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Congratulations To Granddaughter On Her Achievement

Congratulations To Granddaughter On Her Achievement

Congratulations To Granddaughter On Her Achievement? If you’ve just scored a terrific victory or achieved something great, then you should not have to celebrate it alone. That’s where your loved ones come in and the messages and congratulatory quotes presented here are great choices for family and friends.

Congratulations To Granddaughter On Her Achievement

  1. Congratulations to my beautiful Granddaughter for being so successful in your academic exam. I am so proud of you, and I know you will do great things in your future. I love you!
  2. My darling little granddaughter, I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am of your achievement, and I was so thrilled when you phoned, the excitement in your voice was evident. You are an incredible young lady. I love you so much and did my heart good to hear your joyful voice.
  3. I am proud of you, my granddaughter. It is an honour to be able to say that I am related to a woman like you. Grandma knows how much hard work and determination you have put into this achievement & I want to express all my love and support with this beautiful gift. You have gone above and beyond what is expected and by reaching this milestone, attained an honour that will stay with you for life. Congratulations!
  4. Humbled by words, though we haven’t spoken in years but not a day has gone by when I haven’t thought of you…. I pray the Lord’s blessing will be with you wherever your life may lead and all of the mercies He lavishes on those He loves will rest upon you. Congratulations to you, my dear granddaughter, and best wishes for your future.
  5. What a great achievement! Grandpa and I are so proud of you and we love you to the moon and back. You are such a bright and positive young woman, your zest for life is infectious. We can’t wait to see what the future brings! Love, Grandma and Grandpa.
  6. Hello my dear one! Granny just wanted to drop you a line and congratulate you on getting into college. I know how much you struggled with taking the entrance exams and I am so proud of you for working hard and achieving your goal. We love you very, very much. -Poppy and Grandpa
  7. I’m very proud of you! I know how hard you’ve been working and it’s nice to see your dream come true. I love you and hope that your future is filled with happiness, laughter and especially love!
  8. I am so proud of you! I know you worked very hard to achieve this and you truly deserve it. I love you more than you know. Keep being amazing and making me smile because I can’t get enough of it!
  9. I am very, very proud of you for all your hard work and perseverance. I am so excited that you are going to be able to go on your trip to France. It is an incredibly amazing achievement!
  10. Congratulations on your achievement! You are an inspiration to many people. On many occasions, I’ve been asked about the secret of your success. And, I am compelled to tell everyone that you just refuse to give up. So here is my message for you: keep up the good work.
  11. Wow, I am so proud of you! I know that it took a lot of hard work to achieve what you have. I know you have been studying your magic well and practicing whenever you get the chance. I am sure there will be even bigger and better things to come! Keep up the good work!
  12. I am so proud of you my little granddaughter on your achievements. You are a blessing to this family. I just want to tell you congratulations and that you are such an inspiration to me. You are wiser than even your years let on and I know that you will do great things for yourself and for others. I am so very proud of you, my little one!
  13. On your happy day, we are so very proud of the person you have become. You have always reminded me of the importance of education and I couldn’t be happier for your accomplishment. We love you and think about you every day.
  14. Hey sweetheart, I just wanted to congratulate you on your achievements and tell you how proud of you I am. I know how much work you put into your studies and how much it means to you so I appreciate this more than you could ever imagine. Keep up the good work honey! -Grandpa
  15. I want to let you know how extremely proud I am of you and how lucky I feel to be called your Grandpa. I hope you know just how much I love you. You are one of the brightest lights in my life and I’m so very happy you share your gift with the world.
  16. I am so proud of you for all the hard work you put in to achieve your goal. Your dedication and perseverance has paid off, and I couldn’t be more happy! I love you and congratulations!!!
  17. I couldn’t be more proud of the woman that you’ve become. You are an inspiration to me and to everyone else around you. You are such a wonderful example for others, I wish you all the best in everything you do. Congratulations!
  18. I am so proud of you. You have worked so hard and accomplished something that will make you very proud! Your future will bring you many, many more amazing moments as you follow your dreams. Grandpa is here for you whenever you reach for help.
  19. I am so proud of you! You have worked so hard for this accomplishment. I am very happy to be able to share this special day with you. I love you very much and can’t wait to see what else you will do.
  20. Achievements require efforts and struggle. I am proud of you. You are an amazing person. Keep it up!
