Thank you God for Opening My Eyes Quotes
Thank you God for opening my eyes quotes are really important, because not everybody is thankful to God for many things. But to be thankful to someone is necessary.
Many people are thanking the Lord for opening their eyes and bringing them to salvation. This post has collected many thank you God quotes so that the believers would know what they can say in gratitude to God.
Here are Collections of Thank you God for opening my eyes quotes you can use in thanking God.
Thank you God for Opening My Eyes Quotes
Thank you God for opening my eyes. Thank you for feelings and emotions. Thank you for friends, family and this beautiful world You have created. I’m starting to forgive myself for mistakes I have made in the past. I let go of all insecurity and doubt because now I know they are not mine but society’s ideas about me as a person.
Thank you God for opening my eyes. I have come a long way in making all of my dreams to come true. At first, everything seemed so hard, but now you have blessed me with so many opportunities to make life wonderful. Thank you for trusting me and believing in me.
Thank you God for opening my eyes and showing me how to love again after being heartbroken. I did not realize how much I needed you in my life until now. I am so thankful to have found someone who is meant for me. You fill up all of my time with your amazing company and soulful smiles. I love you so much. Thank you!
Thank you for opening my eyes. I learned that maybe it wasn’t me. Maybe I am doing a good job and I shouldn’t worry about what people say. I should just be me.
Thank you for opening my eyes on this specific situation. I understand what I did wrong and how to solve the problem. Also, I am very thankful that you did not take limited time off of my life for this mistake, as I do not feel uncomfortable to live without. Thank you for always being with me and guiding me.”
Thank you for opening my eyes so that I can see all of your creation. It is truly amazing how much you have put into this earth. Thank you for giving me the motivation to live a healthy lifestyle. It is a huge blessing when running has become my passion, and not just a way to get in shape.
Thank God for opening my eyes to His great love! I now realize with all my heart that He has come to bring me eternal life. through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Thank you God for opening my eyes and giving me an understanding of myself and how to live my life. Sometimes I think I might forget how to be mindful, but then I remember your guidance helped me get here.
Thank you for opening my eyes. I couldn’t see the path we were on before and now that they are open, I can see the problems we were going to have in our marriage.
Thank you for opening my eyes and letting me be the person I want to be. I’m sorry for all the times I’ve been stubborn, but thank you for loving me anyway. Let me always have eyes to see and ears to hear what you want me to know. In Jesus’ Name.
Thank you for opening my eyes and letting me see the truth. I know it will be really hard to heal from these bad relationships, but with your help, I’m willing to try. Thank you.
Thank you God for opening my eyes and helping me see myself in different life situations. I thought I was a very bad person and didn’t deserve to live but after all the bad times that happened to me, I am lucky enough to have good people around me. You are one of them.
Thank you God for opening my eyes this morning and allowing me to live a little bit longer. Let me not squander it doing something stupid.
Thank you, God for opening my eyes to the good people in this world. I miss you and hope that our paths will cross again one day. One day it will be us in the wedding dresses and the guys dashing us a route.
Thank you for opening my eyes to the truth. I have always known in my heart that Jesus is the Christ, but now I am a follower and willing to do anything you ask of me. You are so good and I love you with my whole heart.
Thank you for opening my eyes and giving me the opportunity to open someone else’s.
Thank you for helping me open my eyes to see what is there. It has been a long and painful journey, but I am glad that it was torturous, because I’m much stronger now.’ So say thank you God for opening your eyes.
Thank you God for opening my eyes and mind to the world and to Spirit, to the truer reality of light and love. Thank you for removing a block I didn’t even know was there.
Thank you God for opening my eyes to the beauty of this world. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to see it through your eyes.
Thank you for opening my eyes. I see the world in a different way now that I started seeing you. I am grateful for everything, every minute and second of my life, and for all the people I have met so far. Thank you for giving me health and happiness, and for guiding me on my journey through life.
Also Check: Thank You Lord for Another Beautiful Day Quotes
Thank you for opening my eyes and introducing me to the big you world. You have blessed my life in so many ways I cannot name them. I am eternally grateful.
Thank you for opening my eyes. I have learned through this event. You have given me the strength to move forward, and I appreciate all of it. I am thankful for everything in my life, and see everyone/everything differently now. Thank you so much.
