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You May See Me Struggle But Never Quit Quotes
You May See Me Struggle But Never Quit Quotes and Messages: Life is beautiful, and hard. Life has a lot for us to enjoy, but sometimes, it may be really hard to get the things we set out to get. It’s not always a sweet ride. We will struggle and a lot of us, if not everyone, will agree with me on that.
But, sometimes, all you have to do is to stamp your feet and say you won’t quit, and say you won’t give up on what you set your mind to to, and say you’ll fight to the end, the very end.
These motivational quotes are written and compiled to help boost your moral and help you express your decision to stay strong and never quit. The quotes have a simple message, which is this: You may see me struggle but you will never see me quit.
Read through them carefully and get that boost that will help you move steps forward to achieve more, and, if you want to, feel free use any to make cards or social media posts.
Table of Contents
You May See Me Struggle But Never Quit Quotes

1. I’m strong and nothing will break me. No matter what happened, I’ll come back better and stronger. You at see me struggle, but you cannot see me give up.
2. I’m here, trying to get the best out of life. A lot will happen to me, but I’ll never break. You may see me struggle, but quitting is what you won’t see me do.
3. I’m a fighter and a warrior. And I’m the kind that fights to the finish. I may break, I may get weak, but I will only rest. I will never quit.
4. You may see me struggle, because life is full of struggles. God never said we won’t struggle, he promised to be with us. I will never quit.
5. When I look at my life and my future, I see myself getting all I set out to get. I may struggle to get them, but quitting? I will never.
6. What do you see when you look at me? A struggling man? Maybe you see right. But if you see a person that’s quitting? That’s definitely not me.
7. There are some things you will see me do, like struggling, but guess what you’ll never see me do? Quitting!
8. My eyes have seen the big picture, so no matter how anyone tries to discourage me, I won’t stop. You may see me struggle but you will never see me quit.
9. When you see what I see you will understand why I am ready to never quit and why I am not ashamed when you see me struggle.
10. There’s a special place for those of us that know what we want and fight to get it. That’s why you may see me struggling, but you will never see me quit.
11. I may not get what I want, but let it be said that I did all I could to get it. All the struggles have an aim and I will never quit.
12. You may have seen me struggle, you may have seen me do almost anything to get what I want. Knowing that you have seen all of these, I’ll never allow you see me quit.
13. I am ready to give life my best shot? I am ready to live through and go through all the pains and struggles. You may see me struggle but never quit.
14. I have had a lot of struggles, and I have not quit. I am going to keep that going on, because I know what I want. So you may see me struggle, buy never will you ever see me quit.
15. I am my soul’s captain and my fate’s master. And I am working towards a picture in my head, one that you don’t know of. So keep discouraging thoughts to yourself when you see me struggle, because I will never quit.
16. I’m not a quitter. I’m one who is taking my life by the steering and driving through all struggles. So forget the struggles that you may see me experience. You will never see me quit.
17. As long as I can breath, I can push on. I can be everything I want to be. Life is full of struggles and you may see me suffer some, but you will never see me quit.
18. I’m human and life is not fighting for me, so you may see me struggle. But one thing I know I’ll never do is quit, so if you’re waiting to see me quit, you will wait forever and be disappointed.
19. I’m not trying to prove a point to anyone. I know what I want and I’m struggling for myself. But for those that may see me struggle, I just want them to know that they will never see me fail.
20. I’m not the strongest of men, but the little I can do for myself is to never quit, is to keep moving on and keep keeping on. So you may see me struggle, but never quit.
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You may see me struggle but you will never see me quit

21. I don’t quit, I don’t give up. That’s me for you, so you may see me struggle but not quit.
22. With the kind of people around mew quitting is not even an option. I wake up thankful for these beautiful people that God put around me. A quick reminder to you that you may see me struggle but you will never see me quit.
23. We all have struggles and I’m not hiding mine, so you may see me struggling. But will you ever see me quit? Nope!
24. There’s a lot you would never see me do, like quitting on this! Yes, I am struggling and you may see me doing that, but I won’t quit.
25. When I say you won’t see me quit, it’s not because I plan to quit in secret. It’s because my mind is made up. So go ahead and see me struggle. But you won’t see me quit.
26. There are so many struggles we go through daily. Maybe life wasn’t meant to be lived without them. I don’t know about others, but I don’t think life wants me to quit on this, so you may see me struggle, but I will never quit.
27. I pray daily for strength because I don’t want to quit. You may see me struggle, but quitting is not one thing you will see me do.
29. I have come to stay and nothing will make me go away. Stuff will happen to me you will see me struggle, but you will not see me quit.
30. You my see me experience brightness and darkness, have a smooth ride at times and struggle at other times, but you will never see me quit.
Never Quit Quotes

31. There is more ahead of me and I won’t stop trying until I get all, no matter how hard. You may see me struggle, but never quit.
32. Welcome to earth, where nothing is always smooth for its inhabitants. But welcome to me who is ready to fight my way through earth. You may see me struggle but you will never see me quit.
33. Thanks for all your support. I could not have gone this far without you all in my lives. I promise you all that I will never quit no matter how much I may struggle.
34. Let me introduce you to winning. It’s not for those who quit, so be like me. You may see me struggle, but know I’m not myself if you ever see me quit.
34. I have come this far and nothing will make me go back. I will try all I can to get to the end. You may see me struggle with different things, but I’ll conquer them all no matter how long it takes. You won’t see me quit.
35. There’s got to be more than just trying only things that are easy. This path that I find myself on will not see me leave it until I see what it’s all about. You may see me struggle but never will you see me quit.
36. I’m not a quitter. It’s not something you should expect from me. So even if you see me struggle, you will never see me quit.
37. Grab life by the horn like an animal and struggle with it until you take it to where you want it to be. This is me. You will see me struggle, but you will not see me quit.
Never give up Images

These quotes to say “you may see me struggle but never quit” are for you, but not only for you, but for your family and friends to read too and be motivated.
One way you can help everyone to read this is by sharing to your friends and family and encouraging them to share it too while encouraging their friends to do same. So will you do this little task for the good of those around you?