  21. I am so happy for you sweetheart. I know how much hard work and dedication it took to get where you are today, but seeing you smile with all those diplomas on the wall makes it all worth it! I am very proud of you sweetie pie! Everything you touch turns to gold! I love you bunches and bunches!
  22. Wish I could be there with you today to see the joy on your face as you receive your diploma. Without a doubt, you are the smartest and most determined person I know. I am so proud of you and will always be here for you. Congratulations. Love Grandma XOXO
  23. Dear Granddaughter, I want to congratulate you on becoming the proud owner of your driving license. You are now a grown-up person and my respect for you keeps growing. Wishing you all the best on your new beginnings!
  24. Way to go Granddaughter, I knew you could make it. You’ve worked hard and now you deserve the best! Go out there and show the world what you’re made of!
  25. What a wonderful achievement! I Can’t tell you how proud we are of you! We always wanted this for you and now your dream comes true. We are so proud that you’ve qualified to represent our country at the Olympics. You deserve all the success and happiness in the world. We love you, Grandma and Grandpa
  26. I am so proud of you, my sweetheart. You have been working really hard and now you should be rewarded with the best cards and gifts from your loved ones. I hope you know that I will always be here for you, to support you in every step of your life.
  27. CONGRATULATIONS! I’ve been waiting for this day, and now that it’s here I couldn’t be more proud. I watched you take your first steps, learned to tie your shoes, and practice throwing and catching a baseball. You’re a good student, an amazing artist, and make the funniest faces when you eat. You came into my heart as a baby girl and will always be my baby girl. Love you bunches and bunches!
  28. I know I may not have given you the attention I should have for not being in your life but I want to say something now that you have made it big. You are my princess in this world and all I want is for you to be happy. Keep shining because your granny is proud of you!
  29. Always remember to follow your heart, listen to your spirit and never lose sight of the happiness that lies within you. I am so proud of you!
  30. Lucy, I’m so proud of you. You’ve had quite the remarkable season, haven’t you? I know that this scholarship will help you in more ways than one. Thank you for helping me see the light. Congratulations, Dear!
  31. I am soooo proud of you! I knew that you had it in you. You really deserve it. You are such a good student, hard worker and dedicater. I couldn’t be happier! This is our day little one, so go get ’em & make me proud! Grandma will always be here to support you and cheer you on when you feel sad. Just remember we are right behind you rooting for you every step of the way!
  32. You have achieved something incredibly special. You have worked hard for this. I am so proud of you! You are going to do amazing things. I love you.
  33. We are so proud of you. You deserve to be happy, and we will always love you! I love you sweetheart!
  34. Wishing you the best! I am so proud of you! I know you will continue to achieve great things in your life. Love,Nana.
  35. Congratulations on your achievement! I know how hard you worked and that you deserved this. I will always be proud of you.
  36. You’ve always been my best little girl, but now you’ve even made me proud. I know how hard you have worked to get where you are and I won’t ever forget it. You make me want to work that much harder for the things I want, just like you do, and I’m incredibly proud of that trait. Congratulations!
  37. I am so proud of you and everything you have achieved. You are incredible and I love you so much!!! Keep up the great work, your going to be a superstar!
  38. Thank you for making me so proud. With each step you take you give strength to others as well. You are a shining light for future generations to look up to. Enjoy the moment because it will pass quickly, but I promise to always cherish these memories and never take them for granted.
  39. Well done! I’m so proud of you for getting top marks in your exams. You’ve tried really hard and now you can relax knowing that you’ve achieved something special. Well done sweetheart!
  40. I am so proud of the young woman you’ve become, and watching you live your life makes everything perfectly clear to me – I want to be with you forever. I love the way your eyes light up when you see my face, and I love the way that you kiss me with such passion. I love your laughter, and I absolutely adore our conversations! You make me feel more alive than ever before, and every moment that we share is nothing short of perfect!
  41. There was never a doubt in my mind that you were going places. No matter how many times we talked about it, you continued to exceed all of my expectations. I am so very proud of you.
  42. Your latest accomplishment brightens my smile and fills my heart! I’m so proud of you! – Grandma
  43. You’re my shining star! I hope you know how proud I am to be your Grandma. It’s because of you that I smile every day and laugh when others frown. I am so glad to have you in my life and I can’t wait to see the amazing things you will do. Congratulations, sweetheart!
  44. You were once a part of me, but you have grown into your own person. I’m proud of what you’ve become and I support you all the way! Love always, Grandma.

Also See: Congratulations Quotes For New Job

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