Thank you for opening my eyes and letting me see the light. I want to change the world, and with your help, I believe we can.
Thank you for opening my eyes to the joyful chaos of a household full of young children. Thank you for letting me be a mother.
I always wondered why people thank God for the smallest things in life. I used to think that he has given us everything we need and thanking him is not necessary. After all, isn’t he the one who gave us the ability of speech? But now, I think that it’s a great way to express our gratitude. Thank you for making me who I am today and thank you for blessing me.
Thank you God for opening my eyes. I am getting old and all I focus on are my physical surroundings. Help me to see the beauty that lies in the creativity of others.
Thank you God for opening my eyes and helping me realize I am not perfect. I thought I was, but in reality, I am not that great. I don’t know everything about health or fitness or nutrition. There is so much to learn. Thank you God for always letting me know that there is room for improvement in everything that I do and will ever do.
Thank you God for opening my eyes and helping me to see my true purpose. I am so grateful to have you as an important part of my life, and with your help I now know that I can achieve anything that I set my mind to.
Thank you God for opening my eyes and giving me the opportunity to see and witness your glory. Your work in all mankind is unsurpassable. You give your creation every chance at reaching their potential. I’m so grateful that I have been blessed with sight and the ability to share it with others, even in how small a matter the images taken with my camera are.
Thank you for putting a beautiful woman in my life who makes my heart feel complete. Thank you for opening my eyes to what is real and true. She is so amazing and I’m super lucky to have her in my life.
Thank you God for opening my eyes. I was living in an illusion, and when I looked around me all I saw were things that did not matter. Now I see what they mean to others.
Thank you God for opening my eyes. I can read your beautiful words and see the wonder of this wonderful life that you have given me.
Thank you God for opening my eyes to the truth and reality. I know I wasn’t living right before, but you have shown me the way to change my life.
Thank you, God, for opening my eyes and helping me see the beauty in this life. Thank you to my parents who have always supported me in all of my crazy antics. And of course thank you to my friends who have helped me through the rough times.
Thank you for always opening my eyes to a new day. I never know what the day will bring, but I am grateful you are in all of it.
I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am. You have really opened my eyes. Without you, I would be nothing. Thank you for always being there for me.
Thank you God for opening my eyes. Help me see all things through your eyes.
Thank you God for opening my eyes so that I can see and behold all the wonderful things your hand has made.
Thank you, God, for opening my eyes and helping me see the truth. Thank you for giving me courage and strength to make things happen.
Thank you God for giving me the strength i need to carry on and shine.”
Thank you God for everything. I know that as your servant I will never walk alone. You are there with me in the trials and joys of this life. I pray my heart is pure and that you can continue to use me to help others.
Thank you for opening my eyes to so many new possibilities. You remind me, every day, how amazing life is and how lucky I am to be alive.
Thank you God for opening my eyes, and keeping them open until today. I want to thank you for the gift of giving me new life and hope. I have never been happier in my entire life, and I know that all of this is possible because of you.
Every morning I wake up and thank God for opening my eyes. So many people are alive right this very second because they have a place to live, food to eat, clothes on their bodies and a warm blanket to cover them at night. I sometimes feel so guilty for complaining when there are people out there who don’t even have one of those things. I am incredibly grateful to be able to see.
Thank you, God, for opening my eyes to His miracles. I am thankful for the time we have spent together so far and for the time that we will have in the future.
Thank you, God, for opening my eyes every morning and making me strong enough to face the day’s challenges. I truly believe that the best is yet to come and that my success is my responsibility.
Thank you for opening my eyes to the truth. It hurts sometimes, but I am learning so much more because of it. You truly are amazing, and I feel so blessed to know you.
Thank you for shining your light on me, and opening my eyes. You have helped me see that there is no reason to be afraid of what others think of me.
Thank you God for the opportunity to start a never ending journey of learning and exploring. Thank you for backing me up and believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself.
Thank you God for opening my eyes. Thank you God for bringing me here. You made me experience miracles in life and I will always be grateful. Thank you for all your help and guidance when I was in need.
Thank you for opening my eyes to this world and giving me the opportunity to see it. Thank you for always being with me.
