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Birthday Wishes For A Fisherman

Birthday Wishes For A Fisherman

There’s always a fishing enthusiast who loves to catch fish. For this person, here’s the perfect collection of birthday wishes for a fisherman that you can share with him or her.

Birthday Wishes For A Fisherman

  1. Happy birthday, my dearest fisherman! I have been fishing with you all my life and we have caught billions of fish together. They wanted to throw me overboard one day but you saved me. That’s why I always keep a lifeboat on my boat – in case you fall in the sea again!
  2. Fishing has a special place in my heart, and I would like to think it’s only because of you. If that’s true, then I must be in love. I’m so lucky to have you in my life and I look forward to many more days of fishing by your side.
  3. Happy birthday to my fishing buddy! I wish you nothing but the best and I hope this year is your best ever. I miss you!
  4. Dear John, Happy birthday! Today’s your special day and I want you to know that I’m sending you all my love. You’re my best friend, the only one I trust in this crazy world. May all your birthday wishes come true!
  5. Dear Mike, Happy Birthday! It’s hard to believe it has been 20 years since I first heard your voice. They were some of the best 20 years of my life; even the tough ones have been worth it because I get to share them with you. I love the way you look at me and make me smile even when I’m mad at you. You mean more to me then you will ever know and thank you for being in my life.
  6. Happy birthday to my husband! I hope your day is filled with love, joy and happiness. Everyday I am amazed by your kind heart, caring nature and hardworking spirit. I look forward to spending more birthdays with you by my side.
  7. Happy Birthday, my special friend! You are always in my heart and I hope that you will always be in mine too. Happy Birthday!
  8. Another year has flew by and it’s still hard to believe that you’re older now. You grow stronger every day, wiser and braver. I’m so very proud of the man you’ve become. Life is too beautiful to live with regrets. You should always remember that. Find a hobby or cause that makes your heart skip a beat. Our love will make every day worth living!
  9. Today you are a year older but I will always consider you younger. Happy birthday and may we meet in the very near future.
  10. Happy Birthday! Hope your day is filled with love and fun, family and friends.
  11. Happy birthday, my brother. I hope your day is special and that you celebrated with the one you love the most. Here’s to many more celebrating together till we grow old.
  12. Happy birthday fisherman! You are my best friend and the reason I get up every morning. I love spending precious time with you so I hope your birthday is filled with all kinds of joy!
  13. It doesn’t surprise me that you are so good at finding the fish. We’ve been friends for so long I can almost feel your hook hitting my heart. On your special day, I want to wish you many more years of success and happiness with fishing and the rest of your life. Also, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday!
  14. John, you’re my best friend and I love fishing with you. It is always such a fun and relaxing day with you. Happy birthday my friend!
  15. The man who fishes in the ocean of love, the man who catches big fish, the man who is surrounded by his friends, family and loved ones. A very happy birthday! Much love, kisses and hugs from me!
  16. I am so lucky to have you as my friend. So lucky to have a man I can turn towards for support, for advice and to just say hello. I hope we can be friends forever. It’s not a dream of mine, but it’s one of yours and I will do anything for you. You are the most loyal and caring person alive. Happy birthday my best friend in the world, keep fishing!
  17. Thank you for everything these past 23 years. I love it when we fish and talk about all the places we’ve been. I hope to add more and more memories!
  18. I’m so excited to take you out with my friends for your birthday. Last year you lost some expensive gear and we celebrated in our cottage so this is going to be a great night! I hope you’re ready to party! I love you!!!
  19. My brother, there is no one in this world I admire more. I am beyond blessed that I can call you my brother and that we’ve been able to build a loving relationship over the years. Happy birthday, I hope you have an amazing day!
  20. You are my very best friend. I love how you’re always over, laughing, joking and just being an all-round gentleman. I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather spend my time with; we talk for hours about everything under the sun. You’re so easy to talk to, I’m so glad our paths crossed that fateful night at the bar!
  21. Happy birthday! I hope you have the best day ever! You’re the greatest friend, the best roommate, and my favorite fisherman. I’m so lucky to have you in my life.
  22. I hope your day is filled with lots of fun and good times. I remember the first time I laid eyes on you, it was love at first sight. Even when I’m across the world, my heart is by your side. Thinking of you, wish you a very happy birthday!
