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Birthday Wishes For A Darling Husband

Birthday Wishes For A Darling Husband

Happy Birthday, Darling Husband! Here are beautiful and cute wishes for your birthday. Share these through Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and other social media forms.

Birthday Wishes For A Darling Husband

  1. Happy Birthday to my Darling Husband! I am so lucky to have you I would be the happiest women on earth if you were here with me and would make my life wonderful. I love you more than words can describe and want you to know that from my heart.
  2. Dear husband, you are the most amazing person I have ever met. Your love and care for me made me believe in true love again. You have brought happiness into my life and that is something I will always be thankful for. On your birthday, I want to tell you that I really love you with all my heart and soul! Happy birthday darling husband!
  3. Your love has brightened my life once more. Let’s remind ourselves of every little thing you have done for me and wish each other a happy birthday!
  4. Darling husband of mine, you are a darling in every sense of the word. You have brought so much love and joy into my life. I really enjoy living with you and everything is so perfect.
  5. I hope you had a great birthday, my dear. I have no idea what to give you for your birthday this time round, but I know for sure that you’ve been the best husband a wife could ask for. You sacrificed so much to give me the life I always wanted and never complained even though you had your own dreams and aspirations. Happy Birthday!
  6. Happy birthday, my darling husband! May you age gracefully like wine, and may your health last as long as Mt. Everest. I hope the special day is a memorable one for you, and may all your wishes be fulfilled. All my love to you today and onwards.
  7. I am so glad that I have a husband like you – you are the most understanding and accommodating person I know. You chose to put me first and make me your choice, and you did not regret doing it. No other woman has been blessed to have a husband as beautiful as you. Happy birthday!!!
  8. To my loving and caring husband! How good it feels to be in your arms! You take away all the pain of wars and conflicts. You are a king among kings, as beautiful as sunrise, and as essential as air. Thank you for being such a wonderful companion and for making my life more meaningful and blessed! Happy Birthday!
  9. I will always be grateful for how you supported me throughout life and treated me as a partner. Every day that comes and goes will remind me of your love, care and understanding every day. I wish you a very happy birthday! Love you!
  10. Happy birthday! I am grateful for all the things you have done to keep our marriage stable, and your upbringing of our children top-notch. You are my pillar of strength, and I wish you longer life on this earth so that you can witness more of the success of your family. I cherish every moment spent with a man like you in my life!
  11. Honey, you are handsome and sexy, you are intelligent and adorable. The day I met you, I became the happiest woman in the world. You have brought joy and happiness into my life and I will forever be grateful to you for that. Hump-day has never been the same since I met you. Your sense of humor is incredible, your presence at home is amazing, your smile makes me flutter inside sometimes. Thank you for always being there for us in good times as well.
  12. My darling husband, I wish you a very happy birthday. You gave me your heart, and I give you mine forever. The day we met is the most wonderful day of my life.
  13. I just want to say Happy Birthday! You have been a wonderful husband and stood by me through all the ups and downs in my life. You are my sweetheart and I cannot thank you enough for always being there. You mean the world to me, and today is just an opportunity to remind you of that…Have a blessed birthday!
  14. I thank the day and God for giving me a husband who is as wonderful as you. I am so blessed to be your wife for all the years that we’ve been together. I wish you a successful year ahead, filled with joy and happiness. And my most heartfelt wishes for a happy birthday! I love you!
  15. Happy Birthday to the most wonderful, caring and loving husband in the world. I never knew how it feels to love someone so much before you came into my life; what I just loved was your hugs and kisses. Now, I understand what true love is because every moment spent with you is magical. Thank you for being in my life, happy birthday sweetheart!
  16. Wishing you a very happy birthday! We enjoy our life because of you, baby. You are everything to me. You are my companion in this journey of life, the one who makes it easier and friendlier each day. I love you so much!
  17. Sweetheart, you are my soul mate. I have always appreciated your efforts to provide for the family. Thanks for the sacrifices you have made so we can live in comfort. All the love that you have shown me over the years has made me very happy and contented. Happy birthday my darling!
  18. Today I want to begin by sincerely thanking you for everything you do. You have always been an amazing husband and a great father. Our life is not perfect, but I hope we can learn from our mistakes, instead of drowning in our sorrows. I love you darling.
