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7 Years of Love Quotes for Him and Her

7 Years of Love Quotes for Him and Her

7 Years of Love Quotes: Love is a feeling that deserves to be celebrated. We have all loved at one point in our lives, and we have all been loved by others. Whether you are celebrating your anniversary or simply saying ‘I love you’, the seven year of love quote is a timeless poem that is sure to impress your partner.

7 Years of Love Quotes and Messages

  1. Hey babe, 7 years seems like forever and yesterday all at the same time. We went from complete strangers to being the best of friends to being in love. I can’t believe how quickly time fills. Just half a decade ago I was a freshman in college trying to figure out life and impress my high school sweetheart, not knowing that you would be there for me every step of the way. This past year has been the most incredible year for us yet, with our two week anniversary.
  2. It has been seven years, we have grown and changed together, but our love for each other has remained the same. You are my best friend and I love you now more than ever!
  3. Seven years, a lifetime of memories, and stories that we will tell our grandkids one day. We have grown so much together, and I am so glad that I found you! I love you more than words could ever say.
  4. Today marks the day we came together. Seven years ago today! I still remember it like it was yesterday! You have loved me like no other, and I do the same to you. You give me butterflies, when you talk, when you walk through the door after work. Every move you make makes my heart skip a beat!
  5. If friends are the family we choose, then you must be my best friend. I’ve loved you long before we were lovers and will continue to love you after today. I pray that every day that passes brings us closer and closer. You are a blessing sent from God…I just know it. Happy 7th Year of Love.
  6. Hi sweetheart, it’s been 7 years and I want to say I love you so much. The past seven years have been the best years of my life. I can only hope that I get many more to come. You have brought me so much love and happiness. Thank you for being such a wonderful wife.
  7. “In the 7 years we have been together we have surely had a lot of fun. Your smile always brings joy to my day, your touch always makes me feel safe, and I’ll always want to kiss that cute little nose of yours!”
  8. I know that today is our anniversary. I wanted to tell you. I know it’s been seven years, but it feels like just yesterday that we met. But trust me it’s been the best seven years of my life!
  9. Happy Anniversary! It’s been 7 years since we said the words “I do” and our friends did more finger pointing and laughing than a rerun of an Adam Sandler movie. And yet here we are, stronger than ever, thanks to a love built by two partners who were less mature than a common garden snail and more neurotic than Woody Allen. Give me your hand and let’s hold on through whatever is coming. You’re my partner in life, I love you baby!
  10. Here’s to 7 years of love, laughter and anything in-between. As time goes on, I love you even more, if that’s possible. There is no better man than you. I feel blessed to have found you!
  11. After 7 years together, 7 months of marriage, and 3 kids I still look at you like you’re my first love. There aren’t many things that make me happier than spending time with you. The last 7 years has been bliss. From the early days of being a couple until now as a loving family, we have created such beautiful memories of love and support for one another. I am extremely lucky to have a life partner that provides such unconditional love and support.
  12. You are the love of my life and I want to tell you everyday how much you mean to me. You make me happier than I could have ever thought possible. Here’s to 7 more years of happiness, 7 more years of love, and 7 more years of counting our blessings that we found one another!
  13. I want to say thank you for all that you’ve done for me. The 7 years we have had together have been some of the best years of my life and I want to thank you for being who you are and for sharing your life with me.
  14. I just wanted to remind you how very much you mean to me. I hope at least one of these reasons touches your heart and in some small way tells you how much I appreciate being with you. Happy 7th Anniversary! You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, & the smartest. I would have never imagined that one day a guy like me would be so lucky to meet a woman like you.
  15. Happy 7th Anniversary! It is surely a great honor to celebrate this special moment with you. May we have many more eventful years together filled with lots of love, happiness and joy?
  16. It’s been 7 years now, but I still want to be with you forever. You are the one and there is no doubt about it. You are the love of my life and I couldn’t dream of spending my life with anyone else. I know we will be together forever. I love you, babe!
  17. I’m so glad a beautiful day in June brought me you, the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you and I will cherish every moment we have together. Happy 7th anniversary, sweetheart.
  18. 7 years ago our paths crossed and I knew we would be together forever. 7 years of love, joy, tears and laughter. 7 years of more than I could ever dream of in a million lifetimes. I can’t wait to savor another 7 years with you!
