My Kids Are My World Quotes
My Kids Are My World Quotes: If you are a mom or dad (or know someone who is), then you will be sure to appreciate these motivational quotes.
My Kids Are My World Quotes
- My kids are my world and the most beautiful gift I have ever received. They hold a piece of my heart in their hands and they have secured it there with love. They make me smile from ear to ear and fill my heart with everlasting love that I can’t even begin to describe.
- I love you kids from the bottom of my heart. You mean the world to me, and everything that I do is for your best interest. Through good times and bad I will always love you, you silly kids.
- I love my 4 children with all my heart. I didn’t think I could be so in love with anyone except my husband and myself. My kids are the best thing that has ever happened to me, they are my world.
- you are my world! you two are the best kids I could ask for. you guys mean more to me than anything in the entire universe
- I am so glad I decided to have kids. I can’t imagine life without you both. I love you!
- Thank you for being such an amazing mother to your kids. I know the sacrifices you make and I am incredibly grateful for them. I love you and appreciate all that you do.
- You make me proud every single day. We may disagree on occasion, won’t always see eye to eye but I love you with all my heart! You are the best daughter or son any parent could ever hope to have!
- We love you so much. You bring joy to our lives every day and we don’t know what we would do without you.
- My kids are my world! I love them so much. They bring me so much joy that I just can’t stop smiling. I love them more every day!
- I love you, my sweet little boys. You are all I think about when I wake up and all I dream about when I fall asleep. You make me so beyond happy that it is impossible to describe. Words do not even begin to explain how much you mean to me. I love being your mommy and I will be for a very long time!
- I love you all so much! You are my world, my heart, and soul. Seeing you all together makes my heart soar with joy. I am so blessed to be your mommy. You make my life complete in every way. I love you guys!
- I love you. You are quite possibly the 2 greatest kids ever created. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your existence in my life and how much joy you bring me every single day. You boys make me proud to be your father.
- I love you my little angels. I am so blessed to be your mommy and to love you with all my heart. I feel like the luckiest person alive, to have such beautiful children that I adore. Give mommy a hug and a kiss and let me know you care!
- I love my kids so much. I don’t think I could ever picture my life without them. They bring me so much joy and happiness. I love being a mommy!
- I love my children. They are such a blessing in my life and I am so proud of them! They are smart, funny and beautiful!
- I’d rather be with you than anyone else in the world. You bring me so much joy and happiness, I can’t even begin to describe it. I love you so much!
- You’re my world. Without you kids, I’d feel lost in waves of melancholy and anxiety. Thank you for bringing so much happiness into my life every single day. Love you!
- I love you children. Love is a choice, not a feeling that just happens. I would have it no other way than to choose you every single time. I’m crazy in love with all things that make you who you are. I am so lucky to be your mommy and you don’t even know how special you are.
- I love you guys. You are the reason I get up every day and bring my best to the table. You make me proud on every occasion, I couldn’t ask for better kids. You bring so much joy to my life as well as making it difficult at times. I hope you know how loved you truly are by me. I couldn’t imagine my world without you!
- I love you more than words could say, and if I tried, I know with every breath I take, I’d still come up short, but even so my heart has just one simple wish, that you always know the truth: My kids are my world.
- I am so blessed to have a wonderful wife and three great boys. I love you all more than words can describe!
- There’s really nothing I could add that could describe how much I love you. You are my children and my world. You are the reason I keep on living.
- Everyone tells me my kids are my life, but they are not. You are my life. I live for you. Every single day I thank God that you are mine.
- You are my everything and I love you so much. I will always be here for you and love you with all that I have.
- Thanks for showing me what love is. Thanks for showing me what it means to be a parent. I want to be a good mom and make you proud. I love you so much!
- Your smiles and hugs make my day. I am so proud of the people you are becoming. I hope you know how much I love you, and how lucky I am to be your mom.
- You are my sunshine. You are my everything. I love you with all of my heart. If there was one thing I could wish for, it would be to spend eternity by your side and to watch you grow as a person. You are the greatest gift I could ever ask for, and I promise to love you and protect you always no matter what happens.
- I don’t know what I would do without you! Thank you for all you do. You are the best sons a mom could ever ask for. I love you more than life itself.
- Thank you for being the best children a parent could ask for. I’ll follow your lead when you’re ready, and until then I’m here to help you learn and grow.
- You are the lantern that lights up my day and you give the sun a run for its money. I love you and never doubt that I’m thinking about you. May God bless you with, health, happiness and all good things.
- Because you encouraged me, believed in me and made me who I am today. You are the role model for my kids and taught them how to respect themselves and others around them.
- You are the most important things in my life. I love you so much my little ones. I hope you always know that. I want to grow old with you and see many years of happiness ahead. You are my world, My whole life, Love you!
- I love you kids so much and I am sorry for every time when I lost my temper or was unkind to you. I love any kind of funny moments with you, because a day without laughing is a lost day. Thank you for brighten up my world and be the sunshine in my life. Love from mommy!
- I love you guys so much! I really couldn’t ask for better kids. You guys keep me smiling and laughing. I love how we are always laughing together. I hope you guys know how much I love you both. Love you, Mom!
- I love my kids so much. You are everything to me. If you ever need advice or someone to talk to just send me a text, I will always be there for you. I want to share my love for the rest of my life with you. Love Mommy!
- Sometimes life gets very busy, and I don’t always show you just how much I love you. But you three are the best part of my life. I hope that you’ll always remember how much I love you.
- I love the kids I could never ask for better kids. I love the way they smell and how they call me by my first name only. I even love their new freckles and crazy hair.
- Nothing can compare to the love I have for you. You have a mother that adores you, cherishes you, and lives for you. You will always be in my heart, my thoughts, my prayers. I love all three of my children very dearly and nothing can/will ever change that.
- Enjoy your day, my children. I hope you do as much as I love you! In a happy tone: I hope that you enjoy your day, my children. You mean the world to me and I am so grateful for you.
- I love you! Thank you for bringing passion, joy and laughter into my life. Thank you for making me a better person. I am so proud to call you, my daughter. I can’t wait to see all the wonderful things that lie ahead in your future. I promise always to be there for you through good times and bad. I love you more than words could ever say!
- You are my world, my everything. I love you more than words could ever express. I would give my life for any of you in an instant, and I would never regret it.
- My children are my life, my joy and happiness. I love you all so much, thank you for giving me the best times of my life. I will always love you kids!
- I love my kids so much. I know they drive me crazy but they are my pride and joy. There are no words to express the amount of love I feel for them. They make every day a challenge, but at the same time give me purpose in life. They also make every day of my life worth living and each day new and exciting.
- Although I’m far away from my family, my love for them will never fade. The times we have shared have made me happy and kept you close to me. I hope that one day I will be able to meet you in person. My kids are the most important things in my life, and I miss those precious moments with you too.
- I love you. Yes, you two! I never thought I could love people the way I love you two. You are the best parts of me and make my life complete. You each make my heart beat faster just with a smile your way. No matter where I go or what I do, you will always be in my heart. My only regret is not realizing this earlier!
- I am a proud parent, and I really love my cute kids. I couldn’t think of anything in the world more important than them. They are my sunshine in life!
- The day we met was the best day of my life. I love you so much and I just want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are my world and the reason why I am happy.
- I will always love you, even when I can’t see you. You are a very important part of my life and I want the best for you. Know that I will always be here when you need me.
Also See: I Will Protect You My Child Quotes