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Congratulations Message For Promotion To Uncle

Congratulations Message For Promotion To Uncle

Perhaps there was a time in your life when you felt the need to tell someone congratulations for his promotion, but didn’t know what to say. You couldn’t just write ‘congratulations’ in the message. What could you tell him? With these collection of the best congratulations quotes below, you can write a letter that there’s no way you can get wrong.

Congratulations Message For Promotion To Uncle 

  1. Congratulations on your promotion, Uncle Bob! You deserve the world. We’re so proud of you!
  2. Oh my God, the best Uncle is getting promoted! Congratulations from your favorite Nephew! You deserve it. I’m so proud to call you family. I know that you will make an excellent executive assistant manager.
  3. I am proud of you, congratulations on your promotion. You deserve it! You’ve worked hard and I’m glad that you will now have an even better salary. Money can’t buy happiness but a smile like yours can get you everywhere! I love you and feel so grateful for having a man like you in my life. I know only good things await you so keep up the good work. Thank you Uncle! Love Your Niece.
  4. You deserve it! You’ve worked hard for this and now you are getting rewarded for your efforts. I am very proud of you. I know that this new job entails greater responsibilities and challenges, but as a family, we are here to support you every step of the way. Congratulations again Uncle! We love you!
  5. You are the best uncle in the world. I always knew you were smart and hardworking, but I had no idea that you would soon be president! Congrats on your promotion. I know that all your hard work will pay off and soon enough you will reach even further goals. I am so proud of you and it’s an honor to call you my uncle!
  6. Congratulations! You’ve reached the pinnacle of success. The apex of your profession! I am so proud and happy for you, Uncle. The job market out there is difficult, to say the least, but you found an open doorway and made it through. I’m glad you got a promotion, you deserve it. I know how hard you work and how much time you put in. Your efforts will pay off now more than ever, congratulations on your promotion!
  7. Congratulations uncle! I am so happy and excited for you. You have worked hard and deserved this new promotion. You will make an amazing vice president! I can’t wait until Thanksgiving dinner so that we can both brag about your success.
  8. As you embark on your new phase of life, I would like to wish you nothing but success! You have always been so supportive of me, so now it is my turn to support you. So here’s to you, Uncle Peter, as you cross the threshold into a new position. Congrats!
  9. You are a wonderful uncle and I wanted to let you know how much we all appreciate you. Yes you may be a bit crazy but that is part of why we love you so much. You have brought happiness and laughter to our family and we all admire your hard work, never giving up attitude! Congratulations!
  10. You’re my favorite uncle, I love you so much and I am super proud of you on your promotion! Congratulationsuncle!
  11. Dear Uncle, I am so very delighted to hear that you have been promoted. You are a wonderful man and I couldn’t be more proud of you. You deserve this and I know that you will go far with your shiny new title. I love you!
  12. Many happy returns of the day of your promotion. Hope you enjoy every success in future. Wishing you and your dear ones joy and happiness always.
  13. Congratulations! We are so glad and happy for your promotion. I know you have worked very hard and now it has paid off. We are here to support you in any way possible.
  14. I am proud of you Uncle, I knew you could do it!!! I am so glad you got the promotion. It is well deserved. You are a hard worker, have a great sense of responsibility and your visions for the future of the company are very clear. We’ll celebrate tonight!
  15. Well done Uncle! I am so proud of you and all your hard work. When you told me you were going for the interview, I wasn’t too sure you would get it. But I was right, and how! You are the winner! Keep it up, don’t take your eyes off the prize because we are here to support you all the way.
  16. Love you, bud! I am so proud of you and even prouder to be your niece. We all know it was never a question of whether you’d succeed, just when. You are going to be such a strong leader for our company. Inspiring, diligent, funny and smart…I’m not sure what’s better – your talent or your work ethic! So on behalf of myself and the entire family, Congratulations!
  17. I am so proud of you! We always knew you were a star in the making, but never imagined this. I’m excited to see where your career takes you and hope one day I will be able to brag that we are related.
  18. I remember when I was in middle school and we would go out for ice cream. We would always have such a great time that it felt mature and grown up! Now that I’m older, I look at those memories and can’t believe how fast time has gone. You are the best uncle anyone could ask for and I love you so much.
  19. I couldn’t have asked for a better uncle. You’ve always been there for me through the best and worst of times. For all your help and advice, you are more than deserving of this promotion. I love you so much, I am so proud to call you family.
  20. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You are an inspiration to us all. You are more than worthy of this promotion, and I know you will do a fantastic job! Congratulations, Uncle Bill!
