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Birthday Wishes For A Sarcastic Friend

Birthday Wishes For A Sarcastic Friend

Don’t want to write a long, flowery birthday card for your sarcastic friend? No problem. Here is a collection of short, snarky birthday wishes for that little weirdo in your life.

Birthday Wishes For A Sarcastic Friend

  1. It’s my opinion; you are the most sarcastic friend I have in the world. Happy Birthday, and keep up being a prick!
  2. I am wishing you an awesome birthday. I always appreciate your sense of humor and the insolence with which you threw a touch of flavor to my life. The sarcastic tone always works in my favor and the jokes are so good that it takes me a while to understand what sarcasm is all about!
  3. Oh, I know that you will read this, but it doesn’t actually matter. It’s just a card, and the person happy with it is the one who sends it. It should have been sent by now. So for all my lives lost in the waiting of this crappy birthday cards, here you go again. But don’t get used to it!
  4. Aloha, you are a gem and no one can dispute that! Happy birthday, I wish you the best in everything!
  5. You are so sarcastic, John! I can never understand what you are thinking, but I love it. From the moment we met you have been so caring and one of the most sincere people I have ever known. You go above and beyond to help people and make them happy. I personally feel lucky to be your friend and hope you will never change. Happy birthday, buddy!
  6. I know you to be a very sarcastic person, and I bet it is difficult for you to say appreciative words. I am the kind of person who always says thank you, and I do not mind repeating myself over and again. This is how I want to wish you a happy birthday; its never too late for it! Happy birthday!
  7. Happy birthday! I know your sarcasm sometimes gets on my nerves. But you always have a good reason for it. Knowing you has definitely made me a better person. You have the kind of personality that stands out!
  8. You are such a funny person, you get me laughing so hard when we hang together. Its great to have a sarcastic friend like you around. You have always been there for me when I needed someone to listen and give wise advice. Keep up the good work!
  9. I admit, I am a day late on wishing you happy birthday but I didn’t forget; it’s just that you are hard to be with. And there is no one else who has taught me how to get back at people like you have. I wish you a very happy birthday and expect the same from you!
  10. It is nice to know that there still is someone who thinks like me. If you weren’t around, I would feel like the only sane person in the world. Happy birthday, I wish you a lot of health and joy!
  11. Sarcastic friend, I would like to wish you happy birthday. I know how bad you hate this day, and so I top off the cake with an age joke to annoy you. I hope you will have a great time at your party and celebrate every moment of it!
  12. Sarcastic friend, I know you are more than a cup of sugar and spice. You have been there through ups and downs. I wish you a very happy birthday! I hope life treats you well and you receive everything you deserve.
  13. Dear friend, though we disagree on most things, you are still a very dear friend to me. I want to wish you all the best on your birthday and I hope this day works out exactly as you wanted it to be.
  14. I often joke with you saying that if I could, I will want to be just like you. You are brilliant, funny and a very good friend. Have an amazing birthday, dear!
  15. Dearly, The best word to describe me is witty. One who never fails to crack a joke whenever one is needed most. I hope this birthday will give you a perfect reason to pause and just learn to rest. I am sure you’ve been working hard, especially as of late. So this day should be one in which you choose to unwind, relax and rejoice!
  16. You don’t need to say I love you to me. Your jokes are enough to remind me of the fact that we are connected in a very special way. You’ve never failed to make my life joyful even at times when there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. You’ve always been there for me; what else can I ask from a friend? Happy birthday, hope your special day will be filled with happiness!
  17. Happy birthday buddy! I know, you like to create chaos but your alienated comments always brings a smile on my face. I want to thank you for bringing joy into my life and making me feel special. I hope your birthday is as special and eventful as you are.
  18. Today, my friend turns 25. I know how sarcastic you can be and how dry it may sound sometimes, but this is the moment I am reminded of how often you have made me smile. You are full of life; you are my best friend who has never disappointed me in any way. I’m grateful to you for all that you have done and hope that today will be the first day of a long and happy life!
  19. For once, I admire your sarcasm! (Well maybe not). But I do admire your ability to express what you need to get it straight across. And the person who’s reading it will never know the underlying insults! Take care, friend!
  20. Happy Birthday to my best friend! Even though you are a smart-ass and don’t fit any of the molds, I’m so glad God created someone like you. You make me laugh and enjoy life to the fullest. Here’s wishing you a very happy birthday!