  23. You are my best friend, my husband, and my fishing buddy all rolled into one! No matter how cold and wet we get, we always keep our sense of humor. You are the only one who can make me laugh even when something is not funny. Thank you for being by my side through all these years. I couldn’t imagine life without you!
  24. Nothing keeps me more focused than the thought of going fishing with you. I love watching you cast, reeling in your line and the fight to catch a big fish. Being out on the water with you makes me so happy that my heart fills with pure joy. I can’t wait to go fishing!!!
  25. Hoping this birthday brings you many good things. Always surrounded by loved ones, friends and family no matter where you are in the world. You have been a great friend and inspiration to me since I met you. I hope this coming year is even better then the last.
  26. I hope this day brings you as much joy as you bring me. You are my best friend and the love of my life. I look forward to spending this birthday with you by my side! Have an amazing day!
  27. Happy Birthday! You’re only as old as you feel and you’re 40 going on 18. I hope all your birthday wishes come true.
  28. Happy birthday to my best friend! I hope you have the best day and get everything you wish for. I just want you to know how special you are to me, and how much I love you. You’ve brought so much joy and happiness into my life. I just want to say thank you for always being by my side. I love you!
  29. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. You never say a word but in my heart I know your thinking of me like you always do. I can see it in your eyes, feel it in the wind and hear it on the wave. And if you ask, I’ll be there if you ever need me. One thing is clear, one thing will never change…I will love you, forever and always!
  30. Babe, I am so grateful for everything you have done for me, dropping everything to make me a home cooked meal, working day and night to afford us this house, and even sharing your fishing stories that make me laugh out loud. Thanks for being the rock in our relationship and making legends with me.
  31. Happy Birthday, Kip! I always knew that you were one of a kind, but I never thought you would be one of a few who escape the loony bin before the age of ten! Happy birthday, my friend! May this day always be filled with good health and much happiness.
  32. Happy birthday, Mr. Fisherman! I’m glad I can officially call you that. Whether you’re deep sea fishing or pond fishing I think we all know you’re catching them big time. Yeah buddy! Congrats on turning another year older and keep up the great work just being your awesome self.
  33. I hope your birthday is the best one yet! I wish for you to be surrounded by friends that you can share a laugh with and good times. I hope the years ahead are filled with love, happiness, and good health. I want to thank you for all that you do for me every day. I am truly grateful for your friendship, love and companionship.
  34. I know what it’s like to fish in the deep. It’s a job that requires patience, work and a lot of determination. The thing is you don’t have to fish alone, you’ve got me there supporting you. Don’t forget your promise to help me hunt for treasure, no matter how long it takes we will look until we find it! Happy birthday my friend.
  35. I bet you’re out on the water, the place where you truly feel most alive. It’s hard to come up with words to describe you because there are no words that could ever come close to even scratching the surface of your greatness. Thank you for always putting me first in your life, allowing me to share in it and be a part of all that you do. I love you more than anything in this world, and hope that we share many wonderful years together!
  36. It’s your birthday, go catch some fish! Happy Birthday.
  37. Happy birthday! You have been one of the best friends to me, and I consider myself lucky to have someone like you in my life. Hope you have a great day, I love you bro.
  38. Happy Birthday my guy! I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy your birthday week!
  39. When I first caught sight of you, it was the day that I fell in love. You are so kind, so funny and so cute. And I could tell right away that this would be no ordinary crush. You will always be my special someone, and my feelings will never change. I couldn’t be luckier to have you by my side through all the years. Love you!
  40. Happy birthday! Here’s to one year of friendship I hope it will last our whole lives. Let’s drink some beer and laugh, let’s laugh and drink some more. Stay healthy and have fun for many years to come, as long as we are good friends my life is going to be great. Cheers old pal!
  41. Today marks the beginning of your new life. The chances you take, the things you try, and the dreams that you dream will bring you to new and wonderful places in this world. Never give up on your dreams, they took you where you are now and they’ll lead you to success. And remember: there’s only one way out of this world and that’s in a body bag. Take it in stride baby boy.
  42. You know what they say, “Once a fisherman, always a fisherman!” Haha! Inside look for your birthday. I want to personally thank you for being in my life. I love you and miss you every day. I’m going to make sure you have an amazing day with lots of hugs, kisses and love from me. Thanks for making me the happy girl that I am today!

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