  21. I am so happy for you my dear uncle. You deserve such a great promotion after all that you have accomplished. I am so proud of you and will be there to support you in every way! Congratulations on your new job! Love your niece.
  22. I am so happy that you got promoted! It’s been a long time coming! My parents are so proud of you. You are an amazing uncle and they are so thankful for you. I am more than proud of you and I know your job will go great. There’s nothing better than being successful when you have the best family in the world on your side.Congratulations on your promotion! You deserve it!
  23. Congratulations! You deserve this! You are a wonderful human being, an amazing uncle. Everything you do oozes love and warmth. You make me feel like I’m the only one in your life. You are a doting husband and great father! I love you Uncle!
  24. I couldn’t be more proud to have you as my Uncle. Since a small child you’ve been there for me when I needed you. You were there in the classroom when I needed math help, and most importantly you stood in the rain at my wedding when no else would. I know that this promotion is just another step towards your dreams and I am so proud of you!
  25. I wish you all the best in life. You’re absolutely amazing. You have always been the most loving and caring person I’ve ever known, and it’s that quality that makes you the perfect person for this job. Congratulations and good luck! I’ll be here to support you always in your quest for your dream job.
  26. I am so proud of you! We all know you deserve this. The new promotion will mean more spending money which means I can stop helping to pay the bills…ha ha, just kidding. However, we are excited for you and know that your hard work will bring many great things your way!
  27. You have always been there for me. With a smile on your face and a helping hand, when I asked. Now, you get to be on top! It’s all you deserve. Will miss seeing you around, but now you’ll be around a lot more. Make sure to give me all the details about your first day as a manager (hint: I want full details). Here’s to new adventures to come!
  28. Dear uncle, I want to congratulate you on your recent promotion! It came as no surprise because you are an extremely hard worker. You give 100% in everything you do and always tackle every job with great enthusiasm. The fact that your company rewarded you for all your hard work makes me proud to call you my uncle.
  29. Congrats on getting promoted Uncle David! You deserve it and I am so happy for you! All of your hard work has paid off.
  30. I will always love you, now and forever! To my uncle, I am so proud of you and all of the hard work and dedication you have given! I wish you all the best in your new role. Congratulations!
  31. I’ve been waiting to give you this hug for a long time now. Congrats, uncle! You deserve it.
  32. I am so proud of you Uncle! Congrats on your promotion. I can’t believe how far you have come in the business world. Such an inspiration! No one deserves it more than you!
  33. You have always been a fantastic role model for me and I could never be more proud of you today. It comes as no surprise that you achieved such an incredible milestone in your life. You continue to show us all that hard work is worth it and that you will be rewarded with the things you put your mind to. Congratulations on your promotion!
  34. I am truly proud and happy for you. I have always known you were meant to do great things. From the day you were born I knew one day make a difference in this world. You are the one who has always been there for everybody else…it’s about time somebody showed how much they appreciate everything you have done. And now that day is here!
  35. We are so proud of you! You are a wonderful example of a man, uncle, and a friend. We couldn’t have asked for better news. This is just the beginning! I promise to help you celebrate on Saturday night!
  36. I am so proud of you! You have worked very hard over the years, and I know you will continue to do well. It is you who taught me how to be a good leader, and you are always a leader in my life. The work of a leader is never done, but your reward is seeing growth in your crew. You have been wonderful example for me and all those around you. Congratulation on this new promotion!
  37. I am so proud to call you my Uncle, I just learned that you have been promoted. I hope this job will bring the fulfillment and success that you deserve. I love you!
  38. Congratulations Uncle Bob on your promotion! I am so proud of you. You have worked so hard over the last several years and it has finally paid off. I am happy for you and can’t wait to celebrate this wonderful news!
  39. Congratulations on your promotion, Uncle! We’re so proud of you. I can’t wait till I’m done with school, so I can, too, one day, be there at the top of my field. Lots of love to you and Aunt H.
  40. Hi Uncle Mike! – I know you’re all stressed because of your promotion, but don’t be too hard on yourself. You made major achievements and worked hard for this company to achieve that goal. You deserve it. Keep it up and good luck!
  41. What is a promotion? Why, it’s just getting a better job, with more money and power. You deserve it, Uncle Jimmy! You’ve always been the one that everyone could count on to take charge and do what’s best. Let me tell you how immensely proud of you I am.

Also See: Congratulations Message For Daughter Achievement

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