  21. You are one of the most amazing friends that I have. You always know how to make me laugh. I didn’t know what a sarcastic and funny friend was until I met you. Happy Birthday buddy!
  22. Hey my sarcastic friend! This day is a special occasion, so I just want to wish you happy birthday in a sarcastic tone. Okay, okay! I also want to thank you for the endless sarcasm you have given me all these years and also some of your valuable life lessons. Hope you will never change! Have a great birthday buddy!
  23. Happy birthday, sarcastic jerk! We will always be friends. You have made me laugh and taught me how to live life to the fullest. I pray that your every dream comes true.
  24. The best thing about today is having a friend like you. You are the best of friends and I will always hold on to you for dear life. May your birthday be the happiest one yet; I wish the same for me!
  25. Today, I take a mental note of all the fun and thrilling times we share. May everything you desire come true, as you deserve it all. Happy birthday!
  26. You are one of the few people on whom I can depend on. You have always helped me in any situation, no matter how bad it was. You have always been there for me when I needed a friend or a listening ear. I wish you all the best on your birthday!
  27. My sarcastic friend, I am thankful for all the mornings I woke up to a raspberry sound of those vocal chords that caused the earth to shake. You always made sure all my plans and hopes did not become a reality and it amused me, trust you is one hell of a blessing! Happy birthday to you!
  28. Let’s celebrate that day when the world was made because you were born. This is a sore reminder to all of us in the world that there will never be another you! I am so glad that today is your day and thought why not celebrate with a drink to you being immortal.
  29. Sarcastic friend, a piece of advice is to get your own jokes. Enjoy the life you live, because you missed out on the other half of it laughing at your own jokes. Happy birthday!
  30. Happy Birthday to one of the most sarcastic people in my life. I hope your birthday will be filled with a lot of people telling you how sarcastic you are. And we all know, you don’t like people noticing how sarcastic you are!
  31. Happy birthday to the only person I know who puts sarcasm to better use. I wish that you have a great time, and may your soul shine like the world’s most powerful lamp on this day.
  32. From the day I met you, I knew you were different. You were always sarcastic, but I loved it because I always got to enjoy your wit. You are one person who I can be myself around, and I know you know how hard that is for me. If it wasn’t for you, my life would be dull and ordinary. Happy birthday, bestie!
  33. happy birthday to you! Just because you can’t run, doesn’t mean that you’ll never fly. Enjoy every second and my wishing you a happy birthday!
  34. Happy birthday to you, best friend! You have made my life a fun and beautiful place. Life would have never been as colorful had you not painted it with your existence. I feel blessed to have known you like no one else knows you. I am glad to have become a part of your self-questioning outside world. Always remember that we make the perfect pair! Wishing for a jam-packed happy Birthday, dear friend!
  35. Happy birthday! These days I know why you are always cranky, it’s because of the extra weight you gained! You should work out a bit and play some sports.
  36. I guess you heard it before, and I am sure you will hear it again. Happy birthday, friend! Know that we all love you so much, even if you hate us always!
  37. Hey, funny guy! This is your day, enjoy it! I hope you have plans to party till dawn, because if you do you are going to need a lot of energy!
  38. To my super cool friend, happy birthday! I hope that all your friends are as awesome as you. To the most sarcastic and wittiest person I know, have a fantastic celebration! You deserve it big time!
  39. happy birthday to most sarcastic friend, although you are sarcastic and make fun of a lot of people, i love you for being the way that you are. happy birthday! the world would be a boring place without your sarcasm!
  40. Dear friend, I know you don’t believe in sentimental niceties anymore and that is why I am not going to say anything about you beauty or youthfulness or young-mindedness. With this birthday card, I only want to wish you a great year filled with prosperity, good health and happiness!
  41. Happy Bday! You are the most sarcastic person I know and you always remind me of the consequences of being too serious about life! Thanks for all the laughs and good advice! Enjoy your special day!
  42. Happy birthday to a sarcastic friend like you! I know, I am surprised at how well you can hide your real feelings. It is all I can do to keep a straight face around you! I am happy you decided to celebrate your birthday with us. Have lots of fun on this day!
  43. You are such a wonderful friend! Warm wishes on this special occasion when your eyes light up like candles and your heart makes a wish to see you smile again because you have bestowed joy to others. God bless you, happy birthday!
  44. Hey, it’s your birthday dude! Wishing you good health, happiness, and all the good stuff that life has to offer. Have a blast and be sure to be on time for dinner, mom is grilling.

Also See: Birthday Wishes For A Salesperson

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