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Beach Birthday Wishes with Quotes

Beach Birthday Wishes with Quotes

If you want to get creative and write your own unique beach birthday wishes, then congratulations, buddy! The world is your oyster. But if you want to save some time and energy, here you’ll find some of the best beach birthday wishes that you can modify to fit your special friend’s personality.

Best Beach Birthday Wishes

  1. I wish you a day full of sand, sun and fun! I know it will be an amazing day, because every time you’re in my presence, my heart skips a beat. I am really looking forward to the next time I see you. You make me smile.
  2. I wish I could have been with you on your birthday. We had so much fun together, but I’m glad that you’re enjoying yourself! I hope your day was fantastic and to think it’s already over…gosh time sure does fly. I’m just so excited to see what the next year has in store for us. May it be full of adventure and love forever!
  3. I hope you have an amazing day, my love. I am so glad to call you a part of my life. I hope every wish that you make comes true, happiness surrounds you and all your dreams become a reality. The waves may crash and the water may spray, but that’s nothing compared to the way I feel about you in my heart! Love ya!
  4. I hope you feel the warmth and joy of the sand beneath your feet and feel the peace that comes from spending time with a great friend.
  5. I would ask you how old you are again and again so that I can wish you many more birthdays. I love you not only for your perfect beauty, but also for your genius heart. Today and always.
  6. You are more than just my partner, you are my best friend. I am so thankful for you every day and I know I will be for the rest of my life. There are many things in life that make me happy, but you are one of the few things that can truly make me smile. You mean the world to me, and I love you with all of my heart.
  7. I am so happy to have you in my life. I remember the day we met and it’s been a privilege to have such a good friend. We’ve had some amazing adventures. I really love you and always will!
  8. You’re the only person I want to be with, the only person that comes to mind when I’m free. Hope this brings a smile to your face and reminds you how much I care.
  9. You’ve been such a big part of my life. Fortunately for me, the best part! We’ve known each other since we were little kids and have grown into the adults we are today. I’m so glad we have always been so close and that you have always been there through my life’s biggest times and its smallest details.
  10. You are the best birthday buddy ever. I want to throw you the most amazing beach birthday, but I just can’t seem to think of a good theme. Know that wherever you go and whatever you do, I will always love you.
  11. On your special day, I just found out that there is a beach festival going on. So we will be leaving early to go there. I also got you an awesome shark tooth necklace and a DVD of shark week! Have an amazing day and I love you so much.
  12. I’m gonna miss ya! You’re the greatest friend in the world. Thank you for our special day at the beach! We had so much fun! I hope your birthday is as amazing as you are!
  13. Happy birthday! So many years ago we were kids running around on the beach building sand castles. Now, years and responsibilities later, we still run around on the beach building sand castles just with more people and a little more structure. We build our dreams together. I love you and I wish you the best birthday yet!
  14. To my best friend and love of my life, I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day. It’s been an amazing 5 years with you and it’s only going to get better. I can’t wait to see what the future holds! I love you, Happy Birthday.
  15. Happy Birthday! I hope you have an amazing day, filled with fun and crazy adventures. So far, you are the best friend I’ve ever had. You are a great listener, always supportive and you make me laugh. When it comes to friendship, you’re the best person I could ask for in my life.
  16. I hope your birthday is everything you want it to be. I hope you get to listen to your favorite music, surround yourself with all the people who love you and do whatever it is that makes you smile!
  17. Happy Birthday dear friend! I wish you all the best. Many adventures and great memories are going to be made by you this year and I can’t wait to see them. All my love Katerina.
  18. I hope you have a great birthday! You deserve all the happiness in the world. I’m glad to call you my friend, and I wish you many happy returns of the day.
  19. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but your presence is what keeps me going. Love you.
  20. I want to thank you for being part of my life. I want to thank you for all the times that you picked me up when I was down. I am so lucky to have a friend like you. You are always there when I need help with something, and your friendship means the world. Thank you again, have a great day!
  21. Happy Birthday!!! Sun, sand and warm toes. What could be better than the relaxation of a beach birthday? Hope it’s filled with laughter, love and fun!
  22. I have always found the ocean to be amazingly free and relaxing, just like you. It is always changing, just like you, but it is beauty all the same. For your birthday wish, I wish to be a small sliver of your daily beauty.