  19. Dear husband, you are the man of my dreams. Thank you for all you do for me and our family. I’m so lucky to have a kind and loving husband like you. People say that someday all couples metamorphose into roommates. But I beg to differ; what we have is much more than that.
  20. Dear husband, on this special day, I would like tell you that you are one of the best men in my life. You have been always there for me when others were not encouraging or helpful. You have stood by me and encouraged me to do what is right even when my thoughts were troubling. I know there are shortfalls in your life, but God has brought you to be at its right place where you fit. You tempted me with all your outstanding qualities which made falling in love with you.
  21. Happy birthday to the man I could be so close and comfortable with. In you, I have found the perfect counterpart of my life. We share laughter and more importantly love that binds us so strongly. You are my friend, my partner, my lover and the father of our children; I cannot ask for anything more. I am grateful to God for you, cause without you in my life, it is like a hard time at the beach without the sun.
  22. Love of my life, how do you find time to take care of all my needs, when you have so much on your plate? It’s been two years since our hands entwined and we joined in matrimony. I am glad that I decided to say yes, with no hesitation. Today is an opportunity to let you know how much love and respect I have for you!
  23. Happy birthday to the best husband in this world. I wish, continue to receive that blessings and graces of the lord.
  24. Hey darling I am sending this birthday wish to you. I know that all your friends will do the same to you, but it is still my duty to send this greeting on your special day. Happy birthday dear! In all these years, you have made life better for me. You have given me the peace of mind and have been the most wonderful husband in the world. I wish you a long and prosperous life.
  25. Happy birthday to my darling husband! You are the pillar that supports my life, the one I turn to when I am in trouble, the one who has made me strong, intelligent and beautiful.
  26. Husband, you are the best! You have been by my side for so long and through each difficulty. Today, on your day, I want you to relax and have a nice time. Don’t worry about a thing, I will pick up your slack.
  27. It doesn’t matter how much we fight and how many times we disagree. Whenever I look back, every argument simply disappeared in thin air and at the end, you were right! I love you baby! Today is your special day. Therefore SMS birthday wishes to husband are necessary because they are the only way which will make him know how important he is to me!
  28. Hi darling! Just want to take a few moments now to thank you for always being there by me, for always being my pillar of strength, for being my guide, and for making every single moment of my life worth living. I love you beyond words. Hoping your special day is full of moments worth cherishing always. Wishing you a great life ahead!
  29. Are we friends or enemies? I can never tell when it comes to a man like you. You stay by my side through thick and thin, take care of me and yet never expect anything in return. If that’s not a friend, who else should I call you? Once again…happy birthday my darling husband!
  30. Darling husband, I am thankful for all the ways you support me in my hour of need. You help me through the toughest of challenges and make my day easier. You may not come across as always caring and listening but deep down your heart, you have a different story to tell.
  31. You call me crazy, I say you are just unwell. You blame your troubles on me and tell others that I am vile. As though you are right! When in reality, it is you who has it all wrong! You talk as if our marriage is over but darlin’ it ain’t! Go ahead and kick me out of house, love for you is the roof over my head. Happy birthday to the best husband ever!
  32. My darling, you are sweeter than the sugar cube on my cup of coffee in the morning; more refreshing than a morning swim in a lake; and as attractive as an evening walk by the beach. On this special day, may you have all that you can desire.
  33. Happy birthday to you, my darling husband. I do hope you have a lovely day filled with precious memories and friends. I love you and wish you all the best on this day. To the man of my dreams, my husband, wishing you the most amazing day today and every other day!
  34. Happiness, health and prosperity are the gifts I want to shower you with on your birthday. You deserve everything wonderful in life. I pray that God blesses you with every goodness and continues to shower you with love and care for many more years to come. Happy Birthday, my darling hubby!
  35. Dear husband, thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for me. You have stood by me in my good and bad days. You have kept the marriage solid. On this special day, I wish you a very happy birthday!
  36. Husband, your birthday has finally come and I am so happy. You can’t imagine how much you mean to me. I am so proud of you. Not just because you are a wonderful husband but also because you are such a great dad to our kids. You are my best friend and the love of my life. And I want to say thank you for always being there for me, in times of joy and sadness. Happy Birthday!

Also See: Birthday Wishes For A Daughter From Dad

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