  19. Can you believe it? Seven years together! Hold on to our love for a long time. I love you more than anything and I always will.
  20. A love that grows stronger each day. As the years go by, I fall deeper and deeper in love with you. We will soon be celebrating our 7th year anniversary, can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday we were settling into our comfy new apartment. All these memories fill my heart.
  21. 7 years ago I met an amazing woman and today she is my wife. Rebecca, I love you so much and today is just another day that I couldn’t have asked for a better wife or mother for our children. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
  22. I love you because my life is so much better with you in it. Thank you for the amazing memories, the laughs and all the wonderful moments we have shared together. I want to wish you an amazing day, filled with love and happiness.  Happy 7th Anniversary! Let’s make today a memorable day.
  23. Baby you mean the world to me. I love you so much and I don’t care what anyone says. I’m not afraid to tell the whole world that you’re mine…you complete me and my life wouldn’t be worth living if we ever lost each other. Your smile lights up my day, your love fills up my heart, and you are all I want.  Happy 7th Anniversary! I love you forever.
  24. Seven years ago I moved away from you. I was scared of loving you, and of being loved by you. I was scared of letting you into my life, but then I realized that I didn’t want to live life without you. So I decided to let go of the past and follow my heart to a new start. This is where our story begins.
  25. I wanted to take the time to say “Happy 7th Anniversary” to my best friend, soul mate and true love. My parents were right when they said that true love only comes around once in a lifetime. You have been a wonderful husband and father to our beautiful girls. I could not ask for a more perfect man for me and my family.
  26. Our love has been tested in ways that I never thought possible. But we made it through, thanks to our love for each other. Happy 7th anniversary!
  27. We are celebrating our 7th year of being together. Not many couples have made it as long as we have. Every day that I am with you is a day that I treasure. You are the most amazing man and I love you more than anything in this world.
  28. You’ve been in my life for seven years and there are so many more to come. I can’t imagine living without you and I hope that we stay together forever. Every moment with you is filled with love, joy and happiness. You mean everything to me and I can’t wait to see what the future brings us!
  29. I’ve been with you 7 years through laughter and tears, ups and downs, joys and sorrows, sickness and health. Countless wonderful memories have been made because of you and I am grateful for them all. You are the love of my life. I love you more than ever!
  30. I love you so much. I can’t imagine a life without you! Your eyes are like stars that light up the night sky when we are together. I will love you forever and always.
  31. We have grown through the years together and there is no place I rather be. Thank you for always being my friend, lover and partner in crime. You are my happily ever after and I love you more than words could ever express. Happy 7th anniversary.
  32. Happy Anniversary, my darling Sharon. I love you more than words could ever express. Thank you for the last 7 years of love and support. I’m looking forward to the next 7.
  33. You are the captain of my heart, the first sailor to my sea of love. My heart is yours and I give it to you freely. You could never ask for more from me. I love you 7 years strong, with every beat of my heart.
  34. You’re not just my boyfriend, but my best friend. You have grown so much over these 7 years and I couldn’t be prouder of everything you have become. I love you with all my heart and am ever thankful for the love that you put into my life.
  35. Seven years ago Mama was sitting at home when along came you, a knock on the door, you kissed Mama Goodnight! The next morning Mama awoke to find love had showed up, I’m very glad that you did. And now seven years have passed and I hope it will last forever. A kiss on the cheek for you papa this Valentine’s Day. I love you always and forever more.
  36. It has been seven years since I love you and I feel like it was yesterday. It makes me wonder how we would’ve gotten along if I never started dating you but let’s just thank god your now in my life.
  37. I can’t believe we have been together for 7 years. Time flies when you are having fun… but I still can’t get over the fact that you are my husband! You have made me laugh and smile more than any other man I have ever met. Thank you for being my friend and lover. I love you so much.
  38. I still remember the day I met you. It was at work, almost 7 years ago! You were new and I had no idea who you were. But, I will never forget how hard my heart was beating as our first conversation began…From that day forward we connected instantly, sharing life’s little adventures and learning about each other’s dreams and passions! I can’t imagine a day without your loving kindness in my life.
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