  23. You have a pretty smile and I see it every day. You are my happiness and I can’t wait to celebrate with you. Have a beautiful birthday and remember that I love you. Always!
  24. Happy birthday ______! There’s no better day to be like you! You are my best friend, and I love everything about you. You are a gift from the moon and the stars. I am so lucky to call you my lover, my prince & my best friend.
  25. We have found a pebble that fits our shoe perfectly. We are so lucky to have found each other, someone who makes us happy every day. Let’s have a blast at the beach!
  26. Happy birthday to my dear friend! You are such a fantastic person, and I could never live without you around. You are not only a good friend, but also like a family. When I’m with you it brings me a lot of cheerfulness, because it’s so easy to talk to you on every subject. There are no secrets between us, just openness and love. And this is the way we will stay forever! So long, happy birthday!
  27. To our best friends, we see each other every Friday at the pub! You are our besties and we never run out of things to talk about the whole night. Come the weekend we always try something fun, whether it be a game or a trip to the beach! We thoroughly enjoy your company!
  28. Birthdays are made to be spent with people you care about, so next time don’t be shy or antisocial and go out there and celebrate it with a smile on your face.
  29. Twenty-one years of friendship and twenty-one years of loyalty, you’re my best friend till the end. Thank you for always being there to listen, to care, and to guide. Happy birthday!
  30. It’s a sunny day at the beach and you’re my only company. You look so beautiful in your white bathing suit. I can’t keep my eyes off you. Happy Birthday, baby! I don’t know what I would do without you!!
  31. Hello! Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one. I wish I could be there out in the sand and water with you, wearing my lovely new bathing suit. I love you, see you next year.
  32. I just wanted to let you know I really love you and I can’t wait till we see each other again. We’ve been through a lot in the last 6 months but this time it feels different and I am so happy. The beach was perfect and the baby turtles were an extra added bonus! I’m sorry I scared you with my bear hiding abilities! It’s not something a girlfriend is supposed to do, but I will try to tone them down. See you soon.
  33. I hope your birthday is great! I know that you are my best friend and the one person who knows me more than anyone else. You can always make me smile, even in my worst of moods. Thanks for being the best buddy in the world!
  34. Happy Birthday to my sweetheart! I wish I could spend this day with you in person, but this will have to do. It’s cold here in Chicago and windy, so I hope you’re bundled up at the beach!
  35. To my soul-mate, love of my life, best friend, and so much more, I sometimes feel like I am the luckiest person in the world to have you in my life. Happy birthday! I love you so much!
  36. Have a happy birthday and may you continue to be as wonderful as you are now and forever. I can’t forget to wish you a phenomenal day. Love you, Brian!
  37. I love you so much. You are the best thing to happen to me in my life. You make my days brighter and I can’t imagine a day without you in it! I hope that every single day of your life is filled with happiness and joy. I love you!!
  38. Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day and celebrate many more with me by your side. You are my soulmate and best friend, I love you with all my heart.
  39. Happy Birthday! I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since we have been friends. We’ve been through so much and I wish for many more years of fun! Here’s to you, happy birthday.
  40. Sunset tonight. Me, you and a sky full of stars. These past few years have been so amazing and I know they are just the beginning of many more happy memories to come. You are the most important person in my life, thank you for everything and for always being there for me. Love you!
  41. Happy Birthday!! It’s your birthday! Hooray! We’ve had some really cool beach adventures these past two years and I can’t wait to meet more of them. Hope you have a very special day and an amazing year ahead. Lots of love, ~Lovely Layla
  42. I wish I was there with you to enjoy the sun, feel the water and kiss you. Wishing you a day full of fun and sun, surrounded by friends and family that care about you deeply!
  43. Thank you for making me feel so special. I had a wonderful birthday; even the sun was smiling! The love we share is true and the hope of us together forever makes me snuggle closer to you. I can’t wait to celebrate another year with you.
  44. I was going through pictures when I came across this. I instantly remembered that day, the beach and you! Happy Birthday!
  45. Today you are three years old and I am wishing you a Birthday Full of a thousand wishes. I wish you health, love, happiness and all the best things in life! We love to the moon and back.
  46. Happy birthday to my favorite friend. I love spending time with you because you are always making me laugh and having a great time. I can’t wait until we hang out next because I know it will be the best time ever!

Also See: A Day Well Spent With You Guys Quotes

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