly are a god-send! Never forget how much I love you, and that my guardian angel will always be by your side. You are my best friend; my shoulder to cry on; the one that makes me smile from ear to ear; the one I want to grow old with.
  12. We spent the day in bed. I won’t go into details. But, it was great!
  13. Waking up next to you has made every day of my life worthwhile. I couldn’t ask for a better life than the one that I have with you. Spending this time with you makes my day special.
  14. I’ve had a wonderful day with you and I love you so much. I hope this day will never end.
  15. I have had the most amazing time today. You are so wonderful and I am so lucky that God chose to bless me with you. I wish for nothing more than to spend forever by your side, my best friend and lover. I love you with all my heart!
  16. I took a day off from work to spend some me time with my husband. I had a list of to do’s and places to go then we relaxed for the rest of the day. It was so nice!
  17. A day well spent is a day with you. I have the best time when we’re together! The day is always bright and fragrant when you are near. I’m so glad you are in my life to share it with me. Hope you have a great day today, baby. Love you always,
  18. I am glad you are my Prince. I will spend today with you and be your Queen. Let’s sow some flowers in our garden and we’ll harvest the fruits of love.
  19. Thank you for a wonderful day, I love spending time with you It’s not the gifts you give but the thought of how much you care.
  20. You have no idea how truly amazing you are. You are my everything and I love you so much.
  21. A day well spent with you is one of my favorite things! You’re my Love, my sunshine, my joy and my universe.
  22. I bet you thought I forgot! But I didn’t. Here is another card just for you. I hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day. I know day spent with my love quotations wasn’t easy, but it was well worth it because we made memories to last a lifetime. There is nothing in the world that can compare to how in love I am with you! Happy Valentines Day baby, I love you!
  23. Hello my sweet heart, Day well spent with you indeed Darling! You are the best buddy anyone could ask for, I want to keep you beside me until my dying breath. Loving you dearly a hundred times over!
  24. You are my best friend, my soul mate and my love. I wish we could grow old together so I can always cherish you in my arms. You bring a sense of peace and comfort to me, like no one else can. You are my day well spent when you are beside me! You cheer me up and I couldn’t imagine living life without you.
  25. It’s hard to notice how fast the days go by when I’m by your side. You capture me with your charm, you captivate me with your eyes, you euphoria me with your presence and you joy-gasm me with your loving heart. I am so in love with you my love quotes
  26. I don’t know where I would be today if it was not for you. You are by far the best thing that happened to me in a very long time. You bring light and joy into my life every day. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you!
  27. Today was a good day. We went to the zoo and visited all the animals, played in the playground, took a walk through the park, stopped for ice cream and then home to relax on the couch together. It was an absolutely perfect day, and I just wanted to let you know how much I love you!
  28. Thanks for a wonderful day. We need to do this often, since we can’t be together everyday. I hope you’ll treat yourself to something nice! I love you and miss you already, my favorite love!
  29. Every moment I spend with you is like a beautiful dream come true. You’re not only my best friend but also the person I love most in the world. I am so lucky to have someone so gorgeous by my side! I can’t wait for you to join me on this amazing adventure life has ahead of us.
  30. I don’t know what I would do with out you. You are the best girlfriend I’ve ever had and I don’t want that to change. Having you around makes every day better. Thanks for being there by my side!
  31. You are the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. I catch myself smiling just thinking about you and our amazing times together. Thank you for showing me what true love feels like.
  32. I want to thank you for being with me. I had a wonderful day yesterday, and your love made it perfect. So once again…Thank you.
  33. I like spending time with you. Love Quotes My Saturday afternoon was well spent with you. It was nice to just be in the sun with an old friend. I’m glad we have each other, I don’t know where I would be without you in my life. Thinking about spending more future days with you, sweetie!
  34. A day well spent with you is better than a lifetime without you. Happy Day!
  35. Today has been a day that I will always remember. You made my dreams of living with you forever come true. You showed me off as if I was the most important thing in your life. You showed me just how much you love me! My day well spent is being with you!
  36. I hope you realize how very much I love you, and how happy I am with the life we share together! It is not only a Valentine’s Day gift from me to you. It is a shout into the universe: a simple thanks for bringing us together, for giving us so many wonderfully good times, for putting so much goodness into our lives that we are brimming over with joy. Happy Valentine’s Day my Love.
  37. What a beautiful, amazing day we had today. I’ve never been more in love than I am today with you. You are m loyalty, my heart and soul, my love for all time.
  38. I had a wonderful day with you today. It was so great to just be able to touch you and feel you. I am so happy I get to be with you tonight. I love you!
  39. You’re the cutest man in the whole wide world. You make me smile whenever I am around you even through I don’t want to. I am so glad that you are in my life because no one makes me happier then when we are alone together. I hope that we can always stay this way forever and never let anything come between us.
  40. Making time to spend with you has always been easy. Even when we argue I still need your smile.
  41. I hope you know how much you mean to me, you are really special. I know we have had some hard times lately but I think it’s made our love stronger. All I want to do is lay in your arms and breathe the scent of your hair gently brushed against my face. You have shown me what true love is and I will always be grateful for that.
  42. I love you, you’re my best friend, I don’t know what I’d do without you, you’re funny and adorable. I’ll always think of you as my future husband. You’re the closest thing to perfect I’ve ever known. Love ya bud!
  43. Every day is a good day when I spend it with you. Your infectious smile and positive attitude make my entire day. Life would be boring if you weren’t around. I love you more and more with every passing day. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  44. You are amazing my love! I’m so grateful for you. You are amazing in every way. It was a glorious day spent with you, and I hope we have many more dear.
  45. Thank you for your company these past two days. It was the best break I’ve ever had from school and work. I am truly in awe of your kindness and all that you do. Stay as sweet as you’ve always been my love.
  46. I am glad to have spent such a day with you. I hope that you have a nice time with your family, and that they will grant you the joy of being a father, the same that I felt in my life. Be happy and don’t forget about me, my love!
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