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8 Years of Love Quotes and Messages

8 Years of Love Quotes and Messages

8 Year of Love Quotes and Messages: What a beautiful way to say I Love You to a spouse or partner who has been with you through thick and thin for the last 8 years. Show them that your love is as strong and true as ever by presenting them with this beautiful framed canvas print featuring quotes about love displayed across the center, place this in their bedroom or living room. This can be a forever gift to celebrate your marriage like anniversary or wedding day.

Completed 8 Years of Love Quotes

  1. You are my 8 year of love. I don’t want to spend another moment without you by my side. You make me laugh and smile in a way no one else can. The day you walked into my life was the best day of my life!
  2. I’m still in awe that you are currently my boyfriend of 8 years. I can’t believe how time flies and the memories we have made together. We have been through so much and you always know how to be there for me when I need you. I think it is amazing that you can understand me even without words, your touch tells me all that I need to know. Through the good times or bad I will hold on and stand by your side. You are my best boyfriend.
  3. I have known you forever. Now we are both adults trying to figure out life and love. You are a great person who is always there when I need you. Thank you for being my friend. Here’s to 8 more years of love!
  4. I love you, I love you, I love you. 8 years ago when we first started dating, marrying would have never crossed my mind. I just saw us as two teenagers having fun and that’s it. It took a while to realize how much time has passed with us and how much I really care about you. You have been there for me, helped me get through the good and the bad times. I truly do believe that God brought us together because he knew we could make.
  5. 8 years have passed since we first met. I didn’t know you then, and I was scared. I remember the way you smiled at me and the funny way you talked, and how crazy it made me feel. But then I got to know you and my heart opened up to you. I have felt so safe with you, like a feather in the wind, floating on the warmth of the sun. You make my life happy! Since that first meeting eight years ago.
  6. From the moment we’ve met I knew the world had changed and you would never be out of my life. My love for you has grown stronger with each passing year and I just don’t know what this world would be like without you. Our life together is my favorite story to tell. I am so thankful that I found my home in your arms. Happy 8 years!
  7. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BABY! 8 years and I still can’t imagine life without you. IF I could tell you one thing it would be how much I love you. After 8 years of the best years of my life, the love and support of you is what keeps me going. Having you in my life has made me a better person, thank you so much for being in mine.
  8. I love you . With all my heart. I am so happy that our 8th anniversary is coming up. Love you and wish you all the happiness in life.
  9. I’ve loved you for 8 years and I will love you forever. You are my other half and I don’t know where I would be without you by my side. Happy Anniversary baby!
  10. I can’t believe you are already 8! Where has the time gone?! We have loved watching you grow into such a special young man. We love you so much.
  11. To cover our 8th anniversary, I want to say that I love you very much. May God continue to bless us together, and I will always be by your side as your wife. Love you, my beloved husband.
  12. 8 years ago today, I married the love of my life. I remember the day that we dated. There were so many obstacles to overcome, and so many questions in my mind. But you were determined, patient and kind. You never gave up on me – even when I gave up on myself! Thank goodness you didn’t give up! Not only do you provide a safe place to call home and a healthy family, but you are also an incredible provider who works hard to support us.
  13. This is our 8th anniversary of being boyfriend and girlfriend. I can remember being that scared little freshman in high school, and how you were that popular senior at the top of the social ladder. And now we are engaged to be married and can’t wait to start a family. I love you so much!
  14. Happy 8th anniversary I remember our first date. It was amazing. We were so good together and we still are. Our love is strong and I am so happy that we found each other. You are my best friend, my soulmate and the love of my life. I can’t imagine spending another day without you in my life.”
  15. I don’t know how I got so lucky to find you, but somehow you walked into my life and now I can’t imagine my life without you. Happy 8 years!
  16. I treasure you. Thank you for the 8 of the happiest years I’ve had. I love you so much, I could never find words to express my adoration and admiration. You’re my whole world, please stay with me a little longer.
  17. I wrote this for a girl that I used to date. She is so beautiful and sophisticated, I just wanted to tell her how she made me feel. Love her forever! To my beautiful girlfriend, we’ve been together for almost 8 years. How did time fly by so fast? I wouldn’t trade it with anything in the world. You make me happy every day and I love you very much!
  18. Happy 8 years of love! I can’t believe it has been that long. No matter what the future holds, we’ll get through it together. Thanks for being an amazing part of my life!