Thank you for opening my eyes and leading me towards a solution to the problem I had with Client. I am forever grateful for your help and guidance.
Thank you God for opening my eyes. I have been a part of some usergroups and I’m seeing honest people who do not want to scam other people and who are just excited to make money online.
Thank you God for opening my eyes to the love of my life.
Thank you for opening my eyes to what a terrible person he was. Thank you for helping me recognize him for who he is and not allow the relationship to last any longer that it should have.
I want to sit here and thank you for planting the love of my life in my heart. I never knew I could love someone so much. You have opened my eyes to a whole new world, one that I knew was real, but one that I ignored for years.
Thank you God for opening my eyes. I just can’t believe how good things have been going for me lately. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you God for helping me to open my eyes. I wanted to let You know that when I said that, I really meant it. You have been there for me all the times I’ve shut myself out from the world. Thank you.’
Thank you for opening my eyes and making me see what I was doing to myself. I am back in the gym and beginning my life over. You are amazing.
Thank you for opening my eyes to what is really important in life. Thank you for letting me see the truth, to let me know that it’s not a game and not to take it so seriously. Thank you also for helping me get past all of this emotionally and physically.
Thank you for opening my eyes and making me realize what is really important in life. What a relief it was to get those breast implants out!
Thank you for opening my eyes and helping me understand who I am, what I enjoy and what I want out of life. Thank you for the opportunities you have provided me, including this amazing job that gives me the freedom to be myself while still supporting me.
Thank you God for opening my eyes and changing me from a fool to a king.
Thank you, God, for opening my eyes so I could find a way to help my mom with her billing.
Thank you for opening my eyes so I can see the truth. Keep me from straying and letting me know the evil in the world so I can avoid it.
Thank you for opening my eyes to what really matters in life. Thank you for teaching me how to be loyal, encouraging me to be faithful and showing me the meaning of love. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to become a Christian.
I have been a Christian for a while, but I didn’t feel God’s love until I met this person. They opened my eyes to the changes and gifts that God has given me. Thank you for showing me your love and helping me build my faith.
Thank you God for opening my eyes and giving me awareness of myself. I have come to realize that I am still evolving and that I have a lot more growing to do. Taking this journey towards myself has led me to the discovery of my purpose. I now have the power to flow with life and make my goals manifest with every action that I take. I’m grateful.
Thank you God for opening my eyes. I never get tired of watching the sun set in the ocean. I see beauty every day, thank you for the gift.
Thank you God for opening my eyes. My eyes have been open to so many blessings in life that I couldn’t see before. All I can do is appreciate them and be thankful for them.
Thank you God for opening my eyes, hard as it was, I see the beauty of true friendship. Thank you for standing by my side and supporting me every step of the way. Thank for being my pillar of strength, my closest confidant, and most importantly my friend.
Thank you, God, for opening my eyes and giving me peace of mind and courage at this time of a stressful time in my life. I am grateful that you are there for me. Thank you.
Thank you, God, for opening my eyes and blessing me with a new life. I have found a wonderful community of people who are accepting, understanding and very kind. I am so grateful that I met them. Thank you, God.
Thank you God for opening my eyes. Thank you to the universe, that I have found and met you. That is me who has deserved to be surrounded by good people. Thank you for being honest and sincere towards me, although I was trying to run away from you. Thank you for not giving up on my heart.
Thank you God for opening my eyes. I always appreciate your strength and protection when my life doesn’t seem like it will be ok. Many times I am happy to get through the day, and enjoy time with my family. You rock!
Thank you God for opening my eyes and making me see what a little beauty you were in the dark. I sometimes prayed that you would open your eye to let me know everything was okay. It gave me a lot of comfort while I was away from you to hear that you were still in there and knew what was going on. Thank you so much for doing that for me.
Thank you God for opening my eyes. I now see that it wasn’t work that made me sad, but dissatisfaction from a life not lived true to myself. Now I can enjoy the same things that make you happy also in my life. Thank you for showing me what is really important in your kingdom that is all around us.
I just want to say thank you God for opening my eyes. I’ve always been a very spiritual person, but you have really given me much more purpose in trying to better myself.
Thank you for opening my eyes. At first, I couldn’t see the good in my life and now it is so clear. Thank you for bringing so much joy into my life. I am forever grateful to you.
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