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Birthday Wishes For A Runaway Friend

Birthday Wishes For A Runaway Friend

Are you searching for some great birthday wishes for a runaway friend? We have chosen 200+ wonderful, thoughtful, funny and heartfelt messages to help you out in this difficult situation.

Birthday Wishes For A Runaway Friend

  1. Happy birthday to my run-away friend! This is just a short and quick reminder of the true friendship we share as friends! We may not be together all the time, but that does not mean we are not real friends!
  2. When we became friends, I never imagined that you would wander so far from me. But, I am glad that you are back in my life once again, and bringing a lot of sunshine with you. You may not be physically here in my arms at the moment, but your friendship is closer than ever. I just thought to tell you that I love & care for you as always. Have a beautiful birthday!
  3. If you’re reading this, it means you are back at home. I am so happy that you are out of jail now. After your jail term ends, I want to spend some time with you and tell you all the things I have failed to say while you were away. Happy birthday!
  4. I don’t care if you are thousands of miles away, or even not in the same city. You are always there with me, in my heart. Whenever I see a cloud in the sky or hear a stray dog bark, I think of you. Whenever I see someone laugh or even when I get a chance to laugh out loud, I remember your child-like laughter. Rest assured that wherever you are today, there are people thinking about you and wishing you the best! Happy birthday!
  5. It seems like years since we last met. I miss you more than words can say. It has been a long time since we ate together and talked about the good old days. We have had some luscious times together, and I hope to enjoy many more in the future now that you are far way. I wish you a very happy birthday!
  6. I am glad that you came to the party! I hope that one day you will come clean and stop doing things behind people’s back. I love you and will always be there for you.
  7. I could never repay you for all the sacrifices you have made for me. Thank you for all the things you did, and especially the ones that you still do. I am looking forward to your birthday party and celebrating this day with you. Sending lots of birthday wishes for a runaway friend!
  8. You are hard to find, but I am happy I have found you. Happy birthday, may all your wishes come true.
  9. Wish your birthday is simply a joy, nothing remotely gloomy and dull. Perfectly scripted wishes to turn your day into delight, wishes to keep you as sweet and fine.
  10. Happy birthday to my dearest friend. Even though you run away, I don’t hold any grudge against you at all. The reason why we are still friends is because you were never a stranger who just walked away talking behind my back. You felt and understood my pain and heartfelt sorrow. Thanks for being here for me when it was needed and for the love that you always shared with everyone around you.
  11. Happy birthday to a dear friend like you. The entire journey we have shared together has strengthened our relationship, which I cherish so much to this day. May your life be full of joy and laughter!
  12. When we first met, the only things I knew about you were that you are spontaneous and unpredictable. The story of our friendship started from there. It has been years since then! To celebrate your birthday, I would like to say a few words to convey my wishes for you. Please visit soon!
  13. The many beautiful, yet happy times we shared together made me realize you were so much more than a friend. You’ve been there for me through thick and thin, and I’ll cherish every moment we spent. I wish you all the best!
  14. When it comes to friendships, you go all heart! You are very loyal and compassionate. Your friends know that they can count on you with their lives. I would wish behind doors but then again, they might not be able to open it. So I hope that when you read this message, you’ll know exactly how proud I am of being your friend.
  15. Paul, you are my buddy and my friend. You have always been there for me when I need you the most. I do not know what I would’ve done if it weren’t for you. You are like a brother to me, because we always share our food and laugh together. I hope that we will continue to share our food, glory, and happiness in the future. Happy birthday my brother!
  16. I am so glad to have this opportunity to wish you happy birthday. You can never know how much you mean to me and I sincerely mean that. You are a selfless, responsible and very caring friend who has never deserted us even in the darkest moments of our lives. Thank you for being there for me at all times. I wish you all the best!
  17. I may not be with you on your special day, but I want to tell you that I am always by your side for every event in your life. You are my best friend and a trusted confidant. Thank you for making my live so much worthy and beautiful! Happy birthday Dear!
  18. Happy birthday to my friend who is always there for me through thick and thin. I am grateful to God for bringing someone like you into my life…someone who is loyal, kind-hearted and dependable. Even though we don’t see each other as often as we would like to, I am sure you are honest prayer that God will soften my heart one day so that I can explore more of what life has in store for me.