  19. Today marks 8 years of happiness together. You have changed my life and completed me. I could never imagine my life without you. I am truly blessed to have the man of my dreams, right next to me every day. From here on out till the end of time, we will happily celebrate our love for one another, knowing that no matter what happens in life we will always have each other as our hearts beating forever. Happy anniversary.
  20. 8 years later and I am still so in love with you. You are the love of my life and my best friend. When we first fell in love, there was no doubt in my mind that it was meant to be. I have never been happier than I am with you by my side. Your support and your love is something I don’t take for granted. Everything about you makes me smile, not just because of your gorgeous face, but because of the amazing person you are inside.
  21. I love you more with every passing day. It seems like just the other day we were sitting in my living room, watching a movie and cuddling on the couch. It’s hard to believe it’s already been 8 years! I know that when I’m 90 years old I’ll still look at you lovingly, seeing only the wonderful man you are today. Each year is better than the one before, because our love keeps growing stronger. I love.
  22. When we first met, I knew you were special. That was 8 years ago, and my love for you has grown ever since. Your friendship and support make each day better. I love you so much!
  23. After 8 years living together I still can’t imagine what my life would be like without you. I am the luckiest woman alive to have you in my life and I can’t wait till the next 365 days are here. I love you!
  24. Happy 7th Anniversary! As the years go by, the love I have for you grows stronger. You are still my best friend, and I can’t wait till we are old enough to walk around town holding hands. All of my friends think that you are so adorable too!
  25. Lots of exclamation points and a little pun: Happy Anniversary! You are the best wife ever. Silly, kind of crazy but wonderful to be with. I can’t wait for another 8 years! Happy 8 years!
  26. I thought about our 8 years of love today, and I decided that even if we were to split I still would want to live my life with you. I love you.
  27. I’ve loved you for 8 years. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You are my one, and I love you endlessly.
  28. I remember the first time I saw you. You were so beautiful. My heart skipped a beat and it still does every time I see sweetie pie with that gorgeous smile. I love you for making my life so special. And now look at where we are, 8 years later and we’re still crazy in love. Happy anniversary sweetheart.
  29. We’ve been together for eight years now, and we have survived many obstacles that would have broken up other couples. The future looks brighter now than it ever has because I know there is no one else like you out there in the entire world. You make my life special, and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you.
  30. I love you today, tomorrow, and next week. I love you this month and next year. I love you as much a year from now as I do today, and every day after that. Happy 8th anniversary.
  31. 8 years. 8 Years I have loved you and what a crazy, wonderful journey it has been. Through all the good times and all the tough ones, we have made it through together hand in hand. Our love has never skipped a beat yet! We laugh, we play, we kiss (and sometimes even more), we dance, we have the funniest time together. I love you more than ever my wonderfully perfect man!
  32. 8 years of friendship, love and so many memories that the two of us made. I’m so glad that you are part of my life.
  33. We met 8 years ago. At the time I was dating someone else, but something drew me to you. I don’t know what it was but I can tell you it was love at first sight. It took me a while to figure that out and I am so happy we have been together for so long. You are my best friend and one of the most loving men in this world and I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. I love you!
  34. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you and how lucky I feel that you are mine. 8 years ago, I never thought that I would find someone who completes me so well. You are such a wonderful person; I haven’t met anyone yet who treats me as well as you do. You make my heart beat faster every time that I see you, and every time we kiss, it feels like butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. Your care for me makes me feel better.
  35. I love you kid! 8 freaking’ years! No one and I mean, no one has ever made me happier than you. We were so lucky to cross paths, everything has finally fallen into place. You are my one and only. I love you more that everything in the world and every time I say it, it feels like the first time.
  36. We have been together 8 wonderful years and I can honestly say our relationship is better than the day we started. I’m glad that we have grown together and learned from each other. Your friendship means the world to me and I wouldn’t change a thing about you! You are a blessing in my life and I love you with all my heart.
  37. Dear dear, darling woman! Today I celebrate my love for you. It has been 8 years and hope that there will be many more to come. You were meant for me, and I was meant for you. I thank God that he put me on the path of your life.
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