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Congratulations Message For Promotion To Sister

Congratulations Message For Promotion To Sister

Sister has been promoted at work? WOW! It is a great achievement and all of the family must celebrate the occasion. If you are looking for some words of congratulation and inspiration, this post will hopefully help you find the perfect compliment for your sister.

Congratulations Message For Promotion To Sister

  1. Congratulations dear Sister, on your promotion, I’m so proud of you. You always were the most talented in our family, and now you get to show it in a bigger way. I couldn’t be happier for you, or prouder to be your sister. This one is from all us!
  2. You go girl, you make us all so proud! Just wanted to take a moment to say congratulations on your promotion. It’s no secret we are all huge fans of your work. You commands everyone’s attention and it is for good reason. It couldn’t happen to a better person. You are definitely a strong and inspiring woman! I am honored to call you my sister. I love you!
  3. Finally, the promotion you deserve has come through. I am so happy you have been promoted to supervisor in your office. I am sure your colleagues will be as happy as I am. Congrats hun!
  4. I look up to you, I idolize you, I love you. You are the strongest person I know. I am so proud of your accomplishments and hope to find a way to be as inspirational myself, just as you’ve been for me. You’re the best sister ever!
  5. I am so proud of you! I have always known that you were destined for greatness. You truly deserved this promotion and I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays. Stay in touch and keep me posted about your new position. You are a wonderful person and deserve all the best in life!
  6. Sister, I could not be more proud of you! You have worked so hard to get to where you are and I know you will continue to succeed. I want to thank you for always being there for me when I needed your help. Never stop doing what you love, and never stop being you!
  7. I am so proud and excited for you. You have been a hard-working and dedicated worker for your company. I know you will do amazing things as a supervisor. I look forward to seeing all the new challenges ahead of you. Take care, love you sis!
  8. Congratulations! I’m so proud of you. You made it through all the hard work and difficulties and now you finally have a job with lots of money. I can’t wait to go shopping together!
  9. Hey, sis! Just wanted to say congrats on getting a new promotion. That’s great news and I know you are going to do awesome! Keep making us proud! Much love, ______.
  10. You are amazing, you are talented, and you are going places. Everyone loves you, and I’m lucky to call you my sister! Congrats on your promotion! I know we’ll be celebrating all weekend.
  11. You know how much I love you and how proud I am of everything you have accomplished. You have learned so much over the past year, and even though I sat through your long hours of study, it was all worth every minute. Congratulations on your big promotion!
  12. Hi sis, how are you doing? You deserve this and so much more. I have always seen a special sparkle in your eyes and always knew how hard you would work. I am happy to see that hard work pay off.
  13. Congratulations, you’ve earned it! You’re a wonderful person and a very deserving employee. I’m so glad we are siblings and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for us.
  14. Happy promotion day, sis! I’m so proud of you!! Every time I look up at the moon, every time I watch the sun set, every time I see a beautiful rainbow, remember that it all happened because of YOU. You got us here! I am so proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished and continue to do so. Have a wonderful day as a newly promoted high school English teacher!!!!
  15. I’m so proud of you! I remember how desperate you were to get this position, and now look at you. You really knocked it out of the park and deserve ALL the credit. I am so honored to have a sister that works so hard for what she wants in life. Nothing makes me happier than seeing you fulfilled and smiling from ear to ear!  Be safe and take care! Love you!
  16. It’s so hard to believe that you’re a doctor. You were always one of the smartest people I knew, but I never imagined that you could top that! You work so hard and you deserve everything good that comes your way. I am very proud. Of course, don’t ever tell mom about this!
  17. When you said you were moving to a new job I was so happy for you…when you told me it was as an actor in a new Broadway play I was SO proud of you! I get to go see your very first performance this weekend and I’m bringing all my friends! Let the show begin!!!
  18. Your hard work has paid off and I could not be more proud of you. This promotion is just the beginning. I know you will accomplish many great things in your life. Congratulations!!
  19. I am so proud of you sister. I have wanted this for you since the day we were born. You are an amazing person and I love how hard you work. I know you will do great!
  20. A job well done deserves to be praised. That’s why I’m so proud of you! You deserve the best, and I know you’ll continue to succeed in everything you do. Even though a promotion may be only one small part of your life, it’s always such a special event when something you have been working so hard toward finally happens. So congratulations on being promoted! Here’s to all the future advancements and promotions that lie ahead!