  19. Hey, how has life been treating you? I hope all is well with you. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I really miss you! Let’s catch up soon!
  20. I know you have made it a point to keep away from your family, and friends. You always just wanted the easy life with no goals in mind. But I hope someday, you will come back to us. Until then, I wish you a beautiful birthday!
  21. Hey, I was thinking about you the other day and I decided to google you. Pretty surprised to see that you have a blog! Glad that you made it! And thanks for being an inspiration to me all these years. Hope, we will get a chance to hangout real soon. Until then, Happy Belated Birthday, bro!
  22. No one understands the challenges I went through as I grew from adolescence to adulthood. You stood by me and listened to stories of my challenges without judgment and without plea. Together, we shared laughter when people had condemned me as incorrigible. You have transformed this world a better place! I wish you a very happy birthday, dear friend and thank you for the encouragement!
  23. Happy Birthday, best friend! I know you surfaced after a long time, and I hope I did not freak you out by surprising you the other day. It seems like ages since we last spoke. I know, you have overworked yourself a lot lately trying to prove something to your father. You have not been seeing friends or doing anything meaningful in recent weeks. I understand, it’s just that I miss seeing you on regular basis and gossiping about our fun college days.
  24. Your friendship means a lot to me. I know, most people overlook how important it is to have friends that understand you. They don’t judge and just love you fully no matter what. I have never had anyone like that until now. You are my friend, and I hope we stay together forever.
  25. John, though you are eccentric, I like your behavior. Though you are a debonair, I like the way you dress. Even though you are always late with our appointments, I forgive you for that sin. Though you believe that aliens have created us for slave labour in their UFO spaceship, I still celebrate your being on this planet and being my friend.
  26. You are a true friend, and I am glad to know you. I would like to wish you a great birthday to remind you of the love and support that you have been giving me all these years, because one cannot exist without the other. May you have a happy time without any stress or worry.
  27. These days seem to fly by. The last time I spoke to you was on your birthday, but it does not take a genius to know that you were in a very bad place and needed time away from everyone. I hope you are well and happy now. You have all my contact details. Please reach out so that we can catch up, and I can wish you a very happy birthday!
  28. It may not be said out loud, but I am aware of all that you do for me. Whether it is always being there or just a simple smile you always light up my world, and it’s your birthday! I wish you a very happy birthday and many more to come. I love you!
  29. I’ll begin by saying you look great. Don’t let those long sleeves and pants fool you, the truth is that we have been missing all your company. You have always been there for us, especially during difficult times, your absence has certainly left a void we need to fill. Happy birthday!
  30. Dear friend, I hope that all the emptiness that you have experienced in your life starts to fill up with all things wonderful and beautiful. I hope that this day brings many things – your rightful joy and happiness, love and peace. I wish you a very happy birthday!
  31. Running away or not running away, it makes no difference to me. It’s always been your right to do what you have to. But if you ever change your mind and want to come back home, know that you are welcome anytime. No questions asked, no blame thrown. We have always been friends, and nothing can come between friendship! Happy Birthday dear friend!
  32. I have loved you all my life, even when we were still kids. You had the best smile, and the person I knew in you was sweeter than caramel. No matter where you went, my heart always followed. Today, I celebrate your birthday and bid you a warm welcome home.
  33. You are my inspiration and without you, I would not be where I am today. You have always been an essential part of my life, and I can never thank you enough for all the happiness you have brought me. Wish you a very happy birthday and hope your special day is as great as you are!
  34. It’s my turn to wish you a happy birthday. Even though you are not in the same room as I am, I know you will be celebrating your day well. Although it’s been two years now, I hope that we shall be united once again, back in the arms of one another. Friendships like ours are few and far between, so I promise to look for you until I find you.
  35. Today is your special day! At this rate, I am sure you will become a billionaire, but please keep in touch because your are one of a kind. Wish one day I could be just like you. Happy Birthday!
  36. Happy birthday to you! Today, I heard that you have run away from home to join a circus as a clown. I am sure that your choice of career has something to do with your wayward nature and your urge to be different from the rest. May you find greater satisfaction in this job than we found in school!

Also See: Birthday Wishes For A Royal King

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