  21. I am so proud of you. I couldn’t think of anyone more deserving to get the promotion. I knew it would only be a matter of time until you got what you deserve. I love you and I’m so happy that our family is growing by one.
  22. You are a special human being, a great friend and great sister, and I’m so proud of your great success! It makes me feel really good to know that you are getting what you deserve. I am so happy for you, and I will be thinking about you every day.
  23. I am really proud of you, and you’ve come so far. You’re definitely a star! This promotion is not only to recognize your hard work and determination, but to celebrate your awesome personality too. We are all so excited for you dear sister, congratulations!
  24. Also sharing the best of all good wishes to you for this wonderful achievement. I thought it will be great honor if I congratulate you because your efforts has been paid off.
  25. Congrats on your promotion sis! You deserve it. I am so proud of you and know that this job is the right one for you. Don’t ever let anyone tell you differently. I love you more than anything in this world, except for maybe our little sister who is a pain in my ass. You told me to always be honest, so I will.
  26. I know that this promotion couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. I’m so proud of you! I know that you’ll handle it with grace and as always, you’ll do your very best.
  27. Congratulations!!! Woah, I’m so proud of you sis. I’m happy that you have finally been rewarded for all your hard work. You were definitely due for a promotion after all the work you’ve put in to this company! I hope you buy your self something nice with this money. And if not then invest it for your future! All I know is that we are going out for a huge celebration dinner tonight… and I’ll be treating!
  28. To my wonderful big sister, I am so proud of you! I know you have worked so hard to get here in life. You are such a great role model for me and I love you very much.
  29. You did it, you did it! My little sister is now a manager of her own department. I am so proud of you. You deserve this after all your hard work.
  30. You have worked hard to get to where you are today. I am so proud of you. Look at that big fancy glass of water and all those doors just waiting to open up for you. You can do anything! I love my big Sister!
  31. Congratulations! I’m soooo happy for you sissy. You work so hard and deserve every success. I’m so proud of you!
  32. Congratulations on this exciting next step in your life! We are so proud of you! You have been working extremely hard, and we know you will do a fantastic job! The whole family loves you, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for you.
  33. I am so proud of you. Your hard work and dedication have paid off and I am happy to see you at the top of every list. Keep up the good work and know that I love you!
  34. I am so happy for you! I wish all the best at your new job. You are a hard worker and deserve this job more than anyone. I know it won’t be easy but you can do it!
  35. It seems like yesterday that we were little girls playing dress up and making castles in the backyard, but here we are. Not only will you be a sister, but you will also be a mother. I love you so much honey congratulations!
  36. What an amazing accomplishment for your hard work. I am so proud of you! There is no better gift than to see you achieve your goals and dreams. You are a shining star that deserves everything good in life. Before you know it, you will be running the company and I’ll be working under you as your assistant haha!
  37. I am so happy for you sis! I can’t wait to hear all about your new job. Things are going to go SO well for you. I’m not just saying that, I really mean it! You deserve nothing less than the best. I always knew you could do it! Now we both have great jobs and even greater friends. We can take over the world one bitch at a time!
  38. Congratulations on your promotion, you have earned it! I am proud to call you my sister.
  39. I want to congratulate my beautiful sister on her promotion! I am so proud of you! You are one of my best friends and I’m happy you’re doing so well in your career. I know you’ll continue to do amazing things.
  40. Congratulation sis, you deserve it. I know you’ll be an amazing leader and I can’t wait to see the changes you make. Congratulations so much!
  41. It’s your big moment, the one you have worked so hard for. You deserve to be celebrated and I am proud of you! I am happy that we are sisters and will be spending years to come enjoying each others company and watching our lives move forward as time moves on. I am happy to share these moments with you. Congratulations!
  42. Darling, you have always been the very best you could be. Always were graceful and bright like the moon, shining with a light that nobody could compete with on their worst day. I am so proud to call you my sister. Nothing can break us now, we will overcome any hardships in our way! Congratulations on your promotion!
  43. Congratulations to my little sister on being promoted to the position of Cat sitter! I am so happy for you and all your hard work. I know that you will do an amazing job, just like you have always done with everything else. You deserve this promotion and I’m so proud of you!

Also See: Congratulations To All The Winners And Participants Quotes

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She. An enthusiastic goal getter, a book📚 lover, content Writer/Editor, a Virtual host and a foodie